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文献信息: Liu Chuang; Liu He; Zhang Yongping; Deng Dawei; Wu Hengan. Optimal spacing of staged fracturing in horizontal shale-gas well. [J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. Volume 132, Issue. 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.petrol.2015.05.011


摘要原文:Shale reservoirs have low or ultra-low permeability and porosity, and require achieving economic production rates by creating fracture network. The spacing between fractures is thought to be a major factor in the success of horizontal well completions. The opening of a propped transverse fracture in horizontal wells causes a reorientation of in-situ stresses in its neighborhood, which in turn affects the creation and distribution of stress relief fractures. In this paper, the extent of stress reorientation has been calculated for fractured horizontal well using two-dimensional numerical model of the stress interference induced by the creation of propped fracture. Staged fracturing in horizontal well is simulated based on an al-ternate sequencing of transverse fractures. By mapping the angle of stress-relief fractures generated by different fracture stages, we calculate the network area that is the extent of the intersection of stress-relief fractures. Our results demonstrate that the network area has a peak value with the varying fracture spacing and therefore, the associated spacing is optimal fracture spacing. The effect of in-situ stress contrast and net pressure on the optimal fracture spacing has been investigated. It is shown that optimal fracture spacing will increase with lower stress anisotropy or larger net pressure. Finally, the effect of proppant on optimal spacing is investigated. The results presented in this paper can offer some new insights on the completion designs, such as optimizing fracture spacing and improving the conductivity of rock matrix.

图1 德克萨斯-两步法过程的数值模拟结果(a)前两步后最大水平应力的偏转分布。(b)第三步后最大水平应力的偏转分布。(c)压裂后裂缝网络连通性分布,区域越红裂缝网络连通性越高


图2 Af和An的示意图


图3 随着裂缝间距的变化,网络比增大


图4 随净压力变化的最优间距。净压力较大(40%、60%)时不存在应力反转间距


图5 随着地应力差和净压力的变化,应力重定向角大于60°的区域


图6 应力释放裂缝交角对网络比的影响


图7 网络比与最优裂缝间距的关系


图8 净压力和地应力差对网络比的影响


图9 间距优化模型和支撑剂效应模型中,净压力和地应力差对最优间距的影响




文献信息:Hu Zheyu; Zhao Jinzhou; Ren  Lan, et al. Exploration and Practice of Composite Temporary Plugging Fracturing Technology for Deep Shale Gas Horizontal Wells: A Case Study from X2 Well in Southeastern Sichuan. [J]. SPE. Issue. 2023. DOI:10.2118/214830-MS


摘要原文: The deep shale gas formation that has a burial depth of more than 3,500m covers nearly half of the area of entire Wufeng Formation-Longmaxi shale gas formation in the Southeastern Sichuan Basin, and more than 50% of the shale gas resources are reserved in this burial depth range. Deep shale gas is buried deep with high temperatures, high formation stress, and strong rock plasticity. It is difficult to form and maintain a complex fracture network underground. The deep shale gas fracturing technology is important to promote the overall development of shale gas in the Sichuan Basin. Well X2 is a pre-exploration well in the Southeastern Sichuan Basin. The maximum vertical depth of this well is 4343.8m, the average clay mineral content of the high-quality shale interval is 26.2%, the average siliceous mineral content is 48.1%, the average salt mineral content is 14.9%, the elastic modulus is 45.6GPa, and the maximum and minimum horizontal principal stress of the reservoir is 115.5MPa and 98MPa, respectively. Then the horizontal stress difference is 16.8~18.5MPa. The reservoir is characterized by a high horizontal stress contrast and a low brittleness, which severely restricts the formation of an effective complex fracture network. A composite temporary plugging fracturing of inner-fracture + inlet fracture is proposed, and the fracture net pressure is increased to improve the fracture network complexity and balance the propagation of multiple fractures by adjusting the inlet flow rate of each fracture to achieve high-efficiency fracturing. The 1503m horizontal well interval is hydraulic fractured 30 stages with 3 clusters in each stage, cluster spacing is 8~10m, and the average stage length is 47.33m. The total injected fracturing fluid volume is 89736.6m3 (fluid strength 63.19m3/m), and the total amount of proppant injected was 3477m3 (sand strength 2.45m3/m). The average overall sand-fluid ratio is 3.88%, the pump rate is 14~18 m3/min, and the daily test production of this fractured deep shale well reached to 41.2×104m3. The fracturing performance is remarkable. We proposed a deep shale gas fracturing technology with "more stage & less cluster, dense cluster perforation, large fluid volume, high pump rate, medium proppants amount, double plugging, and variable viscosity slippery water alternating injection". It makes an exploration breakthrough of the deep shale gas buried more than 4000m and promotes the development of deep shale gas fracturing technology in China.



图2 裂缝缝内暂堵压裂过程示意图:(a)向井筒内泵入暂堵剂;(b)暂堵剂在裂缝尖端形成桥塞;(c)裂缝内净压力增加,激活弱面,形成复杂的裂缝网络


图3 暂堵球数量对水力裂缝扩展长度的影响


图4 暂堵球数量对裂缝长度变异系数的影响


图5 不同排量下裂缝网络体积平面布局(从左至右,排量分别为10m3/min、16m3/min、20m3/min)


图6 不同排量下的裂缝网络体积


图7 不同参数影响下的裂缝累积产量:(a)裂缝半长;(b)裂缝导流能力

(生产模拟结果显示,当裂缝半长超过280m,裂缝导流能力大于2 D·cm时,累积产量上升速度放缓,如图7所示。因此,推荐裂缝半长为280~300m,主裂缝导流能力为2D·cm。)

图8 全井段的裂缝网络体积


图9 全井裂缝网络的复杂性


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