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随着电动汽车市场的快速增长,电动汽车传动系统正在经历重新定义,创造下一代推进系统。这些系统需要在功能、效率、续航里程和成本方面进一步优化。Amsted Automotive(梅恩斯工业)开发了一种可控断开离合器和执行技术,具有完全断开和锁定功能,以及可控双向单向离合器操作的附加功能。



John Jennings, Dustin Finn, Tim Hunter

  • 约翰·詹宁斯,达斯汀·芬恩,蒂姆·亨特

  • Amsted Automotive (Means Industries)


  • 1 Abstract


  • Electric Vehicles (EV) drivetrain systems are being redefined – creating nextgeneration propulsion systems as the EV market grows rapidly. This next generation of EV propulsion systems will need to be further optimized for function, efficiency, range and cost as the EV market scales up. This includes the need for new solutions to facilitate seamless eAWD disconnect with the ability to quickly and reliably shift between forward propulsion, coast (disconnect), regeneration, and reverse modes. Design flexibility is also required for adaptability at multiple locations between the eMachine and wheels.


  • In addition to disconnects, next generation EV drivetrains will also require more sophisticated solutions for electronic park lock, hillhold and multispeed shifting, combining the functions of historical ICE transmissions and drivelines. These tech nologies can be applied to EV passenger cars, light truck and commercial vehicles.


  • Amsted Automotive (Means Industries) has developed a controllable disconnect clutch and actuation technology with full disconnect and locking functions, with the additional functionality for controlled bidirectional onewayclutch operation. This technology, when applied to EV drivetrains, can provide novel and flexible system solutions for EV disconnects for both eAWD and primary drive EDU applications. The control and flexibility of this technology can also enable the same disconnect function and advantages for the primary drive axle EDU.


  • Additional capability can also be combined with multispeed shift functions, hillhold and parklock features to create novel multifunctional clutch solutions for the next generation of EV drivetrains.


  • The first baseline disconnect for EV application was launched into production in 2021. The next generation of Disconnect Clutch Systems include overrunning functionality to achieve a controlled bidirectional onewayclutch function. This is cur rently being developed for applications on a production path. These technologies are expected to reduce mass, improve drivetrain efficiencies, and reduce the cost and complexity associated with EV propulsion controls strategies.


  • Keywords: Disconnect, eAxle, eDrive, EV Shifting, MultiSpeed EV Gear Box


  • First Producton Dynamic Diconect Clutch for Electric Vehicle


  •  2 Introduction: Emerging Dynamics in EV Drivetrains

  • The EV & Electrified Vehicle market is growing at a fast pace, and this has created new and unique challenges for our industry: OEMs and Tier 1 Automotive Suppliers – both established and new – need to develop new approaches for electri fication. Simply put, traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) drivetrains and electric drivetrains are not the same. Without this ability to adapt to the unique requirements of EV powertrain systems, there may be missed opportunities for new success within the transportation sector.

     2 引言:电动汽车驱动系统的动态变化

  • 电动汽车和电动化汽车市场正在快速增长,这为我们行业带来了新的独特挑战:原始设备制造商(OEM)和一级汽车供应商——无论是老牌还是新晋企业——都需要为电气化开发新的方法。简单来说,传统的内燃机(ICE)驱动系统和电动驱动系统并不相同。如果没有适应电动汽车动力系统独特要求的能力,可能会错失交通领域内新的成功机会。

  • As emerging products for EV propulsion systems continue to be redefined and reinvented, Amsted Automotive has focused on optimizing products for function, efficiency, package, and cost, in order to help its customers meet emissions standards and other electrification targets. Means Industries, an Amsted Automotive company, has developed a novel multifunctional clutch technology that offers its customers efficient and intelligent Torque Management Solutions: Dynamic Controllable Clutch (DCC) and ElectroMechanical Eaxle Disconnect Solutions.

    随着电动汽车推进系统的新产品不断被重新定义和革新,Amsted Automotive专注于优化产品的功能、效率、包装和成本,以帮助其客户满足排放标准和其他电气化目标。作为Amsted Automotive公司之一的Means Industries,已经开发出一种新颖的多功能离合器技术,为客户提供高效智能的扭矩管理解决方案:动态可控离合器(DCC)和电机械轴分离解决方案。

  • Modern Electric Vehicle Platform


  •  3 Traditional ICE AWD Architecture

     3 传统内燃机全轮驱动架构

  • As an example, the illustration below shows a typical frontwheelwheel (FWD) based ondemand allwheeldrive (AWD) architecture. This includes a transversely mounted internal combustion engine (ICE), transmission (transaxle), powertake off unit (PTU), and a reardriveunit (RDU) containing a frictionbased AWD coupler.


  • Allwheeldrive (AWD) is achieved by splitting the powerflow from the ICE and transmission at the PTU. Torque and power to the rear wheels is transferred through the PTU to the propshaft, RDU and rear halfshafts. Torque and power to the front wheels is transferred directly from the output of the transmission to the front halfshaft and front wheels. The percentage of driveline torque and power transferred to the rear wheels is controlled and modulated by the RDU coupler.


  • The purpose of the AWD disconnect is to stop the AWD function in order to improve vehicle efficiency and fuel economy when AWD is not required. The system has a disconnect devices in both the PTU and RDU that stops the rotation of the PTU, RDU and propshaft. Typically, a dog clutch or sliding sleeve is used to disconnect the PTU, and the RDU coupler is used as a system synchronizer and disconnect for the RDU. During disconnect mode parasitic drag losses are reduced or eliminated. This includes the hypoid gear meshes in the PTU and RDU, bearing drag, seal drag, fluid churning losses and spin losses from the propshaft and propshaft joints.


  • During the disconnect and reconnect functions, there can be no compromise in AWD function. Seamless disconnect and reconnect of the rear driveline is required while the vehicle is in motion and while the ICE powertrain continues to apply torque to the front axle. The most critical challenge is synchronization during AWD reconnect. This can be inhibited by block shifts and shift interruptions with the dog clutch, matching rear wheel speed with the ICE/transmission output, high inertial torque of the rear driveline system, cold weather drag and shift engagement time. Finally, by design, the disconnect function must be contained within both the PTU and RDU, which can pose challenges with packaging.


  • Internal Combustion Engine Driveline


  •  4 AWD Disconnect – Transition to EV Drivetrains

     4 全轮驱动断开 - 向电动汽车传动系统的过渡

  • The overall principle for AWD Disconnects is the same for electric vehicles as it is for ICE vehicles. When AWD is not needed, the disconnect system stops the secondary axle from rotating in order to reduce drag and improve efficiency. However, for EV systems the disconnect not only stops the drivetrain from rotating, but it also stops the electric motor from rotating. In the case of permanent magnet motors, this has the added advantage of allowing the eMotor to power off without backEMF issues.


  • Another key difference is that electric vehicles have a dedicated eMotor for each axle, or in some cases a dedicated eMotor for each wheel. This enables the eMotor to control the power and speed directly for each axle, and therefore it can also be used to manage the synchronization and speedmatching for the AWD disconnect & reconnect.


  • Another interesting comparison to illustrate the differences between the AWD ICE system and AWD EV system is that they “reconnect” in opposite ways. The ICE disconnect system uses the rear wheel rotation speed to synchronize and speed up the rear driveline to match the output speed of the ICE powertrain. In contrast, the EV disconnect system uses the powertrain (eMotor) output rotation to synchronize and speed up the rear driveline to match the rear wheel rotation speed.


  • In summary, the advantages of EV AWD architecture is that there are dedicated motors for each axle that can control the speed and power and provide the disconnect synchronization. Additionally, the eMotor for the secondary axle can be com pletely powered off during disconnect mode. Because each axle has it’s own dedicated powertrain, the primary axle can also compensate for the secondary axle as it shifts to and from disconnect mode. All of this creates opportunity for new approaches to disconnect systems that cannot be accomplished with ICE AWD architectures.


  • Transition to Batttery Electric Vehice Driveline


  •  5 Requirements for EV AWD Drivetrain Disconnects

     5 电动汽车全轮驱动(AWD)传动系统断开要求

  • Requirements for EV AWD drivetrain disconnects include the following.


• Fast shift times, especially for the reconnect shift (<100 ms) • Reliable and repeatable shifts o No blocked shifts, ratcheting or synchronization issues • Smooth shifting. Note that EV systems do not mask NVH as compared to ICE systems. • System must be efficient in consideration of both vehicle system performance for optimized range and energy effi ciency of the shift actuation devices. • Manage disconnect for multiple operating modes: o eAWD Propulsion mode - forward torque o eAWD Coast mode – forward disconnect o eAWD Regen braking mode - reverse torque o eAWD Reverse drive mode - reverse torque • Flexible package locations for EV Drivetrains in locations between the eMotor and wheels.

  • 快速换挡时间,尤其是重新连接换挡(<100毫秒)

  • 可靠且可重复的换挡

  • 无阻塞换挡、棘轮效应或同步问题

  • 平顺换挡。注意,与内燃机系统相比,电动汽车系统不会掩盖NVH(噪声、振动和不平顺性)。

  • 系统在考虑车辆系统性能以优化续航里程和换挡执行设备的能效方面必须是高效的。

  • 管理多种工作模式的断开:

  • eAWD推进模式 - 正向扭矩

  • eAWD滑行模式 - 正向断开

  • eAWD再生制动模式 - 反向扭矩

  • eAWD倒车驱动模式 - 反向扭矩

  • 在eMotor和车轮之间的位置为电动汽车传动系统提供灵活的包装位置。

  • New Production EV AWD Disconnect Solution


  • In 2021 Amsted Automotive (Means) launched its EV disconnect system on a battery electric adventure vehicle. The appli cation is a fourmotor system, with one motor and drive unit for each wheel. Two disconnect clutches are used simultane ously to disconnect the left and right motor/drive unit of the rear axle when AWD is not required. The disconnect system features a first production application of the Amsted’s electromagnetic actuation system, called the Dynamic Controllable Clutch (DCC). The DCC technology was first presented at CTi in 2018.


  • The DCC is a firsttomarket innovation developed for the unique needs of electric vehicles. This new system leverages discrete electromagnetic actuation technology that can be utilized as an electric motor disconnect or as a shifting element in multispeed EV gearboxes looking to improve efficiency and improve packaging.


  • The DCC electromagnetic technology has been combined with Amsted‘s mechanical diode clutch technology to create a new EV disconnect solution. A key advantage of the AWD disconnect technology is that it eliminates the possibility of a blocked shift and the shift interruption challenges associated with dog clutch systems.


  • The DCC system offers fast and reliable shifting, with mechanical engagement always available for eMotor speed matching. This clutch can engage in less than 20 ms. The quality of the engagement is also very high, with no possibility of blocked shifts. There are no friction elements in the system, and it has a bistable magnetic latch (on/off) to eliminate power con sumption while instate – both of these characteristics maximize efficiency.


  • Mean’s Production Dynamic Disconnect Clutch


  • 6 Dynamic Controllable Clutch EV AWD Disconnect Performance

    6 动态可控离合器电动汽车全轮驱动断开性能

  • Response Time • Full Travel Response Time: 17 ms • Electric Field Generation in Stator: 10.0 ms • Translator Movement / Strut Rise Time: 7.0 ms


  • • 全行程响应时间:17毫秒

  • • 定子中电场生成:10.0毫秒

  • • 转换器移动/支柱上升时间:7.0毫秒

  • Energy Consumption • BiStable Magnetic latch for ON/OFF positions • No power consumption while instate • Magnetically latches in tooth butt even with power loss


  • • 双稳态磁性开关用于开/关位置

  • • 在状态内无功耗

  • • 即使在断电的情况下也能通过磁力锁在齿部

  • EaseofUse • No block or rejected shift are possible • Requires less control effort to synchronize state changes (On / Off)


  • • 不可能出现阻塞或拒绝的切换

  • • 同步状态变化(开/关)所需的控制力度更小

  • Torque • +2,800 Nm operating torque (8,000 Nm ultimate) • Torque can be scaled as needed • Enables safe sailing mode for primary axle. Primary axle sailing mode—no torque/coast.


  • • 操作扭矩+2,800 Nm(极限扭矩8,000 Nm)

  • • 根据需要可调整扭矩

  • • 启用主轴安全航行模式。主轴航行模式——无扭矩/滑行。

  • 7 NextGen EV Disconnect with OneWayClutch Functionality

    7 下一代电动汽车断电开关,带单向离合器功能

  • In order to enable faster AWD vehicle system disconnect shift time, the next generation EV disconnect includes another Amsted Automotive innovation: integrated onewayclutch (OWC) functionality. This allows freewheeling in an overrun con dition for further reduction in energy consumption.


  • The Bicycle Analogy: The disconnect with OWC can be compared to how a typical bicycle works. With power applied (pedaling), the onewayclutch (OWC) transmits torque to the wheel. When power is off (coasting and not pedaling), the onewayclutch (OWC) overruns or freewheels. When power is reapplied (pedaling again), the pedals ramps up to match the wheel speed and then transmits torque again to the wheel.


  • Bicycle Analogy: Going from sailing mode, to bringing torque up to wheel speed by pedaling, then automatically transitioning to sailing by no longer applying torque to the bicycle pedal.


  • To manage both forward and reverse torque capability, Amsted Automotive developed a controllable bidirectional oneway clutch which enables a passive onewayclutch (OWC) in the forward direction and a controllable OWC in the reverse direc tion. In freewheel mode, both clutches are disengaged. During forward power mode, the passive onewayclutch (OWC) engages to transmit torque to the wheels. When Reverse or regenerative braking mode are required, the controllable OWC is engaged along with the forward passive OWC.

    为了管理正向和反向扭矩能力,Amsted Automotive开发了一种可控的双向单向离合器,该离合器在正向方向上启用被动单向离合器(OWC),并在反向方向上启用可控的OWC。在空转模式下,两个离合器都处于分离状态。在正向动力模式下,被动单向离合器(OWC)接合以将扭矩传递到车轮。当需要倒车或再生制动模式时,可控OWC与正向被动OWC一起接合。

  •  Means’ next generation Disconnect Clutch with added OneWay Clutch Overrunning Functionality


  • To accomplish the integrated bidirectional OWC functionality, the forward power and forward disconnect modes are man aged with Amsted’s passive OWC technology. The controllable reverse torque for regeneration mode and Reverse gear is managed with Amsted’s controllable OWC technology. The actuation is accomplished with the DCC electromagnetic ac tuator. Combining these elements together provides a novel bidirectional OWC disconnect system based on existing and proven technologies.


  • The application of this novel disconnect solution is enabled by new EV drivetrain architecture configurations together with Amsted’s mechanical diode onewayclutch (OWC) technology. This would not be possible for an ICE AWD architecture or without the controllable bidirectional OWC function.


  • The following graphs illustrate how the technology can be utilized. In the forward propulsion direction, the disconnect and reconnect are automatic and is simply controlled by powering the propulsion motor on and off, just like described in the bicycle analogy. In the forward direction there is no synchronization required, because the passive OWC does not require an actuator. The shift time for disconnect/reconnect is only the time to ramp up or poweroff the propulsion motor. This automatic disconnect and reconnect capability provides industry leading disconnect system shift times.


  • For the reverse direction, the controllable OWC shift time is 17 milliseconds for Reverse and regenerative braking. In both the regenerative and Reverse modes, the controllable reverse OWC can be prestaged and ready to transfer reverse torque when commanded. The system is based on proven production technology and is reliable. It eliminates the possibility of blocked shifts or rejected shifts. Mechanical engagement is always available for speed matching the eMotor. It offers the opportunity for flexible EV drivetrain packaging locations by providing modular style and integrated solutions. And it can improve the efficiency of AWD EVs by as much as 5% on the highway because there are no friction elements and the magnetic latching for on/off states doesn’t require any power consumption to remain in state.

    对于反向方向,可控制的OWC换挡时间为17毫秒,适用于倒车和再生制动。在再生和倒车模式下,可控的反向OWC可以预先设置并准备好转移反向扭矩,只要接到命令即可。该系统基于经过验证的生产技术,可靠性强。它消除了换挡受阻或拒绝换挡的可能性。机械啮合始终可用于匹配电动机的速度。它提供了灵活的电动汽车传动系统包装位置的机会,通过提供模块化样式和集成解决方案。由于没有摩擦元件,并且磁性锁定状态不需要任何功耗来保持状态,因此它可以提高AWD EV的高速效率高达5%。

  • Forward Torque Functional Sequence


  • Reverse and Regen Functional Sequence


  • 8 Example Use Case: Differential Disconnect with Integrated OneWayClutch

    8 示例用例:集成单向离合器的差动断开

  • An example of flexible packaging is the Differential Disconnect with Integrated BiDirectional OWC. This use case enables further drivetrain system integration for improved packaging, reduced mass and cost of the eAxle system. In this centralized location, both wheels of the axle can be disconnected with a single clutch system as compared to a separated disconnect clutch for each wheel. This design is currently in hardware development.


  • An additional feature is the unique capability to netform complex and large diameter product geometries through Amsted Automotive’s Advanced Metal forming businesses. This allows for a more compact design with increased torque density through vertical integration.

    通过Amsted Automotive的高级金属成型业务,独特的净成形能力可以实现复杂和大直径产品几何形状的成型。这使得设计更加紧凑,并通过垂直整合提高了扭矩密度。

  • Differential Integrated Overrunning Disconnect


  •  Means’ next generation Disconnect Clutch with added OneWay Clutch Overrunning Functionality


  • 9 Summary / Conclusion

    9 摘要/结论

  • The AWD Disconnect with integrated & BiDirectional OWC offers unique solutions and new building blocks for Electric Vehicle Drivetrain designs. The notable benefits of this clutch are as follows:


  • Requirements Addressed for EV AWD Disconnects


  • • Faster system response & shift times: ➢ Automatic OWC disconnect shift – forward propulsion. eMotor control is used to connect the EDU. ➢ The time to synchronize, stabilize, and verify before torque transfer can all be reduced or removed. ➢ 17 ms preengagement shift - reverse / regen direction


  • • 自动OWC断开换挡 - 正向推进。使用eMotor控制连接EDU。

  • • 在扭矩传递之前同步、稳定和验证的时间都可以减少或消除。

  • • 17毫秒预接合换挡 - 倒车/再生方向

  • • Reliable: ➢ No blocked shifts or ratcheting (unblocked passive engagement) ➢ Based on proven production technology (building blocks)

    可靠:➢ 无阻塞的换挡或棘轮效应(无障碍被动啮合) ➢ 基于经过验证的生产技术(构建模块)

  • • Smooth shifting: managed with eMotor controls ➢ Mechanical engagement always available for eMotor speed matching

    • 平顺换挡:通过eMotor控制实现 ➢ 机械结合始终可用于匹配eMotor速度

  • • Efficiency: can improve eAWD highway efficiency by 5% ➢ Mechanical Engagement - No friction elements ➢ BiStable Magnetic latch (on/off) - No power consumption while instate

    效率:可以提高eAWD公路效率5% ➢ 机械啮合 - 无摩擦元件 ➢ 双稳态磁性夹持器(开/关)- 在状态时无功耗

  • • Flexible package locations for EV Drivetrains


  • • Provides 4 Operational Modes:


  • 1. eAWD Propulsion - forward torque

    eAWD 推进系统 - 前轮扭矩

  • 2. eAWD Disconnect - coast “freewheel”

    eAWD断开 - 滑行“自由轮”

  • 3. eAWD Regen Braking - reverse torque

    eAWD再生制动 - 反向扭矩

  • 4. eAWD Reverse Gear - reverse torque

    eAWD倒车齿轮 - 倒车扭矩

  • Additional System Opportunities & Benefits


  • • Simplified Controls Requirements:


  • ➢ Controlling propulsion motor automatically connects or disconnects axle via OWC.


  • ➢ No need to control a shift actuator for disconnect/reconnect in the forward direction.


  • ➢ Simplified system controls & reduce failure modes compared to traditional dog clutch


  • • Enable safe sailing mode for primary axle


  • ➢ Primary axle Sailing mode – no torque / coast

    主轴航海模式 - 无扭矩/滑行

  • 10 Further Considerations

    The integrated onewayclutch (OWC) and controllable bidirectional OWC technologies can be utilized for multifunctional applications. The following are examples, including some that are now under development.

    10 进一步考虑

  • 集成的单向离合器(OWC)和可控双向OWC技术可用于多功能应用。以下是一些例子,包括现在正在开发的一些。

  • • AWD Disconnect with rotating input and output. • AWD Disconnect grounded to a housing, especially for coaxial or planetary drivetrain configurations. • AWD Disconnect combined with parklock function. • Primary axle disconnect for EV sailing mode. • Power shift 2speed and multispeed shift systems. • Shift system with integrated disconnect. • Shift system with integrated parklock.

    • 具有旋转输入和输出的全轮驱动断开装置。

  • • 全轮驱动断开接地到外壳上,特别是用于同轴或行星传动配置。

  • • 结合了驻车锁功能的全轮驱动断开。

  • • 电动汽车滑行模式的主轴断开。

  • • 两速和多速换挡系统。

  • • 集成断开的换挡系统。

  • • 集成驻车锁的换挡系统。

  • Shift systems with integrated onewayclutches (OWC) to enable smooth shift transitions will be the subject of a future presentation.


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