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DEP MeshWorks eMOD: A Unique Set of Meshing


DEP’s Exclusive Electrification module

The development of electric vehicles have been a topic of debate in the recent times. Key Industry players are accelerating the pace of their product development process as they develop new concepts of electric, connected, autonomous, and shared mobility. One such way of accelerating the development of electric vehicle is eMOD (Electrification module) a unique collection of tools from DEP.

Our Electrification module is a set of meshing and assembly tools for modeling battery, drive unit, and inverter structures, as well as CFD and body structures. These meshing tools produce component-level models, which are then used to analyze solvers in the future. This module contains couplers, which are specialized connectors that help send the output of one analysis as the input of another. All of these characteristics, combined with a specialized workflow, make it possible to develop electric vehicles to their full potential.

Comprehensive Structural & CFD modeling tools available in MeshWorks:

1. Battery Models

2. Power Electronics Models

3. Electric Drive Unit Models

4. Full Vehicle Models

Key Features:

1. Specialized meshing tools for Battery, EDU & Inverters

2. Specialized Assembly & Connection tools

3. Parametrization & optimization of the electrified powertrain components

4. Variational & robustness studies using MeshWorks

Advantages of our Electrification module:

Fast modeling

Our customers will benefit from a faster and easier way to model components using this unique set of attributes. This saves time and improves overall efficiency by avoiding the process of learning all of the modules.

Pre-defined Workflows

Our workflows can eliminate several years of experience by guiding the user step by step throughout the process, which spans multiple solvers. Each of these is an analytical path that must be followed in order to determine a component’s functional efficiency.

Unique set of tools

Customers will be able to create unique structures and easily alter the model using our unique set of tools, such as “ConceptWorks.” ConceptWorks allows users to quickly and easily create CAE models with members, bracing, and joints using only a few user inputs.

Electrification workflows facilitated by MeshWorks

1. Electro-Magnetism Analysis (EMA) of Electric Drive Unit

2. CFD & CHT Analysis of Electric Drive Unit

3. High Frequency Noise Analysis of Electric Drive Unit

4. CFD & CHT Analysis of Inverter

5. Vibration & Shock Analysis of Inverter

6. Battery Cell level Electro-Chemical Analysis

7. Battery Pack level CFD & CHT Analysis

8. Vehicle Level Crash Analysis for Battery Pack

9. System Modeling of Electric Vehicle

10. Optimization to minimize Aero-drag

11. Optimization to minimize Vehicle Weight

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