文章来自于网络,大牛面试高通analog/RF IC design 职位, 总结了一下面试中的问题,供大家参考。
1. Describe the ID equation of MOSFET at different region;
2. How the cascode works and itspro/con;
3. What is the equivalent smallsignal model of MOS/BJT
4. Describe the differential pairfunctionality and CMRR
5. Draw the system architecture ofthe cellphone front end module
6. How to choose BW/TSV/FC for thecircuit design
7. What is the difference between CMOS and GaAs PA?How to address those difference?
8. What is ET?How it works?Whatthe PA should change comparing with NonET architecture?
9. Why RX noise is important?
10. Why TX leakage is important?
11. How to design RF switch andwhat is the FOM?
12. How to pick process for RFswitch?
13. How to make PA linear for different technology,such as Si, SiGe, GaAs?
14. What is SOI and what is itsdifference from traditional CMOS?
15. What is the cellphone FEMfuture?Why?
16. What is DPD?How it works?
17. What is memory effect?Where isit coming from and how to address it?
18. How to design the biasingcircuit for LNA/PA/Switch and what is the consideration for those?
19. After the integration of FEM totransceiver and baseband circuit, what is the main effect and concern?
20. How to measure noise below-174?