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导读2023年1月14日,由上海交通大学CMHL研究中心、《Journal of Hydrodynamics》编委会、浙江大学海洋学院和重庆交通大学航运与船舶工程学院联合主办《第六届CMHL船舶与海洋工程计算水动力学研讨会》将通过线上视频召开,并在仿真秀官网和App线上全程直播,支持回放。本次研讨会邀请了来自日本横滨国立大学的Takanori Hino教授、美国德克萨斯大学的Hamn-Ching Chen教授、德国汉堡大学的Moustafa Abdel- Maksoud教授等13位国内外知名教授与优秀青年学者应邀做45分钟的主题报告。



第六届 CMHL 船舶与海洋工程计算水动力学研讨会 -全程直播-仿真秀直播

1、研讨会主席|Committe Chair

2、Brief CV of Invited Speaker

Prof. Takanori Hino

Takanori Hino is a Professor Emeritus of Yokohama National University, Japan. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Naval Architecture from the University of Tokyo, and also Masters and Doctor of Engineering degrees from the same university. He started his professional career as a researcher at Ship Research Institute, Japan in 1984. Institute was reorganized into National Maritime Research Institute in 2001 where he served as Director of Center for CFD Research for seven years until 2011. He moved to Yokohama National University in 2011 as a professor in the Specialization in Ocean and Space Engineering and was appointed professor emeritus in 2022. Takanori Hino’s research involves numerical ship hydrodynamics including code development, turbulent free surface flow analysis around ships and design optimization of ship hull forms. He is a member and the former vice-president of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers. He organized two CFD Workshops, Tokyo 2005 and Tokyo 2015, dedicated to numerical ship hydrodynamics. He is a recipient of the Best Paper Award from the Society of Naval Architects of Japan in 1996, the Best Development Award in 2017 and the Best Book Award in 2021 from the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers. He has received the Best Researcher Award from Yokohama National University in 2018. Also, he has been selected as the Weinblum Memorial Lecturer in 2017/2018.

Dr. Hamn-Ching Chen

Dr. Hamn-Ching Chen, A.P. & Florence Wiley Professor of Civil Engineering and Professor of Ocean Engineering at Texas A&M University, received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Power Mechanical Engineering from National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, in 1976 and 1978, respectively; and his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Iowa in 1982. After working as a research scientist at the Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research (1982-88) and a senior research scientist at Science Applications International Corporation (1988-90), he joined the faculty of Texas A&M University in 1991. He is the originator and primary developer of the Finite-Analytic Navier-Stokes (FANS) and CHimera finite Analytic Method Potential-flow Solver (CHAMPS) codes which have been widely used for applications in ocean, civil, mechanical, and hydraulic engineering problems. His research interests include computational fluid dynamics, turbulence modeling, submarine hydrodynamics, ship berthing operations, passing ship effects, vortex-induced vibrations of deepwater risers, free-span offshore pipelines, nonlinear pipe-soil interactions, vortex-induced motions of deep-draft semisubmersibles, hurricane wave impact on offshore structures, floating offshore wind turbines, bridge scour, channel migration, and internal cooling and film cooling of turbine blades. Dr. Chen is a Fellow of ASME and an Associate Fellow of AIAA. He was the Chair of ASCE Turbulence Committee (2000-2002), and an associate editor for the ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2000-2002) and ASCE Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering (2002-2011). Currently, he is an Editor for the International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering (2011-present), and a member of Editorial Board for Ocean Systems Engineering Journal.

Dr. Yadong (Jordan) Zeng

Yadong (Jordan) Zeng finishes his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Minnesota and his bachelor’s degree in Ocean Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). His main interests are numerical schemes in Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR), especially focusing on how these schemes can help save computational resources in High-Performance Computing (HPC) area and how they can help to simulate the multiphase flow and Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) problems. Currently, he is working as a CFD Solver Developer in Altair Engineering Inc.

Professor Dahai Zhang

Professor Dahai Zhang, Secretary-General of Division of Ocean Technology System, Chinese Society of Oceanography; Deputy Director of the Institute of Advanced Technology, Zhejiang University of (ZJU), received PhD from ZJU of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering in 2010. He worked as a postdoc at Department of Mechanical Engineering at ZJU in 2011 and worked as a postdoc at Department of Engineering in Lancaster University from 2012 to 2013. Afterwards, he joined Zhejiang University, where he is currently a Professor with Ocean College. His research interests include mechatronic systems and ocean engineering. He served as an IET Fellow and IEEE Senior Member respectively, in 2019 and 2020. Professor Zhang has worked with various research projects dealing with modelling, design and measurements of ocean renewable energy electrical machines such as wave energy converter, tidal current turbine and offshore wind turbine. He has published over 80 peer-reviewed journal/conference papers in proposed areas, and chaired 5th China Marine Renewable Energy Conference in 2016, the 3th China Ocean Technology Conference in 2017 and the 6th Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (AWTEC) as organizing president in 2022.

Dr. V. Sriram 

Dr. V. Sriram is currently working as professor at the Department of Ocean Engineering, IIT Madras. He received his Direct PhD after bachelors from IIT Madras. His research work focuses on computational and experimental hydrodynamics. He has developed state-of-the-art numerical models applied to ocean engineering. He received the Newton International Fellowship (from the Royal Society, UK) in 2009, Alexander Von Humboldt Fellowship (from AvH foundation, Germany) in 2011, DST INSPIRE Faculty award (from DST), RJ Garde Research award (from Indian Society of Hydraulics), ISOPE Conference best session organiser award 2021 and DFG- Mercator Fellowship, 2023 for his contributions in the field. He was a visiting researcher at City University of London and visiting professor at Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany. He has published more than 100 papers in international journals and conferences. He has guided 8 PhD students and currently guiding 10 more PhD students. He is presently serving as an Associate Editor in IJOPE.

Dr Guanghua 

He is a Taishan Scholar, doctoral supervisor, Marine Hydrodynamics Professor, worked at School of Ocean Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology. He is the Editorial Board member of Ocean Engineering Journal, Journal of Hydrodynamics. He received his B.E, M.E. and Ph.D degrees in Coastal and Offshore Engineering from Tianjin University, Dalian University of Technology, China, and Kyushu University, Japan, respectively. After that, he has been employed by Department of Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering, Osaka University, as an Assistant Professor, and worked in Prof. Mashashi Kashiwagi group for more than 4 years. His research is focused on Wave cloaking, Wave Loads on Marine Structures, Strongly Nonlinear Wave-Structure Interaction, Ship hydroelasticity, and Ocean Renewable Energy.

Dr. Liushuai Cao

Dr. Liushuai Cao is a research associate at CMHL (Computational Marine Hydrodynamics Laboratory), where he leads a research field in submarine hydrodynamics. He achieved his BSc degree in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering from Harbin Engineering University in 2010 and his PhD degree from Naval Engineering University in 2015. After that, he served as an engineer in the navy for four years. His research focuses on the development of numerical methods for practical applications in the marine industry, such as propulsion and maneuvering performance prediction of submarines and underwater vehicles in the homogenous and density stratified fluid, cavitation simulation and suppression based on the active and passive methods.

Dr. Sergei Strijhak

Dr. Sergei Strijhak born in 1970, graduated from Bauman Moscow State University (1993). He has a PhD degree of Technical Science in Aerodynamics and Heat Transfer (2012). He is the senior researcher from Ivannikov Institute for System Programming of the RAS. Sergei worked 25 years in IT industry, HPE Russia Company, specializing in high performance computing, disk arrays, high availability cluster, OS Unix/Linux. His research interests are in architecture of supercomputers, parallel file systems, machine learning algorithms, data science, Computational Fluid Dynamics, ice accretion modeling for aircrafts and wind blades, rotating geophysical flows, large eddy simulation, turbulence subgrid-scale models, renewable energy, wind farms, optimization methods, FSI, noise prediction. He developed a novel architecture of neural network for ice prediction on different airfoils. Sergei is Associate Professor of 806 department in Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), the leader of Master of Science Program in IT-Center MAI. The list of courses taught are: Architecture of Supercomputers, Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Methods, Parallel algorithms, Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence. He is a reviewer for scientific journals: MDPI Aerospace, MDPI Mathematics, MDPI Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics. Sergei was responsible for 5 grants from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and supervisor of two RFBR grants. He is the author of 105 scientific papers in Russian database and 30 Scopus papers.

Dr. Spyros Hirdaris

Dr. Spyros Hirdaris is Associate Professor of Marine Technology at Aalto University, Finland. He completed his PhD in 2002 on Ship Science (Hydroelasticity of Ships) at the University of Southampton, UK. To date he has been sponsored by the EU, Lloyd's Register and their Foundation, British Maritime Technology and the Academy of Finland. His research focuses on the prediction of sea loads and the analysis of the performance of floating assets operating in extreme conditions. He is also interested in the de-risking emerging technologies for use in the design and operations of safe and sustainable ships. He is European Engineer, Chartered Engineer, Fellow of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects (FRINA, UK) and Fellow of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (FSNAME, USA). He has been participating in the International Ships and Offshore Structures Congress since 2006, serving as member in various committees and chair of committee I.2 on Loads and member of the International Towing Tank Conference since 2021. Before joining Aalto university he worked for 14 years for Lloyd's Register Classification Society and spent short spells with UK based engineering consultancy firms. This work involved research and product development, planning and strategy for R&D, consultancy and marine new construction activities. His editorial duties involve Associate Editorship of the IMechE Proceedings Part M : Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment (Sage Ltd.) and membership in the editorial board of Ocean Engineering (Elsevier).

Prof. Moustafa Abdel-Maksoud 

Prof. Moustafa Abdel-Maksoud is head of the Institute of Fluid Dynamics and Ship Theory (FDS) of Hamburg University. He was coordinator of the Maritime Systems Research Centre at TUHH from 2017 to 2021. Since 2016 he is Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Friendship System GmbH and Member of the Supervisory Board of the Potsdam Model Basin. He was awarded the silver commemorative medal of the German Society for Maritime Technology (STG) for the excellent contributions to the German shipbuilding community in 2019. After graduating as Ph.D. from the Institute of Ship and Ocean Technology at the Technical University of Berlin in 1992, he worked for the Potsdam Model Basin, where he was appointed as Head of Department "Numerical Simulation" in 1995. In 2003 he became Professor of ship technology and director of the Institute of Ship Technology and Transport systems, Duisburg-Essen University. Since 2007, he leads the FDS institute at the Hamburg University of Technology. His research fields cover a variety of marine engineering topics, such as maritime transport systems, ship dynamics, ship manoeuvring, hydrodynamics of high-speed ships, propulsion systems, wave energy conversion. He has published more than 280 papers and he is a member of the editorial board of Journal of Ship Research, Ship technology Research and Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment.

Dr. Xiangyu Hu 

Dr. Xiangyu Hu obtained his PhD degree from Beijing Institute of Technology in 1999. After the post-doctoral researches Beijing, Singapore, and Dresden. He joined Technical University of Munich as Scientific Assistant in 2006. He is now serving the Institute of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics as Adjunct Teaching Professor. He is also serving the international SPHERIC steering committee from 2008. Dr. Hu have been engaged in researches on computational fluid dynamics (CFD). His main research fields are multi-resolution and multi-scale modeling of multiphase flow, smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method, high-order numerical schemes and others. He has authored or co-authored more than 100 papers in scientific journals and more than 150 presentations in international conferences. He has given more than 30 invited talks in research institutes and universities. Recently, has been listed among the 2% scientist in the world according to a study from Stanford University.

Prof. Tabor

Prof. Tabor’s research is on the computational simulation of fluid flows, using both physics-based methods (Computational Fluid Dynamics or CFD) and also Machine Learning (ML) approaches. He is a professor of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Department of Engineering, Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy, University of Exeter, UK. He has spent nearly 30 years working in CFD, both on fundamentals of the subject such as turbulence modelling, and also its application in a wide range of engineering and other disciplines, recently including offshore marine renewable energy, sustainable urban drainage, and biomechanics. He is a significant contributer to the OpenFOAM community, as Chair of the Joint Technical Committees for the OpenFOAM Governance project and member of the OpenFOAM Workshop international committee; he is also involved with the Isambard Tier 2 HPC project and the CCP-WSI+ collaboration on Wave-Structure Interaction. In addition to his work on CFD he is also involved in research on optimisation using Bayesian Machine Learning, and also on other applications of ML such as for fault detection and plasma simulation. He is the author of more than 80 journal papers across the full range of the work described here.

Prof. Jun Zang 

Prof. Jun Zang is a Chair Professor of Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Deputy Head of the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, and a member of the Senate of the University of Bath, UK. She is also the Chair of PRIMaRE, a Partnership of world-class research institutions based in the UK for research in Marine Renewable Energy. She led/participated in several large national and international research projects that underpin the current development of open-source engineering tools, and open-source numerical models to help accelerate the development of marine renewable energy and improve the resilience and adaptation of coastal areas under extreme wave conditions. Apart from her other roles, she is also an Associate Editor of the International Journal on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Frontiers in Marine Science, and an editorial board member of several other journals. She chaired the prestigious 30th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies (IWWWFB) in 2015, the China-UK Bilateral Workshop on Coastal Zone Disaster Early Warning and Mitigation under Extreme Weather in 2021, and a couple of other international conferences in recent years. She will chair the 10th PRIMaRE Conference in Bath on the 27th - 28th June 2023.



第六届 CMHL 船舶与海洋工程计算水动力学研讨会 -全程直播-仿真秀直播



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