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This represents purely the effect of __ (...)

This effect is x times larger than that of __ (...)

The effect was more pronounced at __, probablybecause of the __ (...)

This effect is more prominent due to the absence of__ (...)

The influence of the __ is also pertinent. (...)

As expected, the largest proportion of __ comes from__ (...)

As expected, the major contribution of __ comesfrom __ (...)

Due to this, the effects largely cancel each otherout. (...)

This indicates that this effect cannot be notsolely attributed to the __ (...)

The effect of __ is largely invariant within therange of __ (...)

This effect is simply a manifestation of __ (...)

These effects are partly masked out by the __ (...)

This can cause relatively large shifts in the__ (...)

The impact was found to be especially severe in __(...)

This effect is controversial and appears to bemodulated by several factors. (...)

The negative impact of __ has also beeninvestigated here. (...)

The effect of __ may play a more dominant role inthe __ (...)

This effect is seen to be mostly negligible here.(...)

This effect at first may not seem to be ofparticular importance, however __ (...)


The comparison shows a good agreement between __(...)

Excellent agreement between the __ and __ isobserved. (...)

This demonstrates that excellent agreement in __was achieved for __ (...)


Thus, the obtained values are much lower than __(...)

This figure was reduced by a factor of x when __(...)

This is substantially higher in __, compared to __(...)

The trend of the results illustrates that __increases with __ (...)

It was found that __ changes slowly with __ (...)

As expected, a significant increment in __ isobserved when __ is increased. (...)

A very little change was observed when __ isincreased. (...)

It is observed that __ falls more slowly as the __increases. (...)

The resultant value was lower than the averagevalue observed for __ (...)

A higher value of __ would indicate an increase in__ (...)

This increase has been found to be more obvious for__ (...)

The values have risen up to x% in some cases. (...)

This increases from __ to __, while little changeoccurs with __ (...)

Further increasing the __ does not substantiallyaffect __ (...)

This increases more rapidly with __ until itreaches a peak value. (...)

This may either increase or decrease with __, whichmakes it difficult to __ (...)

This however is then followed by a large decreasein __ (...)

This leads to marked reduction of __ (...)

Such a modest rise is unlikely to cause __ (...)

A significant drop in __ was also noted. (...)

A further increase to __ gives additionalreductions in __ (...)

The performance steadily increases with decrease in__ (...)

There is a steady increase in __ due to __ (...)

A noticeable decrease in performance occurs in __(...)

The results showed improved __ and a smallreduction in __ (...)

In both cases the value was markedly lower than inthose with __ (...)

The value increases from a to b, while littlechange in __ (...)

The value increases more rapidly until it reaches apeak value, then decreases until __ (...)


Another factor influencing __ is __ (...)

This is affected by a variety of factors, such as,__ (...)

As shown in the above discussion, many factorsinfluence __ (...)

This may have been the main factor explaining the__ (...)

Analysis shows that __ dominantly contribute to theformation of __ (...)

A number of factors may influence the study. (...)

It therefore appears that __ is an important factorin terms of __ (...)

Factors that appeared to have an impact upon __were examined. (...)

The role of __ is intricate and is influenced bymany factors. (...)

It is evident that a variety of factorssignificantly contribute to the development of __ (...)

Several other factors are also crucial in __ (...)

It is helpful to understand what factors may impactthe __ (...)

Multiple factors have been implicated in thedevelopment of __ (...)

It must be noted that all these factors havesubstantial impact on __ (...)

These factors influences the results to such anextent that __ (...)

These factors are important and strongly linkedwith __ (...)

This will have a critical effect on the finalresults. (...)

There exist a wide variety of parameters thataffect the performance of this technique. (...)

This one is a critical factor as it affects theresults intrinsically. (...)

These are the principle factors that would governthe outcome of the __ (...)

This factor may result in higher disparity betweenthe results. (...)

This factor does not cause a significant differencein the results. (...)

This property has been shown to have a significantimpact on the __ (...)

This is another parameter of significant influencehere. (...)

This could result from a variety of factors such as__ (...)

Other factors that complicate the technique include__ (...)

It is clear from data that the presence of __strongly influences the __ (...)

These are the dominating factors that modulate thefate of __ (...)

This directly affects the accuracy of __ (...)

These issues significantly alter the results. (...)


This was quantitatively compared with __ under thesame conditions. (...)

Perhaps a more meaningful comparison is acomparison of __ (...)

The primary means of comparison is the percentagedifference between __ (...)

We perform a comparison of our technique againsthypothesised scenarios. (...)

This allows the robust comparison of our methodagainst __ (...)

This suggests that some may have more potentialthan others. (...)


This could result in overestimating the number of__ (...)

It was found that __can overestimate __ by morethan x%. (...)

This data shows that this overestimation is largelydue to the __ (...)

This could result in overestimating __, resultingin an artificial increase of __ (...)

The association of __ with __ has been over-stated.(...)


Overall, the values ranged between __ and __, withan average of __ (...)

The range for this was far smaller with a maximumof __ (...)

There was a significant range in terms of __ (...)

These are the highest results this technology canachieve. (...)

A wide range of values are reported in theliterature for __ (...)

A wide range of values were obtained for __indicates a large variation in __ (...)

The range of __ covered is quite large. (...)


Analysis of the dependence of __ on __ ispresented. (...)

This is highly dependent on __, which is associatedto __ (...)

There is a relationship between __ and __ and isgiven by __ (...)

The association would be best determined through ananalysis of the __ (...)

Increased levels of __ have been associated with__ (...)

There appears to be a positive association between__ (...)

A different pattern of association was observed inthe __ (...)

A significant negative association was observedbetween __ (...)

The lack of association is due to the high level of__ (...)

This is thought to be associated with the broaderaspects of __ (...)

The study of these factors has indicated that theyare very closely linked. (...)

This suggests that associations between __ are notdriven by __ but rather __ (...)

At this point we must recognize that there is atradeoff between __ (...)


This may vary more rapidly due to the absence of __(...)

Despite the large changes in __, a relatively smalldifferences were found in terms of __ (...)

However, considerable variations in __ might befound for __ (...)

It is observed that __ are not constant, but varieswith __ (...)

This changes from __ to __ and then drops again toalmost __ (...)

It was expected to be larger and vary more rapidlyacross __ (...)

This change occurs more gradually with __ (...)

On the other hand, the __ does not changesubstantially with __ (...)

This does not vary greatly with __, which isconsistent with the previous observations. (...)

The increase in __ might be related to changes inthe __ (...)

One of the reasons for these variations is __ (...)

There was wide variation in terms of __ (...)

Within this study there was a large variation inthe sizes of __ (...)

The levels of __ can be quite variable. (...)

The nature and scale of the issues is highly varieddue to __ (...)

These changes may be subtle however could lead tokey changes in __ (...)

There is marked variation in the quality of __ (...)

The period of the variation is dependent on the__ (...)

Slight differences in __ can cause large variationin performance. (...)

There are a number of variants of thesetechnologies. (...)

There exist some variations of this architecture.(...)

It is important to measure the variability of theperformance. (...)

There is a wide variability among different methodsdue to __ (...)

These values vary depending on various parametersas described in __ (...)

Because of these inherent differences, __ isexpected vary widely across __ (...)

In reality, a number of variations are observed in__ (...)

This method is susceptible to variability due to __(...)


In contrast to the behaviour seen before, the __varies considerably with the __ (...)

The difference in behavior is attributed to __(...)

This can easily occur in applications like __ (...)

This method performs differently in differentsituations. (...)

A high percentage of __ was also observed. (...)

The observed behaviour is in line with the theory,where __ (...)

We know that this occurs only in rare circumstances__ (...)

An interesting point has been made in thisobservation. (...)

This observation has an obvious implication. (...)

This is one of the observations made from themethodology used here. (...)

The implications of this observation are discussedin further detail. (...)

This observation represents a limitation of thismethod as __ (...)

Our observations raise several questions about the__ (...)

This behaviour is in contrast to a recent study by__ (...)

Regarding the results of this experiment, someinteresting observations may be made. (...)

These observations are particularly relevant fortwo reasons: __ (...)

Much of the behaviour is governed by __ (...)

This observation underlies the benefit of the __(...)

Observation is biased in some cases due to __ (...)

The behaviour of these is relatively complex. (...)

The observations from the results of theseexperiments seem to indicate __ (...)

Based on these observations, these comments can bemade. (...)

There are several points to note concerning theresults. (...)


The results do not show a clear trend with __ (...)

An interesting pattern emerged when examining theresults of __ (...)

This pattern is relatively consistent throughoutand __ (...)

In general there appeared to be a trend for __ (...)

In this case, no reliable pattern of behaviour wasfound. (...)

Analyses of the data demonstrate a general patternof increased risk for __ (...)

The pattern seen was suggestive of __ (...)

The results of this experiment show an almostidentical trend to [ref]. (...)

The results are broadly similar across allexperiments. (...)

The results show broadly similar traits. (...)

The results obtained are similar to the case of __(...)

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