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AutoForm R8已经发布&新增功能说明


New Features



Context Menus

At several places the context menus are used for quick access of often needed functionalities. Many list elements offer a helpful context menu.

Also in the 3D view there are some useful functions accessible via a right mouse button click

Segment Editor

The new Segment Editor is used to define sections along a curve. This editor is used for:


New segmentation of Form Flanges

Variable Automatic Outer Fills and Variable Extensions

Drawbead Curves


Measurement in 2D Plots

Radii and angles can now be measured in 2D plots. Selection is done in context menu of plot windows.

Progressive Dies


Blank Plan - Activation & Definition

Blank Plan is available as soon as Strip on Part stage (to get Operation Boundary) is defined and a ProgDie Press is selected on Production Line.

Blank Plan is defined in context menu of Blank Outline on the Plan stage > Plan.

Blank Plan - No Webs

To facilitate initial cost calculation no webs in Strip are needed anymore to define a Blank Plan.

Blank Plan Overcuts

These Blank Plan Overcuts are defined per default (Plan stage > Settings > Blank Plan Overcuts: 2 mm) and enable a more stable trimming simulation.

Blank Plan - Symmetric

Blank Plan could be defined symmetric (activate Use Symmetry) when Symmetry was define on Part stage > Import > Symmetry & Part Type.

Process > Multi-Station Tools

In R8 we have a new concept for multi-station tools. For each multi-station tool (except automatically added lifters) the user can optionally decide to define the geometry separately for each station. If the geometry is defined on the stations, a list with a link for each station is shown, white for stations without geometry and blue for stations with geometry.

Process > Final Part

When using notch cuts for final separation, it is not easy to define which part must be kept after trimming.

To improve this, the user can now input the point to define what part should be kept.

Restart - No Restrictions

With R8 Restart for Progressive Dies works in the same manner as for line dies, i.e. all limitations of R7 are now obsolete.

Restart - Multi-Station Tools

Regular Multi-Station Tools are always blocked in Restart designs.

Multi-Station Tools with On Station definition may be modified dependent on the station their geometry belongs to. If a multi-station tool has any geometry defined on a station that was already computed it is completely blocked, otherwise modifications are allowed. In addition, multi-station cams are blocked if any blocked tools are attached to them.

Full Strip

This new feature Full Strip takes into account the Ramp-up strokes (non permanent production conditions) and provides a simulation, evaluation and navigation approach which supports the users to focus on parts, which are produced under permanent production conditions.

Evalution - Force Distribution Map

The feature shows the currently acting tool forces and moments at the current time step.

Trimline Optimization - Automatic Restart

Like for Line Dies Trimline Optimization automatically determines restart point which speeds up calculation.

Application Menu


Utilities in Application Menu

Press, Material and Lubrication File Generators, Standard Editor and Press and Guideline converters are now available in Utilities.

Open and Complete Standard (... of former release!)

This new option opens a standard file, e.g. of R7, and adds all missing parameters (newly available in R8) for the given type, which did not yet exist in R7.

This allows easy and fast conversion with automatic completion of Standards of previous software releases!

Note: The option Open Standard... only converts the standards from e.g. R7 to R8 and does NOT add any new parameter!

Standards - Export

Parameters of a Standard are always exported in the same order, which helps to compare two different (exported) standards.

Export > Geometry > Surface

Extremely fast selection of surface(s) for export by allowing user to work in Designer, in 3D view and in Export dialog in parallel without hiding, closing or blocking one of these elements! And status of current selection (amount of faces selected for export) is dynamically updated in lower area of Export dialog!

Export>Export Into Specific Coordinate System

All objects of Geometry, Results and Compensation can be exported with respect to any coordinate system available in the design. Default coordinate system is the Product system.

Export Offset Surface...

Default parameters for Offset / Substitution Skins calculation are now configurable within the system configuration file (system\systemConfigFile.xml).

Update QuickLink

Press Line information can be loaded directly with Update QuickLink option in case that the zip file contains the press data file and the corresponding control file adapted.

3D View


Sheet as Solid

Sheet is displayed as Solid with thickness and side walls, which gives many advantages like easier evaluation of top and bottom layer results or easier understanding of sections.

Part Stage


Import >Tool Surfaces & Additional Geometries - Reordering

All elements in Tool Surface & Additional Geometries can be grouped, e.g. by operation, or ordered or alphabetically sorted (context menu).

Import > STL Data > Reduce

When STL files are selected in the Import dialog, the option STL Data Reduce is offered to reduce the size of the imported data.

Import > Binary STL Data

Binary STL data can be imported now.

Import Invisible Geometric Elements

In Preferences > Miscellaneous the option Import - Invisible Geometric Elements could be activated to import invisible faces and curves.

Note: NOT working for VDAFS and of course for mesh formats!

Import > Automatic Rounding

In Part stage > Import > Tolerances & Settings Automatic Rounding for positioning and tipping can be switched off. This influences the following results:

Part stage > Tip

Plan stage > Plan > Directions

Plan stage > Plan > Directions > Advanced... > Tip Editor

Die Face stage > all Tip pages

Import > Thickness Direction

Sheet Thickness Direction is defined with Part import by pushing Confirm or Flip.

Import > Coordinate System Editor

The Coordinate System Editor got new functions for easier and more detailed definition of a coordinate system.

Import > Drag & Drop

Drag & Drop of single and multiple files works now for all kind of geometries.

Global Fillet for All Imported Parts and Tools

A geometry list in Part stage > Fillet allows for each imported Part and Tool to activate Global Fillet and to define the appropriate radius.



Add a cut out area - Multiselection

Add a cut out area is supported by multiselection and the result is a list of individual cut out areas.

Blank Positioning

This new option allows to position the Blank in all dimensions and to rotate it.

Boundary Fill - Edit Fill Spine

The Fill Spine of each Boundary Fill can be modified by opening the Curve Editor (Context Menu > Edit Fill Spine...).

Add Boundary Fill

Check Generate for Boundary Fill activates the option Add Boundary Fill in the context menu of each surface in 3D view.

Estimated Forces

Tool forces (for punch and binder and total force) are displayed in Estimated Forces. Force Ratio Curve is displayed in Feasibility Diagram.

Solver Parameters > Mesh Quality

In Settings solver parameter for meshing can be defined as Standard, Fine or Rough.

Plan Stage


Changing Press Action Type

Press action type can now be changed

Single Action Draw to Double Action Draw and vice versa

Crashform Up to Crashform Down and vice versa

Production - Multi Selection

Multiple operations can now be selected in Production Line at the same time.

Sketch View

Application Toolbar > Window > Sketch View displays sketches of tool components for each operation above the 3D view. Mouse over names about single components. Double-click on a sketch to enlarge the view.

Bend Plan - Multi Step Bending

Bend Plan allows the definition of multi step bending.

Approximate Form Forces per OP - Update

When Formcheck is re-calculated with new Outer Holding Condition Approximate Form Forces per OP are updated.

OP Color Definition

Preferences > 3D Colors allows to color of the first 4 blanking operations, the first 8 draw / form-trim / trim operations and the hemming operation.

Trim Plan - Tipping

Tipping of Trim Plan ( only in Outer Trim!) can be set dependent to any given tipping and is therefore applied to all Trim Plans.

In former Releases the Trim Plan was visualized in Part Tipping, which sometimes lead to a mismatch between part geometry and the corresponding cutting tools (especially under symmetrical conditions).

In R8 this behavior was improved such that scrap pieces are assigned to a part and the according trim tool geometries are tipped due to the PU operation tipping they are belonging to.

Trim Plan - Tipping of Trim Tools

Trim Tools are now tipped according to their Operation tipping.

Trim Plan - Automatic

In Settings > Autoplan the automatic creation of a Trim Plan during Autoplan can be activated.

Max Trim Segment Length (Settings > Automatic Trim Plan Constraints) is taken into account for segmentation.

Trim Plan > Draw-In - 3D Curve

Now, not only a 2D but also a 3D Curve can be selected for Draw-In in Trim Plan.



Tooling Costs - Versioning

Starting with R8 user can actively decide if costs are to be calculated with the new version.

Tooling Material Names - Customizing

Names of Tooling Materials can be customized in the Tooling Cost Standard.

Surcharges per Operation

Surcharges per operation is applied on the total cost (not hours or weight) and can be used to fine-tune the cost per operation.

New Components

Upper and Lower Mounting Plate

Upper Draw Die

Crashform Pad

Local Binder for Secondary Forming

Punch Sections

Punch / Die Segments

Die Face


Activate Die Face/ Delete Die Face/ Disconnect Process From Die Face

Before starting working with Die Face it has to be activated.

In cases where Die Face as input for tools in Process is no longer needed, since they were replaced by imported Tool data, Die Face can be deleted at all or just disconnected from Process.

Tip - Interactive Part Tipping

Individual parts can be interactively rotated and translated. The functionality is invoked by pressing the Edit… button available on each Tip Angle and Position page.

Tip - By Normal Plane

New Direction option By Plane Normal….

The Tip direction is assumed as normal to the plane defined by three points on the geometry.

Modify & Form

Double click the face or use the context menu option Go to in the 3D view to easily identify the module in the control list of each Modify page that was used to generate a face.

Modify - Fill All Holes

In case of importing multiple Part and / or Tool geometries, each individual geometry is listed and the user can define which geometry will be filled using the Fill checkbox.

Modify - Gainer

Gainers can now be quickly modeled by defining a base curve lying on a surface and a set of geometrical parametersdescribing the profile of the gainer.

Modify - Extension

This new module allows the user to create, along the part boundary, faces in tangency w.r.t. the part geometry. In can be applied either for outer boundaries or inner holes.

Modify - Radius

Radii value can be decreased which reduces the fillet accordingly and the base surfaces of the fillet are automatically extended.

Modify - Preform

Now it is possible to edit the directions of a Preform geometry.

Manually drag and drop profiles, use the context menu options or double click the profile to set it perpendicular to the boundary.

Preform faces are now automatically trimmed along the part boundary

Modify - Manual Boundary Fill

The automatic Fill Spine is now driven by the characteristic lines of the geometry. Profiles can be added from the characteristic lines of the geometry to the tangential points along the Spine.

After any geometrical change of the part boundary (i.e. Part replace), Boundary Fill curves connected to the original part boundary are snapped to the new boundary and their tangential conditions are automatically adjusted to the new shape.

Modify - Double Fill

The module can now be used to connect divided areas of the same geometry.

Double Fill can be used to connect two form tools.

After any geometrical change of the part boundary (i.e. new Part tipping), Double Fill curves connected to the original part boundary are snapped to the new boundary and their tangential conditions are automatically adjusted.

Modify - Morph

The new Morph Flange automatism for Rigid Regions allows to quickly morph a flange in tangency to the part geometry.

Form - Additonal Geometry

The new module Additional Geometry allows the user to generate a basic form tool geometry at flange boundaries

Wiper & Form Flange

Tool segmentation

Bottom Angle parameter

Tool Impact > Smooth segment

New Rotation Inclination Editor



Profile – Edit Grid…

In the Grid Editor of the Profile Binder both end points of a profile can now be selected in order to move in parallel the profile along the binder boundary. Hold down the Shift button while selecting the end points.

Trim Part

In case of importing multiple part geometries, the entire set of options for trimming part with the binder surface is offered for each individual part geometry. The module is available for each individual binder.


Dev Flanges

Developed Flanges now stays visible while editing the addendum Punch Opening Line or the addendum Directions.

Control Points for Punch Opening line

The default value option Insert Control Points of the Addendum Profile Manager dialog can be also controlled by the SystemConfigFile.xml.

Trimcheck - Sorting

Click on the bar header of each column to alternately sort the Trim Curves in ascending or descending mode.

Trimcheck - Symmetrical Generic Curves

The context menu option Make Symmetrical offers the possibility to define a Generic Curve symmetrical.



Compensate by using any reference geometry

A new method to determine a vector field for the compensation is available. It determines the deviation between the sheet after Springback and any Reference Geometry. This method Use Registration on Reference Geometry can be chosen when Clone for SB-Comp... is done.

Generic Compensation - with imported data

A Generic Compensation means, that no simulation with Springback data is needed for the creation. Instead the reference and measured geometry has to be provided by import.


Performance for the compensation algorithm itself is increased for large panels (body side outer) by a factor up to 8. For medium sized panels by a factor up to 4 and for smaller panels by a factor up to 2.


Drawbeads are now offered for compensation. The handling is the same as for the curves of the cutting tools, all drawbeads of one operation appear as one entry in the list. They could be activated and assigned to a tool geometry for compensation. The result of the compensation is directly forwarded to the process definition.

Generic Curves

Generic Curves can now be compensated.

Release symmetry for single geometries

So far Symmetry was a global parameter for the Compensate module. In R8 Symmetry is also indicated for each activated geometry too.

Use the context menu (RMB) to release symmetry only for single geometries.



Patchwork Blanks

In R8 Patch Material Zones can be defined everywhere on the blank. At least the patch material zone has to have an intersection area with the underlying material. Each patch has to be connected with spot welds to its base material.

Cut Out Groups

The user can now add Groups of Cut Outs to blank. These groups can be added manualy or they can be set to dependent to other cut out groups.


When nesting is done on Blank stage and the user decided to nest with an overlap of the blanks the resulting overlap is now being visualized in the Blank Plot with the skeleton line derived from the polygon that is resulting from the overlapping outlines.

Fillet corners of Blank

On the Blank stage page, the user is given the opportunity to define global fillets to remove any sharp edges of the blank.

Process Stage


Removal of Concave Radii from Tools

Remove Concave Radii automatically removes all radii that are smaller than user defined value of the Check Radius from the tool geometry definition.

Initial Binder Pressure Input

With R8 Initial Pressure used for Drawing and Forming is taken into account effects during closing before drawing (geometric beads and part on binder) and effects during closing before forming (pads with high sheet reaction forces). By considering these dynamic reaction forces of the sheet during closing allows for a much better accordance of the imposed binder force with the defined Initial Pressure.

1-to-n Force or Spring-Controlled Tools

Multiple Force or Spring Controlled tools are now allowed to have the same Force or Spring Controlled tool as a Displacing tool.

Gravity OP with Inclined Pilots

In R8 the Blank Position is improved and the pilots remain active, if pilots penetration after the first blank postioning occurs.

Final Part

Especially for Progressive Dies, but also for all other multi part forming process, it is not easy to define which part must be kept after trimming, when using notch cuts for final separation.

To improve this, the user can now input the point to define what part is to be kept.

Drawbead - 3D Step Beads

Profile Step Beads are available in R8:

Interior Step Beads with transition areas

Step Beads running across tool

Step Beads crossing into tool boundary

Drawbead - Settings

Simplified options for Small Height Behavior

New options Geometry Constraints for Drawbeads oriented parallel to working direction.

Drawbead - Local and Global Settings

Global and Local settings are available.

Local settings for each bead will overwrite Global settings.

Drawbead - New Parameters

Bead Fillet Radius

defines fillet radius of the bead profile.

Groove Inside Radius

defines inside radius of the groove profile.

Drawbead - Reduction Strategy

Option to input increments for Height and Radii changes defined in a Reduction Strategy

Valid reduction states are marked on the slider.

Increments are defined on the PL page and in the Design Standard

Actual values of the reduced drawbead profile are shown in the special dialog.

Drawbead - Disable Beads or Segments

During the process design phase, drawbeads and individual segments can be disabled.

This options reduces the need of using multiple design files.

Hydraulic Cams

New option for hydraulically driven cam tools, able to move independently of ram motion.

Patchwork Blanks - Friction for Spot-Welds

The Friction between the sheet and each patch needs to be specified for Spot Welded Patchwork Blanks in R8.

Simulation Stage


Trim / Sigma Progress

Log page for Trim and Sigma provides more visual feedback about finished, running and waiting jobs.

Solver Progress Bar

The new Solver Progress Bar is Operation based to give users the most important information at one glance.

New Element Type Thick Shell

The new element type Thick Shell (TS-5, TS-11) is available on Control > Main > Element Type.

This newly developed Thick Shell element can be used to describe 3D effects in case of double sided contact. Various benchmark cases confirmed that accurate results can be obtained without considerable increase of the CPU time. This element type gives additional flexibility to model wider range of process conditions that also include ironing and coining.

Nevertheless it is strongly recommended to test it on well-known examples before using productively. The current limited number of validated cases does not allow unconditional application.

Evaluation Stage


3-Point Gauging for Geometries

Only available for geometry of Part > Import page. Any modifications (e. g. morph or compensate) are neglected.

Force Distribution Map for ProgDie

The feature shows the currently acting tool forces and moments at the current time step for ProgDie simulations.

Patchwork Blanks

In principle, Patches are handled as independent sheets in evaluation: Whatever is available for the regular sheet is also available for individual patches.

Configurable Color Scales for Geometries & Tools

Settings for the results have been extended to Tool and Geometry objects.

Containment Draw-In Issues

Draw-In Issues are split into three types: The already known Limit and Target issues and the new Containment issues.

Additional TriboForm Output Variables

Additional output variables (available under the TriboForm Friction button):

Lubrication Amount: Distribution of lubrication on the sheet after drawing to locate potential areas for spot lubrication

Surface Flattening (real contact area): Due to surface deformation the surface topography will be flattened, leading to shiny (or polished) areas on the sheet. This output variable can be used as an additional approach for skid-line predictions

Surface Roughness: As the surface topography of the sheet changes during forming the surface roughness will change as well. This output variable can be used as an additional approach for Skid Line predictions.



2D Process Window

User can explore the feasibility of sigma designs using a 2-dimensional diagram ("2D Process Window" in the Resolve page). The user is expected to set which Design (DV) or Noise (NV) Variable is to be mapped on the x-axis and which one on the y-axis.

Optimal Clamping Concept

The clamp positions can can be used as Sigma Variables now.

DVs Along Lines

The new feature, DVs along segmented drawbead lines is available.

The motivations are:

to get a more realistic solution, where the neighboring segments do not have too big variation in their Restraining Forces.

to reduce the number of Sigma Variables in order to reduce the number of Realizations required for the Sigma run.

Trial Function for Springback Sheet Geometry

Not only Springback results are modeled and displayed on the nominal geometry of the part, but also to whole sprung back sheet is modeled in 3D for various Trial situations. The selected, corresponding modeled Springback results will be visualized on top of the modeled geometry.

Sigma Check

It is now possible to run a check before starting a Sigma job to verify that the Realizations can be correctly generated.

New DVs

StressRelease Region

Local Line Modification for Heating Zones

Temperature for Heating Zones

Gainer Parameters

Extension Width of Tangential Extension

Trim Part with Binder - Offset Parameter

Local Line Modification for Outer Fill and Double Fill

Trimline Optimization


Variable Max Deviations

Inwards and Outwards

Each segment of target line has its own Max Deviation (inwards and outwards).


Trim (or Sigma) Standard can be loaded in the Standards menu and all functions as for all other standards are available.

Evaluation of Trimline Optimization

Trimline evaluation is now available as soon as Max Deviation for the Nominal simulation was calculated. In previous versions this was just the case at the end of all iterations.

Cut Out Group

The user can now add a Group of Cut Outs to blank. These groups can be added manually or they can be set to dependent to other cut out groups.



Yoshida-Uemori Model for Kinematic Hardening

Yoshida Uemori model can be seleted in the Material Generator. The implementation supports all three variants of the model permitting the user to directly enter the Y-U parameters, visualize tensile and compressive hardening curves and use the Y-U parameters within an AutoForm simulation.

Vegter-2017 Yield Surface Model

Recently, a new approach was developed by Tata Steel, in which the 17 Vegter parameters are defined on the basis of correlation functions, which only require tensile test data in the 0°, 45° and 90° directions. It is claimed by Tata Steel that the simulation accuracy is that of the original Vegter model at the experimental cost of only Hill 48. This procedure opens the possibility to use the Vegter model not only for material descriptions supplied by Tata Steel but for any material at no additional experimental cost. This approach was implemented in AutoForm R8 and is provided as a yield surface type Vegter-2017 in the Material Generator.

Protected Material and Lubrication Files with Expiration Date

For any protected material file an optional expiration date can be defined in the Material Generator. The date can be set, edited and removed within the Password / Expiration Date editor launched from the menu of the material bar item.



Reporting to PowerPoint

Support of PowerPoint Templates

Generation of PowerPoint Reports

Option to generate Dynamic content

Excel / PowerPoint - Dynamic Content Generation

Horizontal, Vertical or Grid option

Result can be seen and edited directly in Template mode.

Supported Parameters for Hotforming

Part stage

Young‘s Modulus (20°C and 950°C)

Chemical Composition

Blank stage > Blank Temperature

Process stage

Ambient Heat Exchange

Tool Heat Exchange

HTC to Tool

Pressure Dependent HTC

Gap Dependent HTC (d50%)

Thermal settings for H-, D- and K-OP‘s

Support for Hemming

Plan stage

The feature list contains now the contour list too.

Die Face stage

Design parameters for Bed and Tools

Process Stage

Settings for Inner Part, Pilots, Bed, Steels and Rollers


Guideline is a new Feature in R8 which guides the user through the software. Users can organize and structure their work with Guidelines as a kind of checklist. Project leader can easily get an overview of the project maturity. And for beginners, another Guideline can be used to go step by step through the software and always be sure to do the right things.



Consideration of 3D Effects

Improved Thickness Stress formulation for 3D effects in single-sided contact.

New Thick Shell element type for ironing and coining used in automotive industry.

Patchwork Blanks

New model for simulation of Spot Welded Patchwork Blanks. Multiple combinations of Tailored blanks are supported, including Overlapping Patchwork blanks.


Support of T-contact conditions between edge of the sheet and tool surface in Locating, Drawing / Forming, Hemming, Springback.

Improved support of T-contact during Gravity / Locating with inclined Pilots.


Flattening / Unflattening of Step Beads.

Improved behavior of Enhanced Line Bead model. Corrected consideration of Plastic Strain, generated in the material prior entering the drawbead zone.

Springback Stability

Various stability improvements for Springback simulations with FBC, Real Measurement, Constrained Springback and with large sheet rotations during unloading.

Miscellaneous Modifications

Corrected behavior of Initial Pressure functionality for Force Controlled tools.

Stress correction for Kinematic Hardening and Vegter Yield function with Thickness Stress.

Improved robustness of Cutting operation step.

Smoothed strain mapping after refinement.



Deformable Inner Part

Inner Part can be considered as deformable during the Hemming process for Table Hemming use case.

Local Suction Cups

Real definition of Local Suction Cups can be considered.

Die Face Stage - 2D Diagram Update

New 2D updated visualization

Hemming Control Point Editor

Message windows with description

Segment definition in position bar

2D Result Hemming Plots - Measurements

Any linear measurement is available in 2D result Hemming Plot.

Radius measurement is available as well.

Hemming Tools Enhancements

Enhanced Constant and Variable Hemming Bed and Inner Part definition

Hemming Control Point Editor

Curved Tangential Extension for Hemming Contour

Copy Control Points from Previous Tool / Roller or the Hemming Contour Extension

Dependent Roller Geometries

Alternating Roller Working Direction

Interactive Editing of Hemming Tool Profiles in 2D Plot

CAD Surfaces for Pre-Hemming Tool Geometries

New Hemming Result Variables

Hemming Overlap

Hemming Sharpness

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