function [iout,qout,ramp,rcos,rsin]=fade(idata,qdata,nsamp,tstp,fd,no,counter,flat)
%%% 函数说明
%%% Generate Rayleigh fading
% 瑞利衰落!!!
%%%%%% 变量名定义 %%%%%%
%%% 输出变量
% iout : output Ich data
% qout : output Qch data
% ramp : Amplitude contaminated by fading
% rcos : Cosine value contaminated by fading
% rsin : sine value contaminated by fading
%%% 输入变量
% idata : input Ich data
% qdata : input Qch data
% nsamp : Number of samples to be simulated
% tstp : Minimum time resolution
% fd : maximum doppler frequency
% no : number of waves in order to generate fading
% counter : fading counter
% flat : flat fading or not
% 1->flat (only amplitude is fluctuated),
% 0->nomal(phase and amplitude are fluctutated)
%%****** 函数主体 ********%%
if fd ~= 0.0
ac0 = sqrt(1.0 ./ (2.0.*(no + 1)));
% power normalized constant(ich)
as0 = sqrt(1.0 ./ (2.0.*no));
% power normalized constant(qch)