ToyRep 3D打印机的打印度大约为12.5毫米/秒(X和Y方向),由于电机的质量问题,为了避免点击过热,它只能支持一个相对较小的构建尺寸,因此它的最大3D打印尺寸为100×100×100毫米。
ToyREP is a tiny and inexpensive FFD 3D printer designed mostly as a technology demonstrator or child's toy. The print volume is 100x100x100mm (125x125x100mm with some upgrades) with a cold bed made of polyacrylate. Hot end is a E3D clone for 1.75 PLA or ABS filament with 0.4mm noozle. Using very cheap 28BYJ-48 stepper motors (with Bi-polar hack) in all axis and geared extruder, Arduino Mega 2560 with Ramps 1.4, DRV8825 and modular RepRap construction based on Mendel, Printerbot, Cherry, Prusa i3 and CARP Box ideas.
It is designed to use 12V PSU for LED lights that should fit under bed. Power consumption is currently ca 40W when heating just hotend and 15W-20W when printing on polycarbonate bed. Or with100x100mm PCB heatbed it will consume 75-85W when preheating and 30-45W in total when printing.
On video, bridge test calibration model is printed. During this particular print it is reaching top speeds 30mm/s in X and Y axis, 0.35mm/s in Z axis and extruder can push filament up to 4mm/s. But such speeds requires higher current, so the motors are overheating and eventually the internal gear box or coils of 28BYJ-48 may got damaged.
For a reliable long term print, printer should not exceed 12.5/s in X and Y axis and 1mm/s on extruder with as low current as possible so the real speed will be close to the first layer on the video. Also usage of coolers above stepper motors is highly recommended. You can find such solution among improvements. Despite this precaution I've already burned two motors in extruder so consider this until the reason will be found.
Printer is reaching speeds 16mm/s, on X, Y and E motors are fans, DRV8825 stepper drivers are tweaked for precise current control and it is equiped with heatbed. This 11 minute long time laps is showing complete 1h41m long print and is probably most accurate example of printer's performance.