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汽车前沿技术 | NVH前沿工程技术


NVH领域的专家告诉SAE媒体,随着行业向电气化车型的转型,分析减少噪声、振动和声振粗糙度的复杂学科便进入了“新前沿阵地”。随着电动汽车产品的普及,在很多方面超越了以往的高端产品,零部件、系统和整车层面的新设计和工程挑战也不断涌现。工程师们注意到,与优化NVH有关的对标活动、 新型分析和测试工具的引入处于“疯狂”的水平。
Pranab Saha观察到:“我们对声学改进的车辆兴趣始终在加速提升,NVH技术必须始终满足客户的期望。”他的公司Kolana& Saha Engineers专门从事声学、噪声和振动分析和测试。他指出,一些最新的电动车设计显示了在抑制NVH噪源及其传播路径方面的进展。其中,对“补丁”材料的依赖程度明显降低了,即部署在车身件空腔中的聚氨酯泡沫和烘烤在车身底部、为整车增加重量、成本和装配复杂性的胶粘剂确实减少了。但Saha和其他专家不相信那些所谓的“创可贴”式的减震装置将完全消失。





























作为Hexagon AB的一部分,Actron是一种基于FE(有限元)的工具,用于对机械系统和部件的声学行为进行建模。其被广泛用于解决中频(400-1500Hz)范围内的NVH问题,这对电动汽车设计至关重要。作为一个"开放"的工具,它利用现有的FE和CFD仿真模型,用于研究电动汽车的传动和辅助系统(泵、压缩机)噪声源。例如,通用汽车工程师使用Actran来优化凯迪拉克Lyric电动车的噪音减震处理。




在概念设计阶段的快速NVH工作流程中可比较不同电动马达设计/拓扑结构的噪声水平,以预测全速扫描的噪声。它可以在早期确定电机噪声的起因,并帮助在与其他电机性能目标的权衡中做出相关的设计改变,使NVH、热和电磁表现同时得到研究。NVH工作流程集成到了AnsysMotor-CAD中,为设计者提供各种力、位移和声功率的表示方法。然后可以在Ansys Maxwell中生成2D和3D模型,并在AnsysMechanical中进行振动声学分析。


X-FEM NVH是一个4通道采集模块,适用于所有常见的声学传感器输出类型,如电压、电荷和ICP/IEPE。每个通道可以单独配置,原始信号以高分辨率和时间同步的格式存储于压缩文件中。AVLIndiCom或AVL Concerto的可选NVH工具箱包括最常用的NVH分析工具和在线NVH宏。

Brüel & Kjær

Desktop NVH、SimSound、Source Path Contribution和VSound使工程师能够为任何配置的车辆设计和评估车内和车外声音。Insight+实现了NVH数据的全面体验,直接从CAE模型中创建声音,NVH工程师可以聆听体验。CAE模型数据可以与测试数据结合起来,创造一个身临其境的真实环境。






该公司的Romax Spectrum能够进行机电动力总成NVH仿真,并提供完整的、参数化的动力总成全系统建模,包括齿轮和轴承接触面。Romax套件提供与第三方CAE工具的接口,包括用于声学的Actran;用于多体仿真的Adams;用于电磁模拟的JMAG和Maxwell; 用于FE建模的Nastran;用于整车NVH和声音质量的VI-grade。

Siemens Digital Industries西门子的Simcenter套件会继续增加NVH分析工具,这些工具受益于数字孪生法,可准确预测车辆内部和外部NVH性能。

Electrificationbrings new benchmarks, tools, and challenges to the ongoing battle with noise,vibration and harshness. NVH testing at FEV’s Auburn Hills, Michigan, tech center using HEADAcoustics digital artificial head instruments. With two parallelanalog-to-digital converters the HEAD units cover the entire audible dynamicrange.

The complexscience of analyzing and abating noise, vibration, and harshness has entered a “new frontier” as the industry transitions to electrified vehicles, experts in theNVH field tell SAE Media. New design and engineering challenges at thecomponent, system, and full-vehicle levels continue to emerge as EV offeringsexpand beyond the initial wave of predominantly premium-spec products.Engineers note that benchmarking activity and the introduction of new analysisand testing tools related to NVH mitigation are at “crazy” levels.

“Ourinterest in acoustically improved vehicles always is going to accelerate andthe NVH technology must always meet customer expectations,” observed Pranab Saha, whose company Kolana & Saha Engineersspecializes in acoustics, noise and vibration analysis and testing. He notedthat some of the latest EV designs show progress in attacking both NVH sourcesand their propagation paths. There is less reliance on “patch” materials —urethane foams deployed in body cavities and mastics baked into underbody areasthat add mass, cost and complexity. But Saha and other experts do not believethose so-called “Band-Aid”sound dampers will be eliminated entirely.

“Occupantsshould not hear anything going on underneath them in the battery pack andelectric drive system, while outside the vehicle noise remains,” Saha asserted. “At some point, those noisesare going to become a quality issue.”

Customerexpectations of refinement in EVs versus the incumbent IC-engine vehicles arestill evolving. In ICE vehicles, about 50% of NVH issues are related to thepowertrain. The other half are generated mainly by road and wind noise. In EVs,the noise sources are more balanced; the electric drive unit (EDU) noise isimportant but road noise at low- to mid- speeds and wind noise at high speeds “tend to dominate,” explained Kiran Govindswamy, senior VP - Drivetrain, e-Mobility andVehicle, at FEV.

“Oneway to look at this is, noise coming from the traction motor or geartrain isonly important if the customer hears it in the vehicle,” he said. “Sufficient road and wind noisecan, to an extent, mask the noise coming from the EDU. This might be beneficial,but you don’t want it [road and wind noise] to be sobad that the customer feels it’s not a refined vehicleat all.”

Evolving simulation

Govindswamynoted that higher-end EVs that are more refined typically “do a very good job” at reducing the road and wind noise entering the cabin—but sometimes at the expense of exposing the higher-frequency whineof the high-rpm electric machine and geartrain. Power inverters also exhibithigh-frequency noise in the range of 10,000 Hz.

Three mainsources of EDU noise include electromagnetic noise from the motor itself thatradiates off the unit’s housing; geartrain noise, and overall mechanical noise frombearings, fluids and rotating systems. Defining the noise sources, theirtransmission paths, and establishing acceptable levels, is almost a clinicalprocess for NVH engineers. FEV, for example, employs simulation-based processesthat develop EDUs to meet customer acoustic targets.

“Weuse a combination of what we call ‘multibody systemssimulation’ [a dynamic system-level analysis of howinterconnected multiple moving parts interact with each other] andfinite-element analysis, which consider the electromagnetic forces as well asthe geartrain forces, then predicts what the noise levels are.” FEV is continuously improving the fidelity and accuracy of itspredictions to ensure it can meet customer targets. “Whenwe come into the test cell with the first prototype, we’re not too far off from where we need to be,” Govindswamy said.

Simulation isevolving and continues to improve, but it’s still a work in progress in terms of correlation,experts assert. “We rely a lot on simulation, but Ithink many new companies [automotive start-ups] rely on it too much,” Saha opined. “They’renot verifying the simulated results until very late in development, or theirsimulation predictions may not be totally correct. We’veseen examples of predictions being adjusted based on what the measurements weretelling. I can’t understand how they get to theirtarget.”

He noted thatwhile the established OEMs who are moving into EVs also are using predictivesim, “they have a muchstronger measurement background” and verify theirpredictions much sooner in the development process.

Lightweighting and Simulation

The alarming massof lithium-ion battery packs in electric trucks, large utilities andhigh-performance EVs has led body engineers to offset that weight withlightweighting material solutions that, in some cases, have caused NVH issuesat the cabin level.

“Inthe interest of lightweighting we’re seeing steel andother metals being replaced by polymeric materials, and barrier decouplersbeing replaced by dissipative systems,” noted Saha. “There are vibracoustic issues associated with lighter weight bodypanels. Passengers want a quieter cabin, while the engineering team is focusedon mass efficiency. This is bringing new and different types of lightweightdamping materials and other technologies into the picture.”

Reducing themass of all the additional NVH treatments and acoustic packages is a relatedfocus. “Thiscomes back to the importance of reducing noise at the source,” said Govindswamy. “A lot of simulation workis going into that, and it’s a challenge. But it’s also teaching engineers to use lighter weight acoustical materialsmore efficiently.”

As with allareas of vehicle development, simulation is increasingly integral to NVHmitigation. “Isee it as a pyramid with the sign-off at the top tip and an immense amount ofwork that goes on underneath it to get to the sign-off point,” observed Dave Bogema, senior director of product management atVI-grade, maker of simulation tools for NVH and vehicle dynamics work. NVHanalysis begins at the desktop where engineers using the latest, increasinglycapable analysis software rapidly work through various ideas and weed out thosethat are unfeasible (see sidebar). The next step is subjective evaluation,where NVH really must be experienced if decisions are to be made withconfidence.

“Youcan get a certain level of answers from the desktop,”Bogema said. “But desktop simulation doesn’t have the full benefit of immersion and reality that experiencingvirtual prototypes on physical simulators delivers.”

Predictingacoustic noise and vibration generated by electric machines is challenging dueto the variety of physical domains and complex interactions among thesedomains. Electromagnetics, thermodynamics, and vibro-acoustic analyses arerequired in a coupled fashion for a precise prediction of acoustic noisegenerated by electric machines. According to Ansys Solutions, there are fouressential elements for accurately predicting acoustic noise: need for ahigh-fidelity simulation solution to account for all the physics involved; aplatform to couple all the different physics elements; ability to parameterizeand optimize machine design parameters for each of the physics involved, andhigh-performance computing capability to accelerate the simulation.

There’s also vehicle dynamics, in manyways inseparable from NVH including how they influence the virtual-prototypeevaluation process and the occupant’s perception ofvehicle refinement. Physical simulation tools are expanding to meet the manyfacets of EV refinement.

“Whenyou drive a vehicle, you feel everything at the same time,” VI-grade’s Bogema said. “If you’re doing ride comfort, which is amulti-sensory motion, vibration, and sound experience, putting NVH and vehicledynamics together delivers the repeatability and control that are vital tooverall fidelity.” His company recently launched itsnew Compact Full-Spectrum Simulator (FSS) at the 2023 SAE Noise and VibrationConference. Capable of simulations from 0.5Hz to 20kHz, the Compact FSSdelivers both primary and secondary driving motion, vibration, and sound,simultaneously. While not a traditional hexapod-type simulator design, the FSS’s four legs enable it to accurately replicate the motion of the roadas generated when driving over potholes, cobblestones, or any other surface.Its vibration shakers produce high-frequency vibration through the steeringwheel and the seat, in addition to the motion from the road.

VI-grade alsooffers a dedicated Compact NVH driving simulator that allows engineers to dialin exactly what the car is going to feel like for NVH. Its seat structureallows an array of virtual seat designs to be tried, where the FSS requires aphysical seat change. The dedicated NVH simulator “can instantly change the seatparameters and feel the difference between seats,”Bogema noted. “They’re designedfor different use cases,” he said—the FSS is very much aimed at ride comfort; the NVH version is fordialing in refinement.”

Engineers alsoare realizing they can do sound design at the desktop, interactively, and comeup with different soundscapes for the car. Vibration plays into that. “Do you really need the wholemotion of the car in the sound design? Maybe not all the time,” Bogema said.

Bespoke NVH Components  

Raising thethresholds of vehicle refinement is not exclusive to EVs. Experts say EVs andhybrids are driving new designs and NVH-reduction approaches across productsegments including those still dominated by IC-engine vehicles. They note,however, that cost pressures can make sophisticated designs a tough sell unlesstheir NVH performance is exceptional.

An example of anew NVH-focused component is a new tunable bracket for air suspensionair-supply units (ASU) recently launched by Vibracoustic, a leading globalautomotive NVH solutions supplier. The simple yet sophisticated new ASU, shownin the accompanying image, features a plastic base (previously steel) forimproved damping, and bellow-style rubber bushings and bump stops. The bushings’ special material properties givethe required stiffness levels while also damping both radial and axialexcitations generated by the compressor.

The newmounting bracket is lighter and more robust than traditional brackets,according to Vibracoustic, and enables NVH tuning in all directions—something not possible with coilsprings typically used in such applications, the company claims. Additionally,the bellow-type bushing design allows for high displacement at low strainlevels, replicating the performance of springs. The rubber material also helpsmaintain resonance peaks within a reasonable range, because the rubber compounddemonstrates a dynamic stiffness peak that is up to 60% lower than of a coilspring, company engineers claim.

The key to NVHscience and engineering in EVs going forward, according to Govindswamy at FEV,is striking a balance: meeting customer refinement expectations withoutdegrading vehicle range. “If you can secure the electric motor’sefficiency and accept a slightly higher noise but improve the traditionalvehicle to minimize the effect to the customer—that’s the challenge we’re working on. And itcomes down to systems optimization.”

NVH software simulation solutions

Among dozens of suppliers offering NVHsimulation software tools are these popular products used by SAE readers:


Part of HexagonAB (see below), Actron is an FE-based tool for modeling acoustic behavior ofmechanical systems and components. It is widely used to solve NVH problems inthe mid-frequency (400-1500Hz) range that are critical for EV design. An ‘open’tool, it leverages existing FE and CFD sim models and is used to study EVtransmission and ancillary (pumps, compressors) noise sources. GM engineersused Actran to optimize noise-damping treatments in the Cadillac Lyric EV.

The HyperWorks simulation suite contains a broad range of solutions for NVHmodel build, assembly, diagnostics, analysis and optimization. The suite’s customizable NVH Directorautomates the tasks involved in NVH analysis by integrating the entire processof meshing, assembly, loadcase setup, and post-processing, to reducefull-vehicle NVH simulation time.

Rapid NVH workflow for the concept design stage compares noise levels fordifferent e-motor designs/topologies to predict the noise over a full speedsweep. It can identify the cause of motor noise early on and help make relevantdesign changes in trade-off with other motor performance targets, allowing theNVH, thermal, and electromagnetic behavior to be investigated at the same time.The NVH workflow is integrated into Ansys Motor-CAD to provide designers withvarious representations of force, displacement, and acoustic power. 2D and 3Dmodels can then be generated in Ansys Maxwell and vibroacoustic analysisperformed in Ansys Mechanical.

The X-FEM NVH is a 4-channel acquisition module suitable for use with allcommon acoustic sensor output types such as voltage, charge and ICP/IEPE. Eachchannel can be individually configured and raw signals are stored in acompressed file at high resolution and in time-synchronized formats. Anoptional NVH TOOLBOX for AVL IndiCom or AVL Concerto includes the most commonNVH analysis tools and online NVH macros.

Brüel & Kjær
Desktop NVH, SimSound,Source Path Contribution, and VSound allow engineers to design and evaluateinterior and exterior vehicle sounds for vehicles of any configuration.Insight+ enables the total experience of NVH data – creating sounds directly fromCAE models that NVH engineers can listen to and experience. The CAE model datacan be combined with test data to create an immersive, realistic environment.

The widely used, iconic SIMULIA suite offers a comprehensive simulation toolsetfor NVH work.

Among the NVH-focused tools is Sound Quality Measurement, which addresses theneed to empirically evaluate how sound produced by different kinds of machinesis perceived by the human ear. The tool helps engineers determine how the soundis perceived, tune the sound, and make it appealing to the customer.

The company’sRomax Spectrum enables electro-mechanical powertrain NVH simulation and offerscomplete, parametric whole-system modelling of the powertrain including gearand bearing contact surfaces. The Romax suite offers interfaces to third-partyCAE tools, including Actran for acoustics: Adams for multibody sim; JMAG andMaxwell for electromagnetic simulation Nastran for FE modeling, and VI-gradefor vehicle NVH and sound quality.

Siemens DigitalIndustries
Siemens’ Simcentersuite continues to add NVH analysis tools that benefit from the digital twinapproach to accurately predicting vehicle interior and exterior NVHperformance.


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