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《Earthquake Disaster Simulation of Civil Infrastructures: From Tall Buildings to Urban Areas (second edition)》已经出版。





1 Introduction(绪论)

2 High-fidelity computational models for earthquake disaster simulation of tall buildings(高层建筑地震灾变模拟的精细模型)

3 Earthquake disaster simulation of typical supertall buildings(典型超高层建筑地震灾变模拟)

4 Comparison of seismic design and resilience of tall buildings based on Chinese and US design codes(中美高层建筑抗震设计和韧性对比)

5 Simplified models for earthquake disaster simulation of supertall buildings(超高层建筑地震灾变模拟的简化模型)

6 Seismic resilient outriggers and multi-hazard resilient frames(抗震韧性伸臂桁架和多灾害韧性防御框架)

7 Building models for city-scale nonlinear time-history analyses(城市抗震弹塑性分析的建筑模型)

8 Regional seismic loss estimation of buildings(城市区域建筑地震经济损失预测方法)

9 Visualization and high-performance computing for city-scale nonlinear time-history analyses(城市抗震弹塑性分析的可视化和高性能计算)

10 Fire following earthquake and falling debris hazards(地震次生火灾和次生坠物灾害)

11 Emergency response and post-earthquake recovery using city-scale nonlinear time-history analysis(基于城市抗震弹塑性分析的应急响应和震后恢复)

12 Earthquake disaster simulation of typical urban areas(典型城市区域地震灾害模拟)

13 Conclusions(结论)

Preface of the Second Edition

......In the past 16 years, the authors of this monograph have systematically established a series of earthquake disaster simulation approaches for civil infrastructures through comprehensive nonlinear dynamic analyses of individual buildings and urban areas. As a summary of the outcomes of their work, the first edition of this monograph was published in 2016, covering novel computational models, high-performance computing methods, and realistic visualization techniques for tall buildings and urban areas, with particular emphasis on collapse prevention and mitigation from extreme earthquakes, earthquake loss evaluation and seismic resilience. 
Since the publication of the first edition in 2016, many important advances have been made in the field of earthquake engineering. On the one hand, more attention has been paid to the aspects of seismic resilience, economic loss control, and post-earthquake rapid recovery. On the other hand, for a contemporary city being regarded as a three-domain (physics-society-information) complex system, the ultimate goal of seismic resilience cannot be achieved individually by high-performance structures. Therefore, earthquake disaster prevention and mitigation of communities and urban cities have received ever-increasing attention worldwide. In this regard, the authors of this monograph have also conducted leading-edge research work relevant to seismic resilience in recent years, and their up-to-date research outcomes have been supplemented in this new edition, including: (1) novel seismic resilient outriggers and multi-hazard resilient frames (Chapter 6), (2) a multiple level-of-detail (LOD) seismic-damage simulation framework for urban buildings (Chapter 7), (3) a numerical coupling scheme for nonlinear time-history analyses of buildings on a regional scale considering site-city interaction (SCI) effects (Chapter 7), (4) a regional seismic loss estimation method for buildings based on BIM, GIS and a new-generation performance-based design method (Chapter 8), (5) a high-fidelity visualization technique based on oblique aerial photography (Chapter 9), (6) a simulation and visualization method of fire following earthquake for single buildings and a cluster of buildings on a regional scale (Chapter 10), (7) a framework for simulating falling debris hazards and their influences on pedestrian evacuation and shelter planning strategies (Chapter 10), (8) a real-time earthquake damage assessment using recorded ground motions and city-scale nonlinear time-history analyses (Chapter 11), (9) a near-real-time post-earthquake loss estimation method based on aerial images and machine learning (Chapter 11). In this new edition, chapters incorporating new content have been adjusted accordingly, and some less-used content has been removed.






  1. 新论文:为提升AI振动识别效果,小波、HHT、MFCC、CNN、LSTM我们都试一试

  2. 新论文:基于实测地震记录的区域地震动场模拟方法

  3. 新论文:基于数字孪生的强震下大跨斜拉桥倒塌易损性评估

  4. 新论文 | 卷积神经网络 + 小波时频图:基于地震动时频域特征的震害评估新方法

  5. 新论文:城市尺度树木风灾破坏近实时评估:方法框架及清华园案例应用

  6. 如何将地震破坏力评估加速1500倍?| 新论文:基于LSTM的地震破坏力实时评估

  7. 新论文:大跨斜拉桥的非线性模型更新及倒塌预测

  8. 新论文:“场地-城市”效应对区域震害评估的定量影响分析

  9. 新论文:基于机器学习方法的多元地震动强度指标比选与实时震害预测

  10. 新论文:新一代地震-连续倒塌综合防御组合框架——综合韧性防御组合框架

  11. 新论文:给振动信号拍个照,可以提升振动控制效果!

  12. 新论文:基于城市信息模型、并同时适用于城市建筑群和单体重要建筑的多灾害模拟框架

  13. 新论文:台风风灾对港口运营的经济影响:以中国港口为例

  14. 新论文:中柱失效后混凝土板柱结构承载性能影响因素研究

  15. 新论文:不同冲剪方向下板柱节点抗倒塌性能研究

  16. 新论文:基于BIM与虚拟现实的建筑震后火灾救援场景模拟

  17. 新论文:社区地震安全韧性评估系统及社区应用示范

  18. 这栋楼是什么结构的,元芳,你怎么看?——大人,时代变了!|新论文:使用机器学习方法预测城市建筑结构类型

  19. 新论文:次边缘柱失效后钢筋混凝土平面框架连续倒塌承载力的试验分析和计算评估

  20. 新论文:基于集群计算的大跨斜拉桥精细有限元模型更新

  21. 新论文:钢筋混凝土板柱节点冲切及冲切破坏后行为的数值模拟

  22. 新论文:边柱以及边中柱失效后平板结构连续倒塌行为试验研究

  23. 新论文:武汉火神山医院病房有害气体的高空排放设计和分析

  24. 新论文:主余震作用下区域建筑震害预测方法

  25. 新论文:城市抗震弹塑性分析的开源框架

  26. 新论文:考虑劳动力资源约束的城市尺度建筑抗震韧性模拟和震后维修规划

  27. 新论文:基于无人机与深度学习的建筑震害评估方法

  28. 新论文:抗震&防连续倒塌:一种新型构造措施

  29. 新论文:混凝土梁柱子结构连续倒塌动力效应的试验研究

  30. 层间位移角判别准则不适用于剪力墙,怎么办?|新论文:基于曲率的剪力墙损伤评估方法

  31. 新论文:结合BIM和FEMA P-58的建筑地震损失预测方法

  32. 新论文:地震-连续倒塌综合防御组合框架结构体系研究

  33. 新论文:扔砖头、跳盒子,这也是做科学试验哦!| 地震次生坠物情境中的人员疏散模拟

  34. 新论文:改变框架-核心筒结构剪力调整策略对其抗震性能影响的研究

  35. 综述:城市抗震弹塑性分析及其工程应用

  36. 新论文:适用于多LOD BIM的建筑地震损失评估

  37. 新论文:新型地震和连续倒塌综合防御韧性PC框架承载力计算方法

  38. 新论文:角柱失效后平板结构连续倒塌行为实验研究

  39. 新论文:城市建筑群多LOD震害模拟及北京CBD算例

  40. 美国NSF SimCenter+清华城市弹塑性分析=旧金山184万建筑地震模拟

  41. 新论文:受折纸启发的可更换承载-耗能双功能耗能器

  42. 新综述论文:21世纪建筑结构连续倒塌和鲁棒性的研究和实践

  43. 新论文:中柱失效后板柱结构连续倒塌传力机理研究

  44. 新论文:一根钢筋混凝土梁,承载力你能算对么?| 梁的压拱效应计算方法

  45. 新论文:无人机+机器学习+城市弹塑性分析=震后近实时损失预测

  46. 新论文:这个混凝土框架能抗震,能防连续倒塌,还功能可恢复,您不进来看看么?

  47. 新论文:一个好汉三个帮|带端部阻尼器伸臂桁架的抗震性能试验研究

  48. 新论文:BIM+新一代性能化设计=喷淋系统破坏后的地震次生火灾模拟

  49. 新论文:村镇建筑群火灾蔓延模拟与案例

  50. 新论文:建设地震韧性城市所面临的挑战

  51. 新论文:烈焰焚城 | 地震次生火灾的精细化和高真实感模拟

  52. 新论文:城市韧性——基于“三度空间下系统的系统”的思考

  53. 新论文:防屈曲支撑伸臂桁架?几个“狗骨头”可少不了!

  54. 新论文:城市抗震弹塑性分析中如何确定高层建筑的损伤程度?

  55. 新论文:考虑楼板影响的钢筋混凝土框架边柱连续倒塌试验

  56. 新论文:提高地震荷载分项系数,抗震安全性提高了多少?

  57. 新论文:采用减振子结构来控制超高层建筑的地震楼面加速度

  58. 新论文:500m级超高层建筑简化模型及其在结构体系对比中的应用

  59. 606m 超高层建筑OpenSees模型

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