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ANSYS Maxwell2020R1 – What’s New

ANSYS Maxwell
2020R1 – What’s New    




New Release Capabilities

1 Element-based Volumetric Harmonic Force Coupling

Maxwell Eddy Current or Maxwell Transient to ANSYS Harmonic Response 

•Uses Non-uniform Discrete Fourier Transform to covert to Freq domain for Harmonic Response and Harmonic Acoustics


New Release Capabilities          

2D Multi-slice Model for Object-based Harmonic Force Coupling

•Quasi-3D effects considered by 2D multi-slice model

•Object based harmonic force

•Harmonic force generated for full 3D mechanical (2D skew model is not supported in mechanical)


2D Multi-slice Model for Object-based Harmonic Force Coupling.


Enhanced Capabilities

1 Demagnetization Coefficient Plot in 2D and 3D

Demagnetization coefficient definition:

      Demag_coef[%] = Br1/Br0*100%

      Demag_coef = 1, no any demagnetization at the location

      Demag_coef = 0, fully demagnetized at that location


Demag_coef shade plot over all nonlinear permanent magnets 

Demag_coef curve with time at specific location using expression cache

Demagnetization percentage statistics curves with time by accounting for all magnet volume associated with Demag_Coef above threshold from 0.1 to 0.9 with step 0.1 respectively (total 9 curves)



Demagnetization coefficient shade plot



Demag coefficient at specified location vs time

Demag percentage statistics curve vs time


Litz Wire Modeling

Simple conductor considers individual strands 

New material composition: Litz Wire

Wire type: Round, Square, Rectangular 

Considers additional ohmic loss due to skin and proximity effects 

Reports additional loss curve: StrandedLossAC


AC Winding Loss in Machine Toolkit

Stator winding loss:


DC winding loss:      

P_dc=I_rms^2 (R_a+R_b+R_c )

AC winding loss:      

P_dc=〖3I〗_rms^2 R_ac=〖3I〗_rms^2 R_ac0 (f/f_0 )^2 (k_ξ/k_ξ0 )

where Rac0 is the user-defined ac-resistance at reference frequency, and

k_ξ=3/2ξ  (sinhξ-sinξ)/(coshξ-cosξ), ξ=a√(πfμ_0 σ)

a is the width/diameter of the winding strand conductor.

Rac0, a, σ, and f0 are inputs in the machine toolkit UI.

Winding loss with dc loss only (Rdc = 0.015 Ω)


Winding loss with dc & ac losses (Rac = 0.003 Ω at 60 Hz)


New Machine Type: Synchronous Reluctance Machine

The sweeping variables are phase RMS current, angle Gamma and Speed 

Auto angle alignment 

Periodic and half-periodic TDM supported 

DQ-axis component calculation: d-axis rotor has the largest permeance/inductance






Postprocessing Harmonic Force Density in Maxwell 2D/3D Transient

Automatic FFT creates 2D reports: vector or amplitude at specified frequency – phase angle 

Harmonic force density reports and plots in Transient time-domain solver



BETA Capabilities

1 Maxwell 3D Transient - A-Phi formulation [Beta]

Formulated using the A and electric scalar potential φ 

The first order edge elements for magnetic vector potential 

A and the second order nodal elements for electric scalar potential φ 

Multi-terminal conductors support sources of various types on a single conduction path 

Partial inductance calculated (not loop) 

J and E fields calculated directly because it is the first order approximation Applicable for bus bar thermal problems where multiple terminals can be excited with arbitrary waveforms and the power loss can be



J=σ(-dA/dt- ∇ φ)

∇×μ^(-1) ∇×A=-σ dA/dt- σ∇ φ+∇×H_c

∇⋅(-σ dA/dt- σ∇ φ)= 0

Planned for future releases:

External Circuit     
Cosimulation with Simulink     
Displacement (capacitive) effect     
Core loss effect on fields     
Hysteresis effect on fields     
Magnetization/DemagnetizationTwin builder cosimulation     
HPC and MPI Motion    



Auto Partial Simulation for Full Rotational Machine [Beta]


Pros: easy to setup; better field visualization to understand physics

Cons: very large computation time

•Manually created reduced-model by applying planar master/slave boundary

Pros: much less computation time

Cons: not easy to setup; less intuitive from reduced-model visualization

•Auto partial model creation, meshing, simulation, post-processing with non-planar matching boundary

Preserve and combine all pros eliminating all cons from both full model and reduced model

•Applicable to non-skewed machine model with/without clone mesh [Beta]


3 Mechanical Design Type in Electronics Desktop [Beta]

Mechanical Solvers: Modal and Thermal 

Supports 2-way coupling with electromagnetics 

Integrated UI: Modeler, Scripting, Optimetrics, Post ProcessingMesh: AEDT Classic/TAU mesher or mesh linking from Maxwell 

Installation and licensing (Icepak solver) in Electronics Desktop






4 Thermal Simulation for Electric Motor Design in AEDT [Beta]

Mechanical Solvers: Modal and Thermal 

Supports 2-way coupling with







MechanicalElectronics DesktopIcepakMaxwellHPCAcoustics
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