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非结构化的文献快速聚合: Synthetic Rock Mass


1 引言

快速地聚合出一个主题最有价值的参考文献是作研究的第一步, 使用一个值得信任的数据库进行查询能够节省大量宝贵的时间, Google Scholar 和 EndNote 就是非常好的查询工具, 但是由于各种原因, 这两个数据库工具不能随心所欲地使用. 因此需要一些偏方来实现目的. 这个笔记描述了使用Google Scholar快速聚合出参考文献的方法. 

2 查询方法

首先通过偏方进入到非稳态的Google Scholar, 把查询到的每一页文献通过copy paste快速输入到SQLite数据库, 甚至不检查每条记录, 这样做是为了争取时间, 因为你根本不知道什么时候就连接不上了. 显然这是一些非结构化的碎片状信息, 甚至包含着一些无用记录. 

接着使用一种特殊的搜索技术从这个生成的数据库中提取特定的信息. 再从硬盘内的相关目录中搜索特定的信息, 包括软件的安装目录(C:\Program Files\Itasca), 文档保存目录(C:\Users\m\Documents)以及下载目录(C:\Users\m\Downloads), 把这些结果文件汇集成一个文件. 然后对这个文件进行数据清洗.

3 查找SRM

使用上面的方法 论查询"Synthetic Rock Mass", 最后汇总的结果共有6818行. 初步的数据清洗后, 得到下面最相关的参考文献: 

[1] Esmaieli, K., J. Hadjigeorgiou and M. Grenon. “Estimating Geometrical and Mechanical REV based on Synthetic Rock Mass Models at Brunswick Mine,” Int. J. Rock Mech. Min., 47(6), 915-926 (2010).

[2] Farahmand, K., and Diederichs, M. (2015). A Calibrated Synthetic Rock Mass (SRM) Model for Simulating Crack Growth in Granitic Rock Considering Grain Scale Heterogeneity of Polycrystalline Rock. San Francisco, USA: Proceedings of the 49th US Rock Mechanics Symposium. 14 pages.

[3] Farahmand, K., Vazaios, I, Diederichs, M.S., and Vlachopoulos, N. (2015). Generation of a Synthetic Rock Mass (SRM) Model for Simulation of Strength of Crystalline Rock using a Hybrid DFN-DEM Approach. In Proceedings of the EUROCK 2015, Salzburg, Austria. 7 pages.

[4] Farahmand, K., Vazaios, I., Diederichs, M.S., Vlachopoulos, N. (2017) Investigating the Scale Dependency of the Mechanical Properties of a Moderately Jointed Rockmass using a Synthetic Rock Mass (SRM) Approach. Journal of Computers and Geotechnics. Submitted on 7 July 2017 

[5] Ivars, D., Pierce, M., Darcel, C., Reyes-Montes, J., Potyondy, D., Young, R., and Cundall, P. (2011). The synthetic rock mass approach for jointed rock mass modelling. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 48(2), 219-244.

[6] Mas Ivars, D., Deisman, N., Pierce, M. & Fairhurst, C. (2007) The synthetic rock mass approach – a step forward in the characterization of jointed rock masses, In The Second Half Century of Rock Mechanics, Proc. 11th Congress of the International Society for Rock Mechanics (Lisbon, July 2007), Vol. 1, pp. 485-490, L. Ribeiro e Sousa, C. Olalla, & N. Grossmann (eds), London: Taylor & Francis Group.

[7] Mas Ivars, D., Pierce, M., DeGagné, D. and Darcel, C. (2008a) Anisotropy and scale dependency in jointed rock-mass strength—A synthetic rock mass study. Continuum and Distinct Element Numerical Modeling in GeoEngineering, Proceeding First International FLAC/DEM Symposium on Numerical Modeling, R. Hart, C. Detournay and P. Cundall (editors) 24–26 August, Minneapolis, Itasca

[8] Pierce, M., Cundall, P., Potyondy, D. and Mas Ivars, D. (2007) A synthetic rock mass model for jointed rock, In Rock Mechanics: Meeting Society's Challenges and Demands, Proc. 1st Canada-U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium (Vancouver, Canada, May 2007) Vol. 1, pp. 341-349, E. Eberhardt et al., (eds), London: Taylor & Francis Group.

[9] Pierce, M.E., and C. Fairhurst. Synthetic Rock Mass Applications in Mass Mining," in Harmonising Rock Engineering and the Environment (Proc. 12th ISRM Int. Congress, Beijing, China, October 2011), pp. 109-14, Q. Qian and Y. Zhou, eds., ISBN 978-0-415-80444-8, London: Taylor & Francis Group (2012).

[10] Pierce, M., Mas Ivars, D., and Sainsbury, B. (2009). Use of synthetic rock masses (SRM) to investigate jointed rock mass strength and deformation behaviour. In Anonymous proceedings of the international conference on rock joints and jointed rock masses. Tucson, Arizona, USA.

[11] Reyes-Montes J., Pettitt, W. & Young, R.P. (2007) Validation of a synthetic rock mass model using excavation induced microseismicity, In Rock Mechanics: Meeting Society's Challenges and Demands, Proc. 1st Canada-U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium (Vancouver, Canada, May 2007) Vol. 1, pp. 365-369, E. Eberhardt et al., (eds), London: Taylor & Francis Group.

[12] Sainsbury, B., Pierce, M. and Mas Ivars, D. (2008) Analysis of cave behaviour using a Synthetic Rock Mass (SRM) – Ubiquitous Joint Rock Mass (UJRM) modelling technique, In Proceedings, SHIRMS 2008, 1st Southern Hemisphere International Rock Mechanics Symposium (Perth, Australia, September 16-19, 2008), (in press).

[13] Vazaios, I., Farahmand, K., Vlachopoulos, N., Diederichs, M.S. (2017) The Effects of Confinement on the Rockmass Modulus: A Synthetic Rockmass Modelling (SRM) Study. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Submitted on 18 June 2017


[1] A technique termed Synthetic Rock Mass (SRM) modeling has been developed to study the strength and deformation behavior of jointed rock in three-dimensions. It uses PFC3D to represent the intact rock as an assembly of bonded particles and an embedded Discrete Fracture Network to represent the joints as disc-shaped flaws. This new technique overcomes limitations in model size and joint representation that were present in earlier work and allows for rapid construction and testing of 10-100m diameter samples of moderately to heavily jointed rock containing thousands of non-persistent joints. The method has been used to estimate the pre-peak properties (modulus, damage threshold, peak strength) and post-peak properties (brittleness, residual strength, fragmentation) of rock masses and has been employed in the analysis of large-scale boundary value problems. This paper summarizes the results of studies performed to date and describes new research aimed at further validation and application of the technique.

[2] Recently, a numerical approach, called synthetic rock mass (SRM), has been developed and applied in several projects. The SRM is a bonded-particle assembly representing brittle rock that contains multiple joints, each consisting of a planar array of bonds that obey a special model, the smooth joint model (SJM). The SJM allows slip and cracking at particle contacts, while respecting the given joint orientation rather than local contact orientations. Overall failure of an SRM element depends on both fracture of intact material (bond breaks) and yield of joint segments.

[3] A rock mass consists of a large volume of rock that contains discontinuities (for example, joints and existing fractures). In order for overall failure to take place, fracture of intact material and failure on discontinuities must occur. The so-called rock bridges must break. Therefore, stability predictions of engineered rock structures must take account of the ensemble strength, but it is difficult to characterise an entire rock mass because of the impossibility of strength-testing a large extent of rock directly. Small-scale testing of rock cannot be applied at the field scale because of the well-known size effect whereby large volumes appear weaker than small volumes. Empirical methods of estimating rock mass strength do not often account for the size effect, which implies that the design of large structures in rock may be non-conservative. Here, we attempt to quantify the size effect in rock masses by synthesising the ensemble behaviour from the known behaviours of the components (joints and intact rock), which may be tested at small scale. This numerical scheme is known as the synthetic rock mass (SRM). It is worth recording the words of Brady and Brown (2004) when discussing scale effects:

[4] A Synthetic Rock Mass (SRM) model has been developed to study the strength and deformation behavior of jointed rock in three-dimensions. It uses the Particle Flow Code in Three Dimensions (PFC3D) [1] to represent the intact rock as an assembly of bonded particles and an embedded Discrete Fracture Network to represent the joints. Unlike previous approaches, this methodology allows for consideration of large complex nonpersistent joint network in three dimensions as well as block breakage that includes the impact of incomplete joints on block strength. The technique has been applied to the detailed analysis of rock mass strength and deformation behavior over a range of scales. This paper discusses some of the key computational developments behind the methodology, summarizes recent applications of the technique and outlines some areas for further research and development.

[5] USING A SYNTHETIC ROCK MASS (SRM) APPROACH---A detailed understanding of strength and fracturing behaviour of the rockmass is essential for coherent design of underground structures such as deep geological repositories (DGRs) for long-term nuclear waste storage. The development of advanced numerical approaches, such as Synthetic Rock Mass (SRM), provides an effective tool to simulate the failure process of the rock at various scales from laboratory scale samples to excavation scale problems. As an alternative to empirical methods and physical testing, the SRM technique can also be employed to estimate the deformability and strength properties of jointed rockmasses under a wide range of scales and boundary conditions.

[6] In this paper, a synthetic rock mass (SRM) method is used to numerically characterize the effect of joint sets on rock pillars. The SRM model is constructed by explicitly inserting discrete fracture network into a particle assembly. Conceptual SRM models show that pillar-loading capacity is weakened by inserted joints. Pillar peak strength is lower when inserted joints favor shear sliding of rock blocks, and strength becomes higher when pillar failure is controlled by fragmentation of intact rocks. Meanwhile, loading capacity is weakened when longer joints are simulated. The effect of joint sets on pillar modulus is similar to the observed effect on peak strength. Pillar failure behaves as a continuous shear failure when the inserted joints are inclined and changes into intact rock splitting when the joints become vertical. The SRM method is then used to characterize the joint set effect on real pillars in the Doe Run mine. A pillar model with a width/height ratio of 0.8 is initially constructed on the basis of derived joint characteristics from photogrammetric mapping. Numerical results show that the pillar peak strength and deformation modulus were reduced by 68.1 and 44.8%, respectively, in comparison with the corresponding properties of the joint-free model. A series of additional pillar SRM models is also studied, and SRM pillar strengths agree with the empirical formulas in general. Finally, this paper presents a comparison study between continuum and SRM models. The coincidence in findings between the two numerical methods further validates the robustness of the SRM method for characterizing joint set effect on rock pillars.

4 结束语

本文利用非稳态的Google Scholar实现文献的快速聚合. 接下来要做的是对文件内的碎片状文本做合成(Synthetic Text)处理. 


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