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00 背景


01 接触类型




03 其它接触类型

Purpose: Associate a wear model to a contact interface.


Purpose: This feature allows for automatic move of a master surface in a contact definition to close an unspecified gap between a slave and the master surface. The gap may be caused as a result of an initial gravity loading on the slave part. The gap will be closed on a specified time to save CPU time. The master surface in metal forming application will typically be the upper cavity and the slave part will be the blank. This feature is applicable only for sheet metal forming application. 


Purpose: Define a coupling surface for MADYMO to couple LS-DYNA with deformable and rigid parts within MADYMO. In this interface, MADYMO computes the contact forces acting on the coupling surface, and LS-DYNA uses these forces in the update of the motion of the coupling surface for the next time step. Contact coupling can be used with other coupling options in LS-DYNA. 


Purpose: Define a contact entity. Geometric contact entities treat the impact between a deformable body, defined as a set of slave nodes or nodes in a shell part set, and a rigid body. The shape of the rigid body is determined by attaching geometric entities. Contact between these geometric entities and the slave nodes is a penalty formulation. The penalty stiffness is optionally maximized within the constraint of the Courant criterion. As an alternative, a finite element mesh made with shells can be used as geometric entity. Also, axisymmetric entities with arbitrary shape made with multilinear polygons are possible. The latter is particularly useful for metal forming simulations. See *DATABASE_GCEOUT for contact force output.


Purpose: Create a force transducer to measure the contact force of a 3D contact. LS-DYNA only outputs data between a master and slave surface. Self-contact, such as single surface contact, only has a slave definition. In the case of self-contact, force transducers provide a means to record the self-contact forces. Force transducers are not needed for other types of contact. However, they may be useful for extracting the contact forces for any part of the model. For instance, if you have two-way contact, you may only want to extract the forces on a section of the master. Force transducers do not apply any force to the model nor do they have any effect on the solution.


Purpose: Define contact interaction between the segment of a GEBOD dummy and parts or nodes of the finite element model. This implementation follows that of the contact entity, however, it is specialized for the dummies. Forces may be output using the *DATABASE_GCEOUT command. See *COMPONENT_GEBOD and Appendix N for further details.


Purpose: Define a sliding contact that guides 1D elements, such as springs, trusses, and beams, along a path defined by a set of nodes. Only one 1D element can be in contact with any given node in the node set at a given time. If for some reason, a node is in contact with multiple 1D elements, one guided contact definition must be used for each contact. The ordering of the nodal points and 1D elements in the input is arbitrary.


Purpose: Define interior contact for solid elements. Frequently, when soft materials are compressed under high pressure, the solid elements used to discretize these materials may invert leading to negative volumes and error terminations. To keep these elements from inverting, it is possible to consider interior contacts between layers of interior surfaces made up of the faces of the solid elements. Since these interior surfaces are generated automatically, the part (material) ID’s for the materials of interest are defined here, prior to the interface definitions.


Purpose: Define rigid surface contact. The purpose of rigid surface contact is to model large rigid surfaces, e.g., road surfaces, with nodal points and segments that require little storage and are written out at the beginning of the binary databases. The rigid surface motion, which can be optionally prescribed, is defined by a displacement vector which is written with each output state. The nodal points defining the rigid surface must be defined in the *NODE_RIGID_SURFACE section of this manual. These rigid nodal points do not contribute degrees-of-freedom.


Purpose: Define contact between SPG particles from different SPG parts or self-contact of SPG particles from the same SPG part. This keyword was developed for high-speed deformations, such as projectile impact penetration problems.


Purpose: Define one-dimensional slide lines for rebar in concrete.


Purpose: Define a two-dimensional contact interface or slide line. This option is to be used with two-dimensional solid and shell elements using the plane stress, plane strain or axisymmetric formulations; see *SECTION_SHELL and *SECTION_BEAM.


04 总结








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