1 引言
2 Barton-Bandis剪切强度
3 Barton-Bandis主要命令
block config barton-bandis
block contact cmodel assign barton-bandis
block contact property st-normal 40000 ...
st-shear 40000 jrco 8 jcso 30 ...
sigmac 50 lo .1 phir 20
block contact cmodel default barton-bandis
block contact list barton-bandis
(1) aperture
(2) normal
(3) shear
block contanct change model 7
4 关键字描述
关键字 | 描述 |
aperture | 初始张开度,如果不指定,将根据一个经验公式来计算[长度] |
bbdmax | 膨胀角的最大值 [度] |
bbdmin | 膨胀角的最小值 [度] |
bbdplateau | 决定在剪切反转过程中是否将损伤因子应用于剪切应力值的高原区域。如果将该参数设置为1,可以得到更真实的膨胀计算结果。默认值(bbdplateau = 0)与Barton-Bandis模型的原始定义一致。 |
bbdtable | Barton-Bandis 剪切破坏系数表。使用TABLE命令可以在一个表中指定最多10个破坏系数,这些系数用于减少每个剪切循环的峰值剪切力。第一个值通常是1.0,应用于剪切循环1。每一个附加值将应用于下一个剪切循环。最后一个值将用于所有后续循环。默认系数为 1.0; 0.75; 0.625; 0.5625; 和0.53125。 |
jcso | 实验室规模的节理壁抗压强度[应力]。 |
jkn | 节理法向刚度[应力/长度] |
jks | 节理切向刚度[应力/长度] |
jrco | 实验室规模的节理粗糙度系数 |
In | 现场规模的节理长度[长度] |
Io | 实验室规模的节理长度[长度] |
phir | 残余摩擦角[度] |
sigmac | 原岩单轴抗压强度[度] |
(1) phir 残余摩擦角的估计
[1] International Society for Rock Mechanics Commission on Standardisation of Laboratory and Field Tests. 1978. Suggested methods for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock masses. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr. 15, 319-368.
[2] Barton, N.R. and Bandis, S.C. 1990. Review of predictive capabilites of JRC-JCS model in engineering practice. In Rock joints, proc. int. symp. on rock joints, Loen, Norway, (eds N. Barton and O. Stephansson), 603-610. Rotterdam: Balkema.
5 关键bb.fin
bb.fin使用FISH储存Barton-Bandis joint model的参数。
set echo off
fish def $bb_fin
; Barton-Bandis material model parameters -- FISH Include file
; --------------------------
; index to Barton-Bandis joint property list is c_jex(zi)
; (all values are floating-point type unless declared otherwise)
; Barton-Bandis model parameters (JOINT MODEL BB)
; ------------------------------------------------
$bb_kn = 1 ; joint normal stiffness (MPA / m)
$bb_ks = 2 ; joint shear stiffness (MPa / m)
$bb_phir = 3 ; residual angle of friction (degrees)
$bb_jcso = 4 ; lab-scale joint wall compressive strength (MPa)
$bb_jrco = 5 ; lab-scale joint roughness coefficient
$bb_aper = 6 ; initial aperture of joint (mm)
$bb_ln = 7 ; field-scale joint length (m)
$bb_lo = 8 ; lab-scale joint length (m)
$bb_sigmac = 9 ; intact rock uniaxial compressive strength (MPa)
$bb_bbdtab = 10 ; damage table number
$bb_bbdmin = 11 ; minimum value of dilation allowed (mm)
$bb_bbdmax = 12 ; maximum value of dilation allowed (mm)
$bb_bbdam = 13 ; Barton-Bandis shear damage factors
$bb_nc = 14 ; joint normal displacement load cycle ( =load,-=unload)
$bb_sc = 15 ; joint shear cycle
$bb_usmb = 16 ; max. shear disp. ratio previous load cycle
$bb_usc = 17 ; current shear disp. (mm)
$bb_usm = 18 ; max. shear disp. ratio this load cycle
$bb_unc = 19 ; current normal disp. (mm)
$bb_unm = 20 ; max. normal disp. this load cycle (mm)
$bb_unpc = 21 ; sum of previous irrecoverable closures (mm)
$bb_vmi = 22 ; max. allowable closure this load cycle (mm)
$bb_kni = 23 ; initial joint normal stiffness (MPa / mm)
$bb_virr = 24 ; irrecoverable closure (unload cycle only, mm)
$bb_jrcn = 25 ; full-scale joint roughness coefficient
$bb_jcsn = 26 ; full-scale joint wall compressive strength (MPa)
$bb_unl = 27 ; max. normal disp. previous load cycle (mm)
$bb_dil = 28 ; current cumulative dilation
$bb_empb = 29 ; empirical multiplier for fluid flow law
$bb_expa = 30 ; exponent of joint hydraulic multiplier
$bb_grdex = 31 ; gradient exponent
$bb_jperm = 32 ; joint permeability
set echo on
6 结束语
Barton-Bandis (BB) 剪切强度模型用来计算带有粗糙度的节理强度,这个模型比库伦滑动模型更复杂。BB模型可来模拟岩石剪切试验以及岩石边坡稳定性分析。目前除了UDEC内置BB模型外,Rocscience的大部分软件也内置了BB模型。