编者案:北京时间2019年9月10日凌晨0:00~1:00, IEEE MTT-S举办了题为“5G and the Rise of DirecLve CommunicaLons THE END OF THE MARCONI ERA IS NEAR”的网络讲座,演讲者是来自University of California, San Diego的Gabriel M. Rebeiz教授,讲座对时下爆热的5G话题及其核心技术相控阵技术,展开了广泛而深入的探讨,非常值得业内人士一读参考。
During the past 50 years, phased-arrays have been largely developed for the defense sector. Today, due to the increased demand for data, there is a need for base-station and mobile-user phased-arrays which can provide high-capacity data services through directional links. Therefore, there is an amazing investment by the telecom industry in this sector at highly accelerated time scales (24-36 months) to meet the commercial demand. Today, both digital-beamforming at the element level (sub-6 GHz) and hybrid (i.e. analog/digital) beamforming for the mm-wave bands are being developed for next-generation 5G telecom systems. These commercial investments are leading to dramatic changes in phased-arrays: high EIRP, high-performance systems at 28 GHz, 39 GHz and even 60 GHz, and with multiple beams, are now available at low-cost. This talk will summarize our work in this area, and present a roadmap for the future.