1 引言
(2) cross-crack measurements, either manual or by wireline extensometer;(3) survey monitoring, Automated Prism Monitoring;(4) GPS(Global Positioning Systems);(6) laser scanning LiDAR;(7) ground-based Slope Stability Radar (8) tiltmeters and electrolevels;(9) microseismic arrays
(10) satellite-based satellite interferometry (InSAR)常用的监测系统有Groundprobe(54), Reutech(21), Tre Altamira(10), 3vGeomatics(8), IDS(6)和Maptek等。
2 Automated Prism Monitoring
(2006) Geotechnical Strategy And Tactics At Anglo Platinum’S Pprust Open Pit Operation, Limpopo Province, South Africa(2007) Ground risk mitigation by better geotechnical design and construction management(2007) Slope Stability Radar(2007) Wall Optimisation — A Case Study From the Fimiston Open Pit,(2008) Sustainability Of Innovative Management Practices Of Geotechnical Risk At Damang Pit Cut Back (Dpcb) – A Case Study At Gold Fields Ghana, Damang Mine(2011) A Correlation of Slope Velocity and Factor of Safety at Mt Owen Mine(2011) Risk Based Geotechnical Slope Reconciliation at Rio Tinto Iron Ore, Pilbara Operations(2016) Slope steepening of the Golden Pike west wall at Fimiston Pit(2018) Pit Slope Stability Monitoring Plan(2020) Cockatoo Island pit dewatering and wall depressurisation监测设备自动产生海量的点云数据,实测点云(Point Cloud)数据与可以与稳定性分析集成在一起,通过把实时数据叠加到稳定性分析上可以直观地比较模拟结果和实测结果之间的差异,进而实时校准预测模型。Rocscience目前在3个三维软件中初步实现了这种功能,即三维极限平衡分析Slide3、三维有限元分析RS3和三维边界元应力分析EX3。
通过Interpret>Import Sensor Data可以直接把实测的点云数据输入到模型中,目前可以输入7种数据格式。除了静态的数据外,也可以与服务器连接,导入实时的测量数据。
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