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Fig. 1. Tectonic setting of Sichuan basin, the location of wells and outcrops and structure section of rocks in the Dengying Formation

图 1.四川盆地的构造环境、灯影组的油气井和露头位置以及岩石的结构剖面

Fig. 2. Macrophotographs and microphotographs of botryoidal structure in the Sinian Dengying Formation in Sichuan basin. a. Dolomite with botryoidal structure, well Tianxing 1, 2759.62 m, z2dy2; b. Botryoidal structure, well Z6, 3769.25 m, z2dy2; c. The botryoidal structure developed along the layer, Xianfeng outcrop, z2dy2; d. Micritic algal dolomite, the cave is filled by botryoidal structure, well Moxi 11, 5496.40–5496.48 m, cross polarized light; e. Sparry dolarenite, the pores between the grains are filled by botryoidal structure, well GK1, 5409 m, polarized light; f. Grain-bounded dolomite, the karren is semi-filled by botryoidal structure, well Gaoshi 2, 5368.88–5368.97 m, polarized light

图 2.四川盆地震旦系灯影组葡萄状构造的宏观照片和微观照片。a. 葡萄状白云岩,天星1井,12759.62米,灯影组2段;b. 葡萄状构造,Z6井,3769.25米;灯影组2段c. 沿地层发育的葡萄状构造,先锋露头,灯影组2段;d. 泥晶白云岩,洞穴内充填有葡萄状构造,磨溪11井,5496.40-5496.48米,交叉偏振光;e. 亮晶白云岩,粒间孔隙由葡萄状构造充填,GK1井,5409米,偏振光;f. 颗粒白云岩,溶洞被葡萄状构造半充填,高石2井,5368.88-5368.97米,偏振光

Fig. 3. Microphotographs of pore-filling finely-medium crystalline dolomite of burial stage in Sinian Dengying Formation in Sichuan basin. a. Silty dolomite, the karstic caves were filled by finely-medium crystalline dolomite, Nanjiang Shatan, the top of z2dy2, polarized light; b. Grain-bounded dolomite, the caves were filled by finely-medium crystalline dolomite and bitumen, well Moxi 8, 5106.93 m, polarized light

图3. 四川盆地震旦系灯影组埋藏期细-中晶白云岩孔隙充填的微观照片。a.粉砂质白云岩,溶洞被细-中晶白云岩充填,南江沙滩,灯影组四段顶层,偏振光;b. 颗粒白云岩,洞穴被细-中晶白云岩和沥青充填,磨溪8井,5106.93米,偏振光


Fig. 4. Macrophotographs and microphotographs of the pore-filling coarse crystalline dolomite of burial stage in Sinian Dengying Formation in Sichuan basin. a. The cave was filled by coarse crystalline dolomite, Xianfeng outcrop, z2dy2; b. The cave in the crystalline dolomite was semi-filled by crystalline dolomite, well Moxi 9, 5440.25–5440.34 m, z2dy2; c. Karren in the silty crystalline dolomite was filled by two periods of sparry dolomite, the first phase is silty-finely crystalline dolomite, the second phase is coarse crystalline dolomite, and the two are dissolved and unconformable contact, Gucheng, z2dy2, polarized light; d. The cathode luminescence of photo c, silty-finely crystalline dolomite of the first period is dark brown, coarse crystalline of the second period is red, and the growing edge is bright red, (CL)

图4. 四川盆地震旦系灯影组埋藏期粗晶白云岩充填孔隙的宏观照片和微观照片。a. 粗晶白云岩充填洞穴,先锋露头,灯影组2段;b. 结晶白云岩半充填洞穴,磨溪9井,5440.25–5440.34米,灯影组2段;c. 两相亮晶白云岩的充填粉砂质白云岩溶洞,第一个相为粉砂质-细晶白云岩,第二个相为粗晶白云岩,二者呈溶蚀、不整合接触,固城,灯影组四段,偏振光;d. 图片c的阴极发光,第一个相的粉砂质-细晶白云岩呈深褐色,第二个相的粗晶体呈红色,生长边缘呈亮红(CL)

Fig. 5. Temperature measurement characteristics of coarse crystalline dolomite and quartz filling inclusions in Dengying Formation in Sichuan basin. a. Coarse crystalline and saddle dolomite inclusions and corresponding homogenization temperature in dissolution caves; b. Homogenization temperature histogram of coarse crystalline and saddle dolomite inclusions, D2 represents coarse crystalline dolomite; c. Late quartz filling inclusions and homogenization temperature; d. Homogenization temperature histogram of late quartz filling inclusions, Q1 represents late quartz

图5. 四川盆地灯影组粗晶白云岩和石英充填包裹体的测温特征。a. 溶洞中的粗晶和鞍状白云岩包裹体以及相应的均一温度;b. 粗晶和鞍状白云岩包裹体的均一温度直方图,D2代表粗晶白云岩;c. 后期石英充填包裹体和均一温度;d. 晚期石英充填包裹体的均一温度直方图,Q1代表晚期石英

Fig. 6. Macrophotographs and microphotographs of pore-filling Siliceous quartzs in the Sinian Dengying Formation in Sichuan basin. a. Grey-brown algal dolomite, the cave was semi-filled by siliceous quartzs and crystalline dolomite, well Moxi 8, 5425.64–5425.72 m; b. Grey-brown algal dolomite, the cave was semi-filled by siliceous quartzs and crystalline dolomite, well Z6, 3712.32 m, z2dy2 ; c. Micritic algal dolomite, the caves were filled by subhedral-euhedral quartzs, well GK1, 5410.18 m, polarized light; d. Pore-filling quartzs in seam and dissolution pores, well Moxi 11, 5141.44–5141.55 m, cross polarized light

图6. 四川盆地震旦系灯影组硅质石英孔隙填充的宏观照片和微观照片。a. 灰褐色藻屑白云岩,硅质石英和结晶白云岩半充填洞穴,磨溪8井,5425.64–5425.72 米;b. 灰褐色藻屑白云岩,硅质石英和结晶白云岩充填洞穴,Z6井,3712.21米,灯影组3段;c. 泥藻晶白云岩,被半自形-自形石英充填洞穴,GK1井,5410.18米,偏振光;d. 缝隙和溶孔中的石英填充孔隙,磨溪11井,5141.44–5141.55 米,交叉偏正光

Fig. 7. Macrophotographs and microphotographs of the pore-filling bitumens in the Dengying Formation in the Sichuan basin. a. The caves were filled by bitumens, well Moxi 9, 5046.15–2046.31 m; b. Algal-bounded dolomite, dissolution pores which were developed between algal-bounded framework were semi-filled by bitumens, HJB-1A, the top of z2dy2; c. Dolarenite, residual corrosion holes were nearly full filled by bitumens, well Moxi 8, 5155.52 m, polarized light; d. The porefilling bitumens, well Anping 1, 5062 m, polarized light

图7.四川盆地灯影组沥青充填孔隙的宏观照片和微观照片。a. 沥青充填洞穴,磨溪9井,95046.15-2046.31米;b. 藻粘结白云岩,藻粘结之间发育的溶解孔隙被沥青半填充,HJB-1A,灯影组4段顶层;c. 白云岩,剩余腐蚀孔几乎被沥青填满,磨溪8井,85155.52米,偏振光;d.沥青填充孔隙,安平1井,15062米,偏振光

Table 1. Results of electron probe analysis of dolomite cements in the karren of Dengying Formation


Table 2. The characteristics of pore fillings in Dengying Formation in Sichuan Basin

表 2.四川盆地灯影组孔隙填充特征





(1) 四川盆地灯影组的充填物主要由白云岩、硅质石英和沥青组成。








Pore-fillings of dolomite reservoirs in Sinian Dengying Formation in Sichuan basin

Chao Chen, Xuefei Yang, Xingzhi Wang, Deming Zeng, Mingyou Feng, Lin Xie, Xiang Li


The Sinian Dengying Formation in the Sichuan basin is an important potential reservoir for oil and gas exploration in the periphery of the Sichuan basin. Its reservoirs were well developed. And many kinds of fillings which lead to the decrease of pores can be seen in reservoir pores and caves. In this paper, the pore fillings of the Dengying Formation reservoir in Sichuan basin are the object of study. The types and characteristics of the fillings are studied in detail by means of rock slices analysis, cathode luminescence, trace elements and inclusion temperature measurement. The study shows that the fillings include dolomite fillings and siliceous quartz fillings and bitumen fillings. Among them, dolomite fillings can be divided into botryoidal dolomite fillings, foliated dolomite fillings, finely-medium crystalline dolomite fillings and coarse crystalline dolomite fillings. 50%–80% of the pores are filled by the dolomite fillings with botryoidal structure, and the pores can be partially full filled; 0%–20% of pores are filled by foliated dolomite fillings; 20–80% of the pores are filled by finely-medium dolomite fillings; 20–80% of the pores are filled by coarse crystalline dolomite fillings. 1%–5% of secondary pores are often filled by siliceous quartzs, and the pores can be partially full filled. Bitumen fillings often occur after the above-mentioned fillings, and the residual pores are often semi-filled by bitumens, which makes the original pores and throat smaller and reduces the effective porosity and permeability of the reservoir. So, it is a destructive diagenesis. The pore fillings make the secondary porosity in the reservoir significantly lower, which is not conducive to the formation and preservation of the Dengying Formation reservoir.


Pore fillings; Reservoir; Dengying formation; Sichuan basin


Chao Chen, Xuefei Yang, Xingzhi Wang, Deming Zeng, Mingyou Feng, Lin Xie, Xiang Li.Pore-fillings of dolomite reservoirs in Sinian Dengying Formation in Sichuan basin[J]. Petroleum, 2020.6(1): 14-22.

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