最近在用CII进行管道应力计算,发现在win10系统安装后,configuration editor无法打开,这就造成没法进行软件环境如单位的设定。笔者在网上搜索了近三个小时,终于找到了解决方法。这是在必应搜到的原因解释(不得不吐槽一下国内的几个搜索引擎能力真是不敢恭维),事实证明就是这个。There are only two reasons I'm aware of that would prevent the Configuration window from appearing: 1) The associated DLLs and OCX files didn't register at install time. Assuming you have "Admin Rights", run the "netuserc2.bat" file in the \caesarii program directory to manually register these.若出现configuration editor无法打开的现象,可在安装目录下找到"netuserc2.bat" 文件,以管理员身份运行,此时会出现以下几个ocx文件和dfdlg100.dll文件加载失败的提示。
然后分别输入cmd /c for %i in (%windir%\system32\*.dll) do regsvr32.exe /s %i和cmd /c for %i in (%windir%\system32\*.ocx) do regsvr32.exe /s %i分别注册所有dll文件和ocx文件,当然也可以只针对上述几个文件进行注册,但是不如全部注册方便。