本文介绍了Altair公司即将举办的solidThinking CONVERGE创新设计大会,该大会旨在聚集全球产品设计者,探索设计与工程、艺术与科学的融合。通过此次大会,Altair希望推动产品和经验创造的界限,激发与会者热情,共同创造一个更美好、更快速、更强大、更安全、更活跃和更友善的世界。该大会为技术创新和多学科融合提供了重要平台,促进全球产品和经验创造者共同推动人类进步。
Altair将于下月起,在全球六座城市启动solidThinking CONVERGE(www.Converge2016.com)创新设计大会,我们将聚集最具前瞻性的产品设计者,旨在探索设计与工程,艺术与科学的深度融合。
在过去的31年间,Altair迅速成长并在工程仿真领域为众多客户熟知。谈及为何要举办solidThinking CONVERGE,Altair CEO James R. Scapa先生有他独到的见解。今天小编就跟大家分享Scapa先生写在blog上的一段话。如果您是一位“product and experience creators”,我们期待您的加入!
“Why We Are Doing solidThinking CONVERGE 2016”
James R. Scapa on April 4, 2016
We have a great software and consulting business, a globalclientele, and a track record of putting on very impactful technicalconferences. It would be easy for us to continue on our regular techno-centricconference path….but we aren’t. We are doing solidThinking CONVERGE because webelieve the best days of technology-driven product and experience creation areahead of us.
我们目前拥有非常棒的软件技术、咨询业务、分布全球的客户,以及已经颇具品牌影响力的Altair技术大会(ATC)。继续举办这样的以常规技术为焦点的大会,对我们来说是轻车熟路… 但我们没有这样做。今年,我们举办solidThinking CONVERGE大会是因为我们相信,以技术驱动产品及经验创造的最佳时机到了。
My first job in product development was at the Ford MotorCompany in 1978. We founded Altair in 1985, and in all those years I have neverbeen as excited and optimistic about the ability of product and experiencecreators to have a positive impact on humanity as I am today. Notice the use ofthe words “product and experience creators” instead of engineers, designers,architects, or any other subset describing people looking at how we use thingsto our mutual benefit. The technologies and methods exist, and the compressedtimescales of progress demand that the disciplines come together in aconvergence for the greater good.
At a certain moment in life and career, one begins to reflectback on the great people with whom it has been a privilege to work. The trulymagnificent ones transcended definition and organizational structures. Theywere the engineers who somehow got their truck chassis components launchedbelow target cost and weight, the software designers who changed the way peoplework and play, the product designers who created long lines of consumerswanting to pay a premium for elegantly useful things, and the executives wholed teams with the vision for a new class of passenger jet. They were theinnovators of products, businesses, and experiences who would have been successfulmoving things forward whether their tools were stones and chisels or the latestsimulation software and additive manufacturing machinery.
Altair’s culture has always sought to bring together multipledisciplines of engineering and creative processes. Inside our company we innovateconstantly in the way we design, the products we create and the business modelswe experiment with. We aggressively employ our software tools and productdevelopment methods, so that outside our company we can play an enabling rolein the great things our clients are accomplishing. We believe strongly thatbringing simulation software and rapid manufacturing technology forward in thedesign process can be a source of inspiration along with a winning response toaccelerated product lifecycles.
With solidThinking CONVERGE we want to push the boundariesof product and experience creation. We want attendees to be stimulated, andleave with a sense of purpose and confidence to help make the world a better,faster, stronger, safer, more invigorating, and kinder place. We are seekingways to accelerate the beautiful things that happen when right brain, leftbrain, art, science, form, function, design, engineering, and manufacturing arepropelling upward in concert.
举办solidThinking CONVERGE大会,我们想要突破产品和经验的壁垒。我们希望与会者受到启发,从而能够有目的和自信地帮助实现一个更好、更快、更强、更安全、更活跃和更友善的世界。当右脑、左脑、艺术、科学、形式、功能、设计、工程和制造等和谐地向上推进的时候,我们正在寻求方法来加速美好事物的诞生!