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非洲采矿岩石力学的传奇人物---Dr. Thomas Stacey


1 引言
非洲在采矿岩石力学方面有着丰富的历史贡献,例如全球最深的地下矿山【19个全球最深的地下矿山(开采深度均超过2千米)】大部分位于非洲,Bieniawski的工程岩体分类方法RMR、Laubscher崩落采矿研究的先驱和传奇人物---Dennis Laubscher (1929-2021)】为崩落采矿改进的MRMR分类方法都起源于非洲,在全世界范围内广泛应用;Dr. Heok【岩土工程传奇人物Dr. Hoek---岩石工程的设计挑战、灾难和教训】作为一个土生土长的非洲人,早期的研究工作也在非洲(CSIR);采矿软件Deswik【矿山规划软件Deswik.CAD---设计和固体模拟(Design & Solids Modeling)】起源于非洲;国际矿业咨询公司SRK Consulting(Steffen Robertson and Kirsten公司)起源于在非洲工作的三位采矿工程师。

非洲采矿岩石力学另一位传奇人物Dr. Thomas Stacey对非洲的采矿工业和采矿岩石力学的发展作出了重要贡献,他作了许多探索性和开创性的采矿岩石力学工作,特别是他对采矿岩石力学应用于工程实践有着深刻的理解。在会议上,Dr. Stacey作了题为《Rock Engineering Contributions from Africa, and Important Considerations in Rock Engineering Practice(非洲的岩石工程贡献以及岩石工程实践中的重要考虑因素)》的主旨演讲;2022年10月4日,Dr. Stacey将在Rocscience公司的主持下作一个Webinar演讲"A Fortunate Career(幸运的职业生涯)",届时如有可能的话,将为大家分享这个演讲视频。

Dr. Stacey是南非维特沃特斯兰德大学(University of Witwatersrand)采矿工程学院的名誉教授。在Dr. Stacey 50多年的职业生涯中,发表了许多非常经典的采矿岩石力学论文。本文根据GeotechSet数据集中资料,简要总结了他的代表性论文。

2 代表性论文

(1970) The stresses surrounding open pit mine slopes【"双子矿"露天开采转为地下开采岩石力学方面的考虑(Transitioning from OP to UM)

(1972) Three-dimensional finite element stress analysis applied to two problems in rock mechanics【Malmberget mine---世界最大分段崩落法(SLC)矿山的岩石力学研究

(1973) A three-dimensional consideration of the stresses surrounding open pit mine slopes【各向异性岩体边坡的三维稳定性(Anisotropic Rock Masses)

(1981) A simple extension strain criterion for fracture of brittle rock【RockEng 2022 | 在岩石力学方面的优势和未来的发展方向】

(1984) Design of large underground openings in rock - an integrated approach【地下开挖岩石楔的稳定性(Rock Wedges stability)

(1986) Practical Handbook for Underground Rock Mechanics【岩石力学---从物理试验到数值试验

(1986) Discussion on rockfall protection measures【毕设训练(1):岩石崩落分析与防护(Rockfall Analysis and Protection)

(1987) Three Dimensional Stress Analysis: A Practical Planning Tool for Mining Problems【边界元应力分析的几何导入(Geometry Import)---Map3D to EX3

(1989) Potential rockfalls in conventionally supported stopes - a simple probabilistic approachUpdated---边坡稳定性概率分析数据集(Probabilistic Approach)

(1995) Technical note: Safety and cost implications in the spacing of supportGround Support 2023---第10届采矿地层支护国际会议

(1996) Stress analysis and three dimensions in rock slope stability毕设训练(3): 岩石边坡稳定性概率分析

(1998) In-situ Stresses in Mining Areas in South Africa【原岩应力(in-situ stresses)的估算

(2000) Mining subsidence and its effect on the environment: some differing examples【Laubscher经验方法估算沉降破坏(Subsidence Limits)

(2000) Reservations regarding the use of rock mass classifications in rock engineering【Engineering Rock Mass Classifications---三种先进的搜索引擎比较

(2001) Best Practice Engineering Handbook for Other Mines【朗金讲座60年(Rankine Lecture 1961-2022)

(2001) Tunnel surface support capacities of various types of wire mesh and shotcrete under dynamic loading【第五届土力学和岩土工程新进展国际会议(岩土工程课程outline)】

(2001) Practical Rock Engineering Practice for Shallow and Opencast Mines【采石场滑坡(Quarry Rockslide in Oman) | Quarry Slope Stability

(2003) New slope stability considerations for deep open pit mines【地下矿突水的原因、预测和灾害管理(Inrush and Inundation)兼大红才矿难回顾和处理结果

(2003) Extension strain – a new concept in open pit slope stability, and its use in the explanation of two slope failure滑坡监测(Slope Movement Monitoring)
(2004) “Extension” and seismicity in a hard rock open pit mine【第56届ARMA美国岩石力学/工程地质力学研讨会(Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics)---Part 1】
(2005) Predicting the stability of rockpasses from the geological structure【新的监管环境下矿产资源及其不确定性的地质统计学评价
(2006) Unstable rock slope behaviour in discontinuous rock masses【石根华的Discontinuous Deformation Analysis (DDA)文献聚合
(2006) Considerations of failure mechanisms associated with rock slope instability and consequences for stability analysis露天采矿台阶楔形体稳定性(Bench Wedge Stability)
(2007) Slope Stability in High Stress and Hard Rock Conditions【深部和高应力采矿国际会议(2024)---Deep and High Stress Mining
(2007) Challenges in Deep and High Stress Mining【深埋隧道(deep buried tunnel)研究
(2007) Risk as a rock engineering design criterion【Geo-Risk 2023---理论的进步与实践的创新】
(2009) Design - a strategic issue【露天采矿台阶楔形体稳定性(Bench Wedge Stability)
(2014) Automatic prediction of time to failure of open pit mine slopes based on radar monitoring and inverse velocity method【Frank Slide---一个简单的文献调查
(2015) Experience with the development and use of a simple DFN over a period of 30 years【离散断裂网络[DFN.]FISH函数分类与解析(UDEC和3DEC)
(2016) Addressing the Consequences of Dynamic Rock Failure in Underground Excavations【GeotechSet数据集在GPT2上的训练过程
(2019) Using laser scanner face mapping to improve geotechnical data confidence at Sishen Mine【地面激光扫描仪(Terrestrial Laser Scanner)在岩土工程中的应用(1)---Rockfall
(2019) A risk-based methodology to improve the definition of geotechnical design sectors in slope design露天采矿台阶楔形体稳定性(Bench Wedge Stability)
(2020) Synthetic Rock Mass Modelling and Geotechnical Mapping: An Open Pit Mine Case Study in Anisotropic Rock【Updated: 合成岩体模拟[Synthetic Rock Mass (SRM) modeling]
(2022) Quantified Value-created Process (QVP) – A value-based process for mine design and operating decisions【LaRonde金矿的岩石力学研究(开采深度3.2km)
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