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      Wu J, Liu W, Li J, et al. Artificial neural network prediction of wellbore stability in offshore shallow formations[J]. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 2024, 243: 213322. DOI:10.1016/j.geoen.2024.213322.




Wellbore instability is one of the most critical challenges during drilling, which may result in complex problems such as stuck pipe, high torque and mud loss, impeding the drilling progress and increasing the cost of drilling operations. Offshore shallow formations are characterized by weak consolidation and low strength, causing serious wellbore collapse frequently. The traditional physics-based wellbore instability models attempt to predict the risk of failure of the wellbore for given drilling fluid densities and provide optimal fluid density for safe drilling. However, these models generally involve quite a few empirical coefficients, determination of which heavily rely on the field experiences of the engineers, and thus the results may vary greatly from person to person. In this study, an artificial neural network (ANN) model has been established for wellbore stability prediction, aiming to reduce the subjectivity while mapping the drilling performance of neighboring wells into the predicted results. Eleven factors that may affect wellbore stability have been identified from the prevailing physics-based model and used as the input of the ANN model, while the wellbore enlargement rate (WER) is used as the output to quantify the wellbore stability performance. The model has been trained using data from 5 wells drilled in the offshore shallow formations of the Bohai Bay Basin in east China and then used to predict the WER of another well in the same region. The results show that the mean absolute percentage error is 6.113%, and at most well depths the predicted wellbore diameter deviate from the measured values not more than 5%. Comparison of the ANN model and some other machine learning models, including random forest model, decision trees model, linear regression model, was conducted, which demonstrated the best performance of the ANN model in terms of the predicted wellbore diameter profile. Finally, the potential application of the ANN model in optimizing mud weight has been illustrated through the predicted wellbore diameter profiles for different mud weights. It is worth noting that the method presented in this paper is of physics and data-driven nature and provides a new research insight for wellbore stability analysis.

图1 渤中凹陷周边典型浅层油气田分布(a)与综合地层柱(b)测井数据(c)

      测井时每0.1m采集一组数据,X-1~X-6 6口井的测井数据共获得78985组数据(图1(c))

图2 数据集的静态分析

图3 WER与各因素的相关系数。


图4 具有一个隐藏层的人工神经网络模型结构


图5 5口用于训练的井径:(a)X-1井;(b)X-3井;(c)X-4井;(d)X-5井;(e)井X-6


图6 X-2井在(a)500-1000米、(b)1000.1-1500米、(c)1500.1-2021米深度的预测和实际井筒直径


图7 不同模型的绝对百分比误差分布。


图8 不同泥浆密度下的井眼直径预测

      结果表明,泥浆比重为1.1 g/cm3时,预测井筒直径更大,更接近实际值。随着泥浆比重的增加,预测井眼直径逐渐减小增加。预测结果与经验知识一致,即适当增加泥浆比重可以防止井筒坍塌,表明人工神经网络模型具有优化泥浆比重的能力。当钻井液密度为1.3g/cm3时,井径最接近钻头尺寸。




       Fuzhi Chen, Jiajia Gao, Yutian Feng, et al. Optimizing the wellbore trajectory of directional wells considering wellbore stability Subjected to the non-independence and uncertainty of geomechanical parameters[J]. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 2024, 241:213085. DOI:10.1016/j.geoen.2024.213085.




      Effectively analyzing the wellbore stability risk in directional wells is important in exploring oil and gas resources in complex deep formations. An evaluation model of wellbore stability prefers to determine the wellbore instability pressures related to collapse pressure and fracture pressure that controls the optimized wellbore trajectory and is strongly related to the characteristics of geomechanical parameters, including the mechanical and strength parameters, in-situ stresses, and pore pressure, However, the measured errors and inherent fuzziness during the obtaining of geomechanical parameters introduce the uncertainty characteristics and further produce a probability distribution within a certain range of the wellbore instability pressures. Besides, the determination of horizontal in-situ stresses and the strength parameters also are correlated with the mechanical parameters including elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio. Therefore, an effective means of risk assessment of wellbore instability resorts to introducing uncertainty quantification, depending on the appropriate distribution function, and correlations of geomechanical parameters into the evaluation model of wellbore stability. This work proposes a risk analysis method for wellbore instability considering the uncertainty and correlation of geomechanical parameters. Firstly, the uncertainty characteristics and parameter correlations are quantified by Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K–S) test and Pearson linear coefficient through data sampling of geomechanical parameters. Then, the Monte Carlo method and the Nataf transform are combined to make the randomly generated samples restore the uncertainty and correlation characteristics of the parameters themselves. Finally, the sample is brought into the optimal model to realize the risk analysis of wellbore instability and parameter sensitivity evaluation of the target formation under parameter uncertainty and non-independent conditions. The main research shows that the uncertainty of the prediction results of collapse pressure and fracture pressure is significantly reduced by using the newly proposed method to analyze the risk of wellbore instability. In addition, the results of wellbore trajectory optimization indicate that the uncertainty of in-situ stress makes it possible for the formation rock to experience a changing type of stress state, for example, normal stress faulting changing to the strike-slip one, which significantly affects the evaluation of wellbore stability and the selection of wellbore trajectory optimization. The uncertainty range of collapse pressure prediction is greater than that of fracture pressure regardless of whether the parameters are independent or not. However, the overall value of the fracture pressure compared to the collapse pressure is significantly affected by the wellbore trajectory. Meanwhile, considering the direct effect of a single factor, the in-situ stress has a great influence on the risk analysis of wellbore instability, especially the minimum horizontal in-situ stress has the most obvious influence on the fracture pressure. The influence of geomechanical parameters such as elastic modulus, Poisson’s ratio, cohesion, internal friction angle, and tensile strength on wellbore instability is relatively weak. However, the aforementioned variation ignores the correlation characteristics of the parameters themselves. With the correlation characteristics considered, weak parameters such as elastic modulus, Poisson’s ratio, and pore pressure have a strong correlation with in-situ stress, and thus exert the indirect effect on wellbore instability. 

图1  不同坐标系之间的转换(ICS、GCS和BCS分别表示地应力坐标系、全球坐标系和钻孔坐标系)


图2 基于蒙特卡罗方法和Nataf变换的相关地质力学参数定量处理


图3 基于地质力学参数均值的定向井坍塌和破裂压力变化


图4 坍塌压力和破裂压力等效密度散点图和累积分布曲线


图5 不同断裂状态下井筒轨迹参数敏感性变化


图6 孔隙弹性参数之间的特征关系

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