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牛逼啊!来看美国MxD Cypersecurity



这两天这篇文章:西门子SPPA-T3000工控系统爆出致命漏洞且未完全修复,全球电厂或再遭劫难!刷屏了!可以看得出,Cyper Space(赛柏空间)的安全,要多重要有多重要。

我在美国14个制造业研究机构中,找到由美国国防部(U.S. Department of Defense )在2014年资助$80 million建立的MxD(Manufacturing x Digital)机构,并在其官方网站https://mxdusa.org中发现了Cypersecurity project,还有这个项目的详细资料,分享给大家。


MxD:Manufacturing x Digital

MxD, previously called DMDII (Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation Institute), is the second of the 14 institutes, known collectively as Manufacturing USA. The U.S. Department of Defense awarded the organization $80 million in seed funding in 2014, following a national competition.

The City of Chicago marshalled support for the bid and, along with the State of Illinois, provided much of the funding for the build out of nearly 100,000 square feet of space for MxD’s offices, events and factory floor.

Since its founding, the institute has awarded more than $90 million to more than 60 research and development projects across 35 states. Further, about 12,000 guests visit each year for tours and meetings.

What does MxD stand for?

Manufacturing times digital.

What is Manufacturing USA?

A network of 14 advanced manufacturing institutes, of which MxD is one, whose goal is to improve America’s competitiveness in the sector.

What types of work does MxD do?

We focus on R&D projects, workshops, and testbeds in the following areas: predictive analytics and maintenance; agile, resilient supply chains; cybersecurity; digital fingerprinting; augmented reality; and digital twin.



About Cybersecurity:

What do U.S. manufacturers need to secure the factory environment? And how are those tools deployed inside small and medium-sized manufacturers, many of which don’t even have IT departments? One thing that makes cybersecurity so challenging for manufacturers is that companies are only as strong as the weakest link in their supply chains. As organizations digitize and become more interconnected, they must be constantly vigilant with not only their own security practices but also with those of their suppliers.

What Is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is protecting Internet-connected systems. As manufacturing goes digital, the attack surface only expands. According the 2018 Verizon data breach investigation report, 86% of cyberattacks in the sector are targeted rather than opportunistic, and nearly half are thefts of intellectual property, undertaken to gain a competitive advantage.

What Dose MxD Do?

The National Center for Cybersecurity in Manufacturing does three things. First, it uses its factory floor as a demonstration area for existing cybersecurity technology. Second, it works to develop new tools to address very specific pain points for manufacturers. And third, it is working with industry and government to figure out how to get these tools to small and medium-sized manufacturers. Most of these companies do not even have in-house tech support, let alone cybersecurity expertise.


RFP – Cybersecurity Toolkit Pilot Program

Cybersecurity is an important consideration for America’s supply chain. Manufacturers are targets of attacks from individuals, organized-crime, and nation-states with intellectual property and data being the object of these attacks. The challenges are the same for manufacturers big and small but access to resources and expertise for addressing these challenges are not.

In line with our goals of better securing the supply chain by developing and/or curating low-cost solutions that are easy to deploy and maintain by small and medium manufacturers in the supply chain, MxD is releasing a Request for Proposals for the evaluation of solution(s) that meet the aforementioned criteria among others. This RFP is for the evaluation of a cloud-based solution(s) for the assessment of vulnerabilities and non-disruptive penetration testing of manufacturing operations with results that are intuitive and actionable for these classes of manufacturers.



项目资料中详细介绍了Problem Statement,Objectives and Technical Requirements等等,非常详细和具有可操作性。

Wat Dos MxD

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