1. 引言
2. 方法比较
因此,关键的问题时如何准确地确定这个体积应变。在Ishihara and Yoshimine (1992)提出这种方法后,其他研究者也根据各自的研究条件建立了相似的方法来确定体积应变。相对流行的方法包括:
(1) Ishihara and Yoshimine (1992) Evaluation of Settlements in Sand Deposits Following Liquefaction during Earthquakes.
(2) Tokimatsu and Seed (1987) Evaluation of settlements in sands due to earthquake shaking.
(3) Shamoto et al. (1998) New charts for predicting large residual post-liquefaction ground deformation.
(4) Wu et al. (2003) Liquefaction triggering and post liquefaction deformations of Monterey 0-30 sand under unidirectional cyclic simple shear loading.
(5) Cetin et al. (2009, 2014) Probabilistic Model for the Assessment of Cyclically Induced Reconsolidation (Volumetric) Settlements.
(6) Pradel (1998, 2009) Procedure to evaluate earthquake-induced settlements in dry sandy soils.
使用上述方法对19-2钻孔的分析显示Tokimatus & Seed (1984)方法计算的沉降量最大,约为8.8cm【基于标准贯入试验(SPT)的液化安全系数和位移估算】;另据校核中计算的沉降量为5.7cm,因此经过综合考虑,建议19-2钻孔的沉降量约为5cm。
3. 方法选择
如上所述,尽管已经发展出多种估算体积应变的方法,但在实践中Ishihara and Yoshimine (1992)建议的方法仍然最流行,在原始的论文中,Ishihara and Yoshimine (1992)使用了下图估算体积应变:
因而,基于尾矿库的实际状态和工业流行性,在目前的评价中,主要使用了Ishihara and Yoshimine (1992)的计算方法,Shamato(1998)的计算方法作为参考。