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  • 1. Rasheed A, San O, Kvamsdal T: Digital twin: Values, challenges and enablers from a modeling perspective. Ieee Access. 2020; 8: 21980–22012. Publisher Full Text

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  • 3. Khajavi SH, Motlagh NH, Jaribion A, et al.: Digital twin: vision, benefits, boundaries, and creation for buildings. IEEE access. 2019; 7: 147406–147419. Publisher Full Text

  • 4. Madni AM, Madni CC, Lucero SD: Leveraging digital twin technology in model-based systems engineering. Systems. 2019; 7(1): 7. Publisher Full Text

  • 5. Vaishya R, Javaid M, Khan IH, et al.: Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications for COVID-19 pandemic. Diabetes Metab Syndr. 2020; 14(4): 337–339. PubMed Abstract | Publisher Full Text | Free Full Text

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  • 16. Liu Z, Meyendorf N, Mrad N: The role of data fusion in predictive maintenance using digital twin. In AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018; 1949(1): 020023. Publisher Full Text

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  • 18. Zhu J, Wu P: Towards Effective BIM/GIS Data Integration for Smart City by Integrating Computer Graphics Technique. Remote Sensing. 2021; 13(10): 1889. Publisher Full Text

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  • 48. Cai H, Zhu J, Zhang W: Quality Deviation Control for Aircraft Using Digital Twin. J Comput Inf Sci Eng. 2021; 21(3): 031008. Publisher Full Text

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  • 63. Zhao H, Liu J, Xiong H, et al.: 3D visualization real-time monitoring method for digital twin workshop. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems. 2019; 25(06): 1432–1443.

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