FILM: Define nonuniform film coefficient and associated sink temperatures for heat transfer analysis. 对热传递分析指定非均匀的膜层散热系数和联合的散热器温度
FLOW: Define nonuniform seepage coefficient and associated sink pore pressure for consolidation analysis. 对压实分析定义非均匀的渗流系数和渗入孔隙压力
FRIC: Define frictional behavior for contact surfaces. 对接触面定义摩擦
GAPCON: Define conductance between contact surfaces or nodes in a fully coupled temperature-displacement analysis or pure heat transfer analysis. 在一个完全耦合的温度—置换分析或者是纯热传递分析中,定义接触面或节点间的导热系数。
GAPELECTR: Define electrical conductance between surfaces in a coupled thermal-electrical analysis. 在耦合热电分析中,定义表面间的导电系数
HETVAL: Provide internal heat generation in heat transfer analysis. 在热传递分析中提供初始热
MPC: Define multi-point constraints. 定义多点约束
ORIENT: Provide an orientation for defining local material directions or local directions for kinematic coupling constraints or local rigid body directions for inertia relief. 为定义局部材料方向提供定位;运动学耦合约束的局部方向;惯性释放的局部刚体方向。
RSURFU: Define a rigid surface. 定义一个刚性面
SDVINI: Define initial solution-dependent state variable fields. 定义初始和结果相关的变量场
SIGINI: Define an initial stress field. 定义初始应力场
UCORR: Define cross-correlation properties for random response loading. 为随机相应荷载定义互相关属性