加州大学洛杉矶分校 (UCLA)土木与环境工程名誉教授Mladen Vucetic因癌症医治无效,于2023年10月4日去世,享年72岁。Vucetic 分别于 1976 年和 1981 年获得克罗地亚萨格勒布大学(University of Zagreb)土木工程学士和硕士学位。1986 年在纽约伦斯勒理工学院(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York)完成了博士学位,论文题目是 "地震时平地砂质场地的孔隙压力积聚和液化(Pore pressure buildup and liquefaction at level sandy sites during earthquakes)"。Vucetic 的职业生涯始于纽约波茨坦克拉克森大学(Clarkson University in Potsdam)的土木与环境工程助理教授。
1987 年,Vucetic 加入UCLA土木与环境工程系担任助理教授,1993 年晋升为副教授,2000 年晋升为正教授,2018 年从在职教师岗位上退休。在UCLA工作的三十年间,Vucetic 主要教授:
(1) CEE 120:岩土工程导论(Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering
(2) CEE 128L:土力学实验(Soil Mechanics Laboratory)
(3) CEE 222:土动力学(Soil Dynamics) [研究生课程]
(4) CEE 224:高级循环和单调土行为 (Advanced Cyclic and Monotonic Soil Behavior) [研究生课程]
Vucetic的研究兴趣主要是了解土,特别是粘性土对动态载荷的响应,例如地震引起的地面震动。他与合作者的研究极大地推动了对不同类型土的刚度和能量耗散特性如何变化的理解,他还为进一步了解引起非线性土响应所需的变形做出了重要贡献,他的论文在岩土工程研究和实践中不断被引用和应用,尤其是下面这篇文章:Vucetic, M., and Dobry, R. (1991) Effect of Soil Plasticity on Cyclic Response. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 117, No. 1, pp.89-107.
(3) FLAC3D
(4) Plaxis
(5) ZSoil
(6) Midas GTS NX
2023.12.18 甘肃临夏地震(M6.2)
3. 论文
[1] (1986) Pore pressure buildup and liquefaction at level sandy sites during earthquakes.
[2] (1987) State of the art report: Dynamic properties and response of soft clay deposits.
[3] (1990) Normalized behavior of clay under irregular cyclic loading.
[4] (1991) Effect of Soil Plasticity on Cyclic Response.
[5] (1993) Cyclic Characterization of Liquefiable Sands.
[6] (1994) Cyclic threshold shear strains in soils.
[7] (1994) The effects of seismic pore water pressure on ground surface motion.
[8] (1995) Seismic Response of Soil Deposits Composed of Fully-Saturated Clay and Sand Layers.
[9] (1995) Generalized cyclic degradation-pore pressure generation model for clays.
[10] (1998) Damping at small strains in cyclic simple shear test.
[11] (2000) Dynamic Failure Mechanism of Soil-Nailed Excavation Models in Centrifuge.
[12] (2003) Strain-rate effect on soil secant shear modulus at small cyclic strains.
[13] (2003) Influence of soil type on the effect of strain rate on small-strain cyclic shear modulus.
[14] (2004) Volumetric threshold shear strain for cyclic settlement.
[15] (2006) Threshold Shear Strain for Cyclic Pore-Water Pressure in Cohesive Soils.