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OpenCASCADE Technology 7.7.0 released


Open Cascade is pleased to announce a new public release of Open CASCADE Technology (version 7.7.0).

Open CASCADE Technology version 7.7.0 is a minor release, which includes about 250 improvements and corrections over the previous minor release 7.6.0.

Version 7.7.0 introduces new features of most OCCT modules and components. In Modeling new functionality is implemented, which could verify the input shape to be placed on a canonical geometry with the given tolerance. More stable work of the 2D offset algorithm is achieved by a new option in BRepOffsetAPI_MakeOffset class. In terms of Visualization, a new interface for creating V3d_View as subviews of another V3d_View is introduced. In addition, various Mesh problems from BRepMesh speed up to broken triangulation on pipe shape are resolved. As for Data Exchange, tessellated presentations support in STEP translator, a unified interface to Data Exchange connectors, and a new tool for scaling geometry in XCAF document are added. Documentation and samples are improved including a new tutorial publication to ease access to OCCT for new users.

New in OCCT 7.7.0:


  • Improved compatibility with C++17/C++20 compilers

  • Dropped support of pre-C++11 compilers


  • New functionality is implemented, which could verify the input shape to be placed on a canonical geometry with the given tolerance. If the input shape is a face or a shell, it could be verified to be close enough to Plane, Cylinder, Cone or Sphere. If the input shape is an edge or a wire, it could be verified to be close to Line, Circle or Ellipse as well as lying on one of the analytical surfaces above.

  • Introduced new tool BRepLib_PointCloudShape generating a point set for a topological shape.

  • New option in BRepOffsetAPI_MakeOffset - approximation of input contours by ones consisting of 2D circular arcs and 2D linear segments only, it provides more stable work of 2D offset algorithm.


  • Introduced new interface for creating V3d_View as subviews of another V3d_View.

  • Added smoothing to row interlaced stereoscopic output.

  • Added word-wrapping option to Font_TextFormatter.

  • Added support of a wide color window buffer format (10bit per component / 30bit RGB).

  • Added MSAA anti-aliasing support when using WebGL 2.0.

  • Introduced skydome generation feature 3d_View::BackgroundSkydome().


  • BRepMesh works too long and produces many free nodes on a valid face problems are resolved.

  • Meshing the shape no longer takes too long and visualization problems are corrected.

  • Wrong shading display of thrusections is fixed.

  • Rendering issue when using deviation coefficient of low value is resolved.

  • Mesher no longer produce 'bad' result for extruded spline with given deviation coefficient.

  • Holes in triangulation with large linear deflection are removed.

  • Broken triangulation on pipe shape is fixed.

Data Exchange

  • STEP translator now supports tessellated presentations.

  • Transformation tools BRepBuilderAPI_Transform/BRepBuilderAPI_Copy now handle properly tessellated presentations.

  • glTF Writer - added support of Draco compression.

  • Introduced DEWrapper - a unified interface to Data Exchange connectors.

  • Introduced tool XCAFDoc_Editor::RescaleGeometry() for scaling geometry in XCAF document.


  • SONAME is now configurable in CMake and includes minor version in addition to major by default


  • Improved samples / tutorials documentation.

  • Introduced new “AIS: Custom Presentation” tutorial.

Detailed information about this release is available in ReleaseNotes (PDF). To download Open CASCADE Technology 7.7.0, follow the link. Feel free to contact us for any additional information.


  • Pipe Shape的Mesh问题;

  • STEP支持网格数据;

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