1. vendor: [ˈvendɚ] n. 小贩;摊贩;(某种产品的) 销售公司;(房屋等的) 卖主

2. peddler:[ˈpedlə(r)] n. 流动小贩;货郎

3. hawker:[ˈhɔːkə(r)] n. 沿街叫卖者;小贩

说到“摊位”,一般用3个词表达。stand:[stænd] 货摊 stall:[stɔːl] 货摊, 售货亭 booth:[buːθ] 临时货摊(或放映棚等)

那么,booth、stall、stand有什么区别呢?booth可指一个小隔间,或两面、三面围起来的小空间,可以是电话亭、雅座、售货摊、展位等。stall一般侧重于集市上的摊位。我们的夜市上的摊位就可以叫stall。另外,stall做动词时表示暂停、推后、拖延、熄火等,用法也比较常见。例如:Negotiations remained stalled yesterday in New York.昨天在纽约进行的谈判依然陷于停滞状态。stand指设在户外或大型公众建筑物内的小店,售货摊。例如:She bought a hot dog from a stand on a street corner.她从街角的小摊上买了个热狗。与booth和stall相比,stand 更侧重于独立摊位。
become a street vendor
set up a street vending stall
摆地摊,其实也就是在街边卖东西,可用 street vending 表示。

例如:He had his street vending licence taken away.他的街头行业执照被收缴了。来看看China Daily对“地摊”的报道:Cities around China started allowing people to set up roadside booths or food stalls on streets on a regular basis over the weekend.The vendors had been banned to keep the cities clean, and their return is expected to help increase people's incomes and revive local economies hit hard by the novel coronavirus outbreak.此前,各地为保持市政整洁禁止摆摊。如今,地摊的回归有望帮助人们增加收入,并重振受到疫情重创的地方经济。Night markets and food stalls can be opened in designated areas in parks, public squares and empty spaces as long as they don't interrupt traffic and local life. They also have to pass environmental protection assessments.允许利用有条件的公园、广场、空场,在不扰民、不影响交通、不影响市民休闲、不污染环境的前提下,开办夜市、排档。