1 引言
菲米斯顿矿(Fimiston Pit),非正式地称为Super pit,是澳大利亚最大的露天金矿,位于卡尔古利-博尔德市(Kalgoorlie-Boulder)以东,距离西澳大利亚珀斯(Perth)以东约600km。Fimiston Pit的开采始于1989年,在这之前,已经进行了近一个世纪的密集的地下开采,最大深度达1300m。该矿目前由KCGM(Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines)和北极星(Northern Star)拥有和经营,是全球排名第六最深的露天矿,露天矿长3.8公里,宽1.5公里,深达600米,2020年的矿坑(Golden Pike cutback)深度扩大到720米,整体边坡角52°。双台阶的坡面角设计为75°/90°。本文更新了Fimiston Pit数据集。
2 边坡参数
3 相关文献
(1999) Simulation of A Large Open Pit Mine Operation In Australia
(2002) Measurement and analysis of rock mass discontinuity spacing and frequency in part of the Fimiston Open Pit operation in Kalogeria, Western Australia: a case study
(2003) Estimates of rock shear strength in part of the Fimiston open pit operation in Western Australia
(2006) Underground Workings Detection At The Fimiston Open Pit KCGM
(2007) Wall Optimisation – A Case Study from the Fimiston Open Pit, Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines
(2011) Evaluation of Open Pit Mine Slope Stability Analysis
(2011) Photogrammetric Mapping and Survey Assessment of Complex Structural Geology in the Design Analysis of Pit Walls: Superpit, Kalgoorlie
(2011) Use of Three-Dimensional Distinct Element Numerical Modelling to Determine Ultimate Pit Slope Stability in Areas of Highly Dense Relict Underground Openings: Super Pit, Kalgoorlie
(2011) Optimisation of the Eastern Pit Wall of the Superpit: An Example of a Staged Capital-Delivered Geotechnical Design to Increase Project Value
(2013) Slope stability study in open pit and underground mines by means of forensic analysis and radar interferometry
(2016) Slope steepening of the Golden Pike west wall at Fimiston Pit
(2018) Initiatives to address rockfall risk at KCGM Super pit operation