1 引言
地面激光扫描仪(Terrestrial Laser Scanner, TLS)是一个我从未涉足过的领域,因为最近阅读的一些文献涉及到这方面的应用,于是从GeotechSet中提取出相关数据,形成一个新的数据集terrestrial laser scanner.txt。事实上,与这个数据集密切相关的还有一个早已建立的数据集LiDAR.txt,不过一直没有使用。terrestrial laser scanner.txt包含了大约50多篇论文。在目前阶段,仅从这个数据集中了解一下TLS在岩土工程中的应用范围,不讨论也没有能力讨论TLS自身的技术。显然,这种回顾既不系统也不完整。这是因为首先,我不具备TLS的专业知识,其次回顾的论文样本太少。
2 TLS检测岩崩和滑坡
地面激光扫描(Terrestrial Laser Scanner, TLS) 已经用于结构的变形测量和岩体监测。为了确保捕获数据的质量,测量仪器首先必须经过校准,Lichti, D. D. (2010) 回顾了TLS的几何模型和自校准方法,综述了TLS系统误差模型和自校准方法,并提供了实数据数据集证明了这些过程的必要性。
TLS可以识别岩体的不连续性并评估滑坡的可能性。TLS可生成高分辨率的地形点云,从而检测边坡运动。利用这种特性,Gigli, G., et al. (2014) , Mineo, S., et al. (2018) 结合岩土工程勘察技术评估岩石崩塌的可能性。利用TLS获得的数据建立三维模型(Digital Elevation Model, DEM),确定最不稳定块体的形状和体积以及主要崩塌区的位置。这种技术应该不是新颖的,很多年以前,我们就从地形图上提取数据,然后把数据输入到Surfer软件中,建立起三维模型,然后计算开挖和回填方量。二者的基本原理一样。
Abellán, A., et al. (2006),Oppikofer, T., et al. (2008), Kasperski, J., et al. (2010),Nguyen, H. T., et al. (2011) 使用 TLS 点云确定不连续结构的信息,从而建立不稳定性机制,解释测量的位移。利用这些信息,可以确定岩块的体积、几何形状,计算崩落轨迹,速度、撞击频率和对不同的危险区域进行分类。Abellán, A., et al. (2009),Abellán, A., et al. (2010),Abellán, A., et al. (2011) 使用TLS研究了岩体体积和频率方面的地貌演化,通过检测破坏前的变形,预测岩石崩落的空间位置。
Santana, D., et al. (2012),Corominas, J., et al. (2018) 使用TLS研究了岩崩发生频率,识别不连续性表面,计算崩落暴露面积和高度。Arosio, D., et al. (2009),Tomas, R., et al. (2018)建议TLS,地面干涉测量合成孔径雷达(GB-INSAR)和声发射/微震监测相结合,发展一个集成的监测和警报系统。以传统的岩土工程技术与地球物理、遥感技术和微震监测相结合的监测方法确实是一个很有前途的研究领域。
Riquelme, A., et al. (2017) 比较了TLS和摄影测量点云(Photogrammetric Point Clouds)分析岩体不连续的结果,这是一个非常有意义的比较研究。岩体的产状传统上都是使用罗盘来测量的,但TLS可以推导出岩体的走向和倾向。不过Photogrammetric技术正在成为学术研究的主流,可以从照片中提取岩体的产状。
3 结束语
4 参考文献
[1] Gigli, G., et al. (2014). "Terrestrial laser scanner and geomechanical surveys for the rapid evaluation of rock fall susceptibility scenarios." Landslides
[2] Riquelme, A., et al. (2017). "Identification of Rock Slope Discontinuity Sets from Laser Scanner and Photogrammetric Point Clouds: a Comparative Analysis." ISRM European Rock Mechanics Symposium Eurock 2017 191: 838-845.
[3] Tomas, R., et al. (2018). "A multidisciplinary approach for the investigation of a rock spreading on an urban slope." Landslides 15(2): 199-217.
[4] Arosio, D., et al. (2009). Towards rockfall forecasting through observing deformations and listening to microseismic emissions. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science. 9: 1119-1131.
[5] Mineo, S., et al. (2018). "Rockfall Analysis for Preliminary Hazard Assessment of the Cliff of Taormina Saracen Castle (Sicily)." Sustainability 10(2).
[6] Oppikofer, T., et al. (2008). Terrestrial laser scanner monitoring of the 2006 Eiger rockslide (Switzerland). International Geological Congress Abstracts. 33: 1344825.
[7] Lichti, D. D. (2010). "A review of geometric models and self-calibration methods for terrestrial laser scanners." Boletim de Ciências Geodésicas 16: 3-19.
[8] Corominas, J., et al. (2018). "Magnitude and frequency relations: are there geological constraints to the rockfall size?" Landslides 15(5): 829-845.
[9] Nguyen, H. T., et al. (2011). "Use of terrestrial laser scanning for engineering geological applications on volcanic rock slopes - An example from Madeira island (Portugal)."
[10] Abellán, A., et al. (2010). "Detection and spatial prediction of rockfalls by means of terrestrial laser scanner monitoring." Geomorphology 119: 162-171.
[11] Abellán, A., et al. (2006). "Application of a long-range Terrestrial Laser Scanner to a detailed rockfall study at Vall de Núria (Eastern Pyrenees, Spain)." Engineering Geology 88: 136-148.
[12] Abellán, A., et al. (2011). "Rockfall monitoring by Terrestrial Laser Scanning - Case study of the basaltic rock face at Castellfollit de la Roca (Catalonia, Spain)." Natural Hazards and Earth System Science 11: 829-841.
[13] Abellán, A., et al. (2009). Detection of millimetric deformation using a terrestrial laser scanner: experiment and application to a rockfall event. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science. 9: 365-372.
[14] Kasperski, J., et al. (2010). Application of a Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) to the Study of the Séchilienne Landslide (Isère, France). Remote Sensing. 2: 2785-2802.
岩石崩落分析(Analysis of Rockfall)方法简述
岩石崩落分析与防护(Rockfall Analysis and Protection)
滑坡径流的估计: 经验与数值方法比较