1 引言
计算语言学其中一项具有挑战性的任务就是语言模拟,语言模拟是将一个模型与语料库相匹配,语料库可以是特定领域的,就像我们的GeotechSet。所有流行的基于transformer的模型都是用语言模拟的变体来训练的,例如BERT用屏蔽语言建模(masked language modeling),而GPT-2用因果语言建模(causal language modeling)。除了预训练之外,语言模拟可以将模型的分布迁移到特定领域, 例如使用一个在非常大的语料库上训练出来语言模型,然后将其微调到新闻数据集或科学论文上。
这个笔记着重强调屏蔽式语言模拟(MLM, masked language modeling),类似于我们在英语考试中经常遇到的完形填空。屏蔽式语言模拟的任务是用一个屏蔽标记(token)来屏蔽一个序列中的标记,并提示模型用一个适当的标记来填充该屏蔽。这使得模型能够同时注意到右边的语境(掩码右边的标记)和左边的语境(掩码左边的标记)。MLM允许模型学习句子的双向表示, 这样的训练为需要双向语境的下游任务,如SQuAD(问题回答Question Answering)奠定了坚实基础。取一个句子,模型随机掩蔽输入中15%的单词,然后通过模型运行整个掩蔽的句子预测掩蔽的单词,参看《阅读理解回答问题(Question Answering)---一个更强的BERT预训练模型》和《Transformers之问题对答(Question Answering)》。此外,可以利用run_mlm.py脚本在屏蔽的语言模拟任务上微调模型。
2 管道(Pipeline)方法
from transformers import pipeline
summarizer = pipeline("summarization")
question_answering = pipeline("question-answering")
unmasker = pipeline("fill-mask")
(1) 填充名词
试验的句子为Shear failure commonly takes place along the { } at the lower part of rock slope.
计算选项: slope, ridge, slopes, glacier, cliffs
正确答案: joint fissure
(2) 填充动词
试验的句子为continuum models cannot adequately { } the relative displacement of blocks, interlocking, internal moments produced by block rotations, and fracturing of the intact rock material.
计算选项: capture, explain, quantify, simulate, describe
正确答案: simulate
(3) 填充形容词
试验的句子为failure of intact rock bridges would develop in the form of { } damage over a specific area.
计算选项: structural, catastrophic, extensive, permanent, seismic
正确答案: progressive
3 模型和标记方法
from transformers import AutoModelWithLMHead, AutoTokenizer
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("distilbert-base-cased")
model = AutoModelWithLMHead.from_pretrained("distilbert-base-cased")
(1) 填充名词
试验的句子为Shear failure commonly takes place along the { } at the lower part of rock slope.
计算选项: ridge, slope, slopes, ridges, fault 【slope, ridge, slopes, glacier, cliffs】
正确答案: joint fissure
(2) 填充动词
试验的句子为continuum models cannot adequately { } the relative displacement of blocks, interlocking, internal moments produced by block rotations, and fracturing of the intact rock material.
计算选项: predict, describe, explain, estimate, determine 【capture, explain, quantify, simulate, describe】
正确答案: simulate
(3) 填充形容词
试验的句子为failure of intact rock bridges would develop in the form of { } damage over a specific area.
计算选项: structural, catastrophic, landslide, flood, significant【structural, catastrophic, extensive, permanent, seismic】
正确答案: progressive