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第62届 | 朗金讲座 (Rankine Lecture 1961-2024)



第62届朗金讲座由Lidija Zdravković教授主讲,主题为《Geotechnical Engineering for a Sustainable Society》,在伦敦帝国理工学院举行。讲座聚焦于开发强大的预测工具,以支持岩土工程设计,并与基础设施的生命周期评估相关。重点讨论了气候变化对老化基础设施的影响、海上风力涡轮机基础设计、地下热扰动和化学扰动对岩土工程基础设施的环境影响等。Zdravković教授介绍了数值模拟软件ICFEP的五个应用领域,包括海上风能结构桩基础设计、桩基础与堤坝的时间和气候变化、降雨对边坡稳定性的影响、核废料处理的模拟方法以及数据驱动的设计方法——贝叶斯推理。

朗金讲座是岩土工程领域著名的邀请讲座,由英国岩土工程协会举办,以纪念WJM Rankine教授的贡献。自1961年设立以来,已有多位岩土工程领域的杰出人物获得此荣誉,包括Ralph B. Peck、Arthur Casagrande等。由于新冠疫情,2020年和2021年的朗金讲座未能举行,因此2024年的讲座是第62届。

1. 引言

第62届朗金讲座 (Rankine Lecture)如期于2024年3月13日在伦敦帝国理工学院举行,Lidija Zdravković教授作了题为《Geotechnical Engineering for a Sustainable Society》的演讲,讲座背景参看下面的链接,在此不作赘述。讲座时长大约2小时,本公众 号已经录制了这个讲座

1.1 讲座摘要

(1) 气候变化引起的天气模式条件下支持老化基础设施可持续寿命延长的研究;

(2) 在可再生能源开发中影响海上风力涡轮机基础设计的研究;

(3) 地下热扰动和化学扰动对岩土工程基础设施的环境影响。

1.2 讲座内容


(1) 海上风能结构桩基础的设计方法

(2) 桩基础与堤坝随时间和气候的变化,主要是蠕变性能

(3) 降雨对边坡稳定性的影响

(4) 核废料处理的模拟方法(THM多相耦合)

(5) 数据驱动的设计方法---贝叶斯推理  

2. 朗金讲座简介

朗金讲座(Rankine Lecture)是岩土工程领域最早设立的著名邀请讲座,由英国岩土工程协会[British Geotechnical Association (BGA)]举办。该讲座为了纪念格拉斯哥大学(Glasgow University)土木工程教授WJM Rankine对土力学和岩土工程作出的重大贡献---特别是挡土墙的土压力理论。朗金讲座设立于1961年,比太沙基讲座【太沙基讲座(Terzaghi Lecture, 1963-2024)的设立早两年。迄今为止共有14位同时赢得了这两个讲座,他们是:

(1) Ralph B. Peck, NAE (1912-2008)

(2) Arthur Casagrande, NAE (1902-1981)

(3) Lauritis Bjerrum (1918-1973)

(4) H. Bolton Seed, NAE (1922-1989)

(5) T. William Lambe, NAE (1920-2017)

(6) Nathan M. Newmark, NAE (1910-1981)

(7) Ronald F. Scott, NAE (1929-2005)

(8) James K. Mitchell, NAE, NAS (1930-2023)

(9) Norbert R. Morgenstern, NAE

(10) Evert Hoek, NAE 

(11) Suzanne Lacasse, NAE

(12) Harry Poulos, NAE 

(13) R. Kerry Rowe, NAE

(14) Thomas D. O'Rourke, NAE


3. 朗金讲座Full list

62. (2024) Lidija Zdravković: Geotechnical Engineering for a Sustainable Society

61. (2023) J.P. Carter: Constitutive Modelling in Computational Geomechanics

60. (2022) Stephan Jefferis: The Unusual And The Unexpected In Geotechnical Engineering: Observation – Analogy – Experiment

2021 No Rankine Lecture was held (due to restrictions of the Covid-19 Pandemic)

2020 No Rankine Lecture was held (due to restrictions of the Covid-19 Pandemic)

59. (2019) G. Gazetas: Benefits of Unconventional Seismic Foundation Design

58. (2018) N. O'Riordan: Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction - Understanding the Holocene, Instrumenting the Anthropocene

57. (2017) E. Alonso: Triggering and Motion of Landslides

56. (2016) R. J. Jardine: Geotechnics and Energy

55. (2015) Suzanne Lacasse: Hazard, Risk and Reliability in Geotechnical Practice

54. (2014) Guy Houlsby: Interactions in Offshore Foundation Design

53. (2013) M. Jamiolkowski: Soil Mechanics and the observational method: Challenges at the Zelazny Most copper tailings disposal facility

52. (2012) M. D. Bolton: Performance-based design in geotechnical engineering

51. (2011) S. W. Sloan: Geotechnical stability analysis

50. (2010) C. R. I. Clayton: Stiffness at small strain - research and practice.

49. (2009) T. O’Rourke: Geohazards & Large Geographically Distributed Systems

48. (2008) A. Charles: The engineering behaviour of fill - the use, misuse and disuse of case histories

47. (2007) A. Gens: Soil-environment interactions in geotechnical engineering

46. (2006) R. J. Mair: Tunnelling and geotechnics - new horizons

45. (2005) R. K. Rowe: Long term performance of contaminant barrier systems

44. (2004) N. N. Ambraseys: Engineering, seismology and soil mechanics

43. (2003) M. F. Randolph: Science and empiricism in pile foundation design

42. (2002) D. M. Potts: Numerical analysis: a virtual dream or practical reality?

41. (2001) H. Brandl: Energy foundations and other thermo-active ground structures

40. (2000) J. H. Atkinson: Non-linear soil stiffness in routine design

39. (1999) S. Leroueil: Natural slopes and cuts: movement and failure mechanisms

38. (1998) D.W. Hight: Soil characterisation: the importance of structure and anisotropy

37. (1997) G.E. Blight: Interactions between the atmosphere and the Earth

36. (1996) S.F. Brown: Soil mechanics in pavement engineering

35. (1995) R.E. Goodman: Block theory and its application

34. (1994) P.R. Vaughan: Assumption, prediction and reality in geotechnical engineering

33. (1993) K. Ishihara: Liquefaction and flow failure during earthquakes

32. (1992) B. Simpson: Retaining structures: displacement and design

31. (1991) J.K Mitchell: Conduction phenomena: from theory to geotechnical practice

30. (1990) J.B. Burland: On the compressibility and shear strength of natural clays

29. (1989) H.G. Poulos: Pile behaviour – theory and application

28. (1988) H.B. Sutherland: Uplift resistance in soils

27. (1987) R.F. Scott: Failure

26. (1986) Dr A.D.M. Penman: On the embankment dam

25. (1985) N. Janbu: Soil models in offshore engineering

24. (1984) C.P. Wroth: The interpretation of in situ soil tests

23. (1983) E. Hoek: Strength of jointed rock masses

22. (1982) D.J. Henkel: Geology, geomorphology and geotechnics

21. (1981) N.R. Morgenstern: Geotechnical engineering and frontier resource development

20. (1980) A.N. Schofield: Cambridge geotechnical centrifuge operations

19. (1979) H. Bolton Seed: Considerations in the earthquake-resistant design of earth and rockfill dams

18. (1978) W.H. Ward: Ground supports for tunnels in weak rocks

17. (1977) V.F.B. de Mello: Reflections on design decisions of practical significance to embankment dams

16. (1976) A.C. Meigh: The Triassic rocks, with particular reference to predicted and observed performance of some major foundations

15. (1975) J. Kerisel: Old structures in relation to soil conditions

14. (1974) R.E. Gibson: The analytical method in soil mechanics

13. (1973) T.W. Lambe: Predictions in soil engineering

12. (1972) P.W. Rowe: The relevance of soil fabric to site investigation practice

11. (1971) J.C. Jaeger: Friction of rocks and stability of rock slopes

10. (1970) K.H. Roscoe: The influence of strains in soil mechanics

9. (1969) R.B. Peck: Advantages and limitations of the observational method in applied soil mechanics

8. (1968) R. Glossop: The rise of geotechnology and its influence on engineering pracice

7. (1967) L. Bjerrum: Engineering geology of Norwegian normally-consolidated marine clays as related to settlements of buildings

6. (1966) A.W. Bishop: The strength of soils as engineering materials

5. (1965) N.M. Newmark: Effects of earthquakes on dams and embankments

4. (1964) A.W. Skempton: Long-term stability of clay slopes

3. (1963) A. Mayer: Recent work in rock mechanics

2. (1962) L.F. Cooling: Field measurements in soil mechanics

1. (1961) A. Casagrande: Control of seepage through foundations and abutments of dams 

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