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导读:诚邀您加入仿真人才库!我们会把您的简历直达给研发中心技术负责人或HR。欢迎全国研发企事业单位HR、技术负责人和猎头机构联系我们,让仿真秀平台为企业高效推荐和培养专业仿真技术人才(研发工程师),仿真人才库竭诚为企业引荐高层次技术人才。今天仿真人才库受德克萨斯理工大学Dr. Yimin Lu的正式委托,计划在国内招聘数名博士和博士后。为此,我们推荐给仿真秀平台全体用户,希望能够帮到大家,祝大家2024申请顺利。
Texas Tech University
- 联系教授:Dr. Yimin Lu (yimin.lu@gatech.edu)
Open Ph.D. Student Positions in Geotechnical Engineering (Spring/Fall 2024) The Granular Mechanics and Renewable Energy (GMRE) Lab at Texas Tech University (TTU) is seeking three fully funded Ph.D. students starting in Spring/Fall 2024. Successful candidates will work on interdisciplinary research related to granular mechanics, multi-physics coupled processes, and multiphase flow, with applications primarily to bioenergy, waste-to-energy, landslides, and energy geotechnics. Postdoctoral candidates with strong research and publication records will also be considered for this position. lB.S./M.S. in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, Applied Mathematics/Physics or a closely related field
lSelf-motivated, strong passion in research lExperience in analytical, numerical, experimental, programming, or big-data research lProgramming skills (e.g., Python, MATLAB, C++, etc.)
lNumerical simulation skills (e.g., ABAQUS, COMSOL, LIGGGHTS, PFC, etc.)
lResearch experience using data-driven techniques
lResearch experience in the design of experimental setups Dr. Yimin Lu is an incoming Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering at Texas Tech University. He earned his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Georgia Institute of Technology and worked as a postdoc at National Renewable Energy Laboratory in the US. His research focuses on granular mechanics, unconventional particles, and multi-scale multi-physics phenomena. For more details, please visit https://sites.google.com/view/yiminlu. Founded in 1923, Texas Tech University has a rich history and legacy of academic excellence. With its significant contributions to cutting-edge research and innovation, TTU is classified in the "R1 Doctoral Universities - Very High Research Activity" category. With a rich heritage spanning over nine decades, TTU fosters a dynamic and inclusive community that thrives on intellectual curiosity and collaboration, empowering students to become leading scholars and innovators in their fields. Please email Dr. Yimin Lu (yimin.lu@gatech.edu) with a single PDF of a brief cover letter (including your research background, interests and plan), your CV, and unofficial transcripts.
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