近期,MatDEM多场耦合离散元数值模拟论文在线发表于Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering。该论文提出了土体在非饱和条件下的水热力多场耦合数值方法,为岩土体复杂的多场和大变形破坏问题分析提供新的手段。
Numerical Simulation of Desiccation Cracking in Clayey Soil Using a Multifield Coupling Discrete-Element ModelTian-Cheng Le1; Chun Liu1; Chao-Sheng Tang1; Xiao-Yu Zhang1; and Bin Shi11.School of Earth Science and Engineering, Nanjing Univ., Nanjing, Jiangsu 210023, ChinaAbstract:Desiccation cracking in clayey soil, which may lead to soil erosion, geotechnical engineering accidents, or even environmental pollution, is a serious problem nowadays. This research proposed a multifield coupling discrete-element model of clayey soil, in which each element represented a certain volume of soil. Meanwhile, the uneven distribution and transfer of moisture were also achieved. By establishing the relationships between water content and element radius, Young’s modulus, and tensile strength, respectively, the model coupled the moisture field with the stress field. Through a discrete-element simulation of desiccation cracking in a thin clay layer, the gradual development of crack network was successfully reproduced, and the proposed model was validated. The uneven moisture distribution in the numerical specimen indicates that cracks can intensify evaporation by increasing the area of soil-air interface. Layer thickness, evaporation intensity, soil-base interaction, and compressive strength are proved to have significant impacts on crack pattern by influencing the equilibrium between desiccation shrinking and cracking. This research provides a new means to study the mechanism of desiccation cracking under multifield coupling effects.
keywords:Clayey soil; Desiccation cracking; Multifield coupling; Discrete-element model; MatDEM.

Fig. 2. Sketch maps of (a) multifield coupling discrete element model; and (b) moisture transfer.

Fig. 3. Initial discrete element model of the desiccation test on a thin Romainville clay layer.

Fig. 4. Comparison of crack patterns at different water contents between laboratory tests and DEM simulations.

Fig. 5. Variation of moisture distribution in the numerical specimen:
(a) ω=20%;(b) ω=15%;(c)ω=10%.
Tian-Cheng Le, Chun Liu, Chao-Sheng Tang, Xiao-Yu Zhang, Bin Shi,"Numerical Simulation of Desiccation Crackingin Clayey Soil Using a Multifield CouplingDiscrete-Element Model",Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,vol.2022.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0002747.