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露天采矿台阶楔形体稳定性(Bench Wedge Stability)


1 引言

露天采矿台阶的破坏形式主要有三种: 平面破坏, 楔形破坏和岩石坠落. 其中楔形破坏是最常见的破坏形式,如下图所示。本文使用机器学习方法在GeotechSet数据集内调查了这个方向最相关的研究工作。 

露天采矿台阶稳定性分析方法(Bench Scale Stability Analysis)

露天采矿台阶设计(Bench Design)方法

Swedge: 岩石边坡楔形破坏稳定性分析

2 调查方法

如果使用C(n,3)的组合查询方法,那么对"bench wedge failure stability"将会得出大量的相关文档,由于我们的着重点在"bench", 因此分开运行能够缩小范围,得到更精确的解答,然后根据搜索的数据映射出文档的名称。运行结果如下:

(I) bench wedge stability


(1) Feasibility Pit Slope Design

(2) Kinematic assessment of composite failure mechanisms in pit slopes

(3) Site investigation and geological data collection

(4) chuquicamata

(5) Bench Scale Stability Analysis

(6) Geotechnical Review of LOM Cariboo Pit and Springer Pit Slope Designs

(2) bench wedge failure


(1) Assessing slope performance

(2) Characterisation of High Rock Slopes using an Integrated Numerical Modelling

(3) Kinematic assessment of composite failure mechanisms in pit slopes- a novel slip surface identification algorithm for DFN models

(4) Monitoring and managing large deformation pit slope instabilities at a British Columbia copper mine

(5) Site investigation and geological data collection

(6) Slope Stability Analysis and Design Based On Probability Techniques at Cassiar Mine

(7) Geotechnical Review of LOM Cariboo Pit and Springer Pit Slope Designs

(8) rock wedge failure


[1] Kinematic assessment of composite failure mechanisms in pit slopes- a novel slip surface identification algorithm for DFN models

[2] Site investigation and geological data collection

[3] Geotechnical Review of LOM Cariboo Pit and Springer Pit Slope Designs

3 文档的相似度

Paraphrase Mining是在一个句子集 合中寻找彼此之间最相似的方法,这个算法最初用来查找硬盘内的相似文档,利用这个方法可以得出上述两个搜索结果中最相似的文档,按照相似度排列,其前10个结果如下:

model = SentenceTransformer('paraphrase-MiniLM-L6-v2')

(1) Feasibility Pit Slope Design

Geotechnical Review of LOM Cariboo Pit and Springer Pit Slope Designs

[Score: 0.7373]

(2) Feasibility Pit Slope Design

Slope Stability Analysis and Design Based On Probability Techniques at Cassiar Mine

[Score: 0.6490]

(3) Geotechnical Review of LOM Cariboo Pit and Springer Pit Slope Designs

Monitoring and managing large deformation pit slope instabilities at a British Columbia copper mine

[Score: 0.5804]

[4] Feasibility Pit Slope Design

Characterisation of High Rock Slopes using an Integrated Numerical Modelling

[Score: 0.5682]

[5] Monitoring and managing large deformation pit slope instabilities at a British Columbia copper mine

Characterisation of High Rock Slopes using an Integrated Numerical Modelling

[Score: 0.5680]

[6] Site investigation and geological data collection

Monitoring and managing large deformation pit slope instabilities at a British Columbia copper mine

[Score: 0.5632]

[7] Feasibility Pit Slope Design

Kinematic assessment of composite failure mechanisms in pit slopes- a novel slip surface identification algorithm for DFN models

[Score: 0.5442]

[8] Characterisation of High Rock Slopes using an Integrated Numerical Modelling

Slope Stability Analysis and Design Based On Probability Techniques at Cassiar Mine

[Score: 0.5317]

[9] Monitoring and managing large deformation pit slope instabilities at a British Columbia copper mine

Feasibility Pit Slope Design

[Score: 0.5228]

[10] Kinematic assessment of composite failure mechanisms in pit slopes- a novel slip surface identification algorithm for DFN models 

Slope Stability Analysis and Design Based On Probability Techniques at Cassiar Mine

[Score: 0.5062]


4 参考文献

[1] Duncan C. Wyllie (2018) Rock Slope Engineering Civil Applications. Fifth Edition. 621p.

[2] Golder Associates Ltd. (2016) Mount Polley Mine. Geotechnical Review of LOM Cariboo Pit and Springer Pit Slope Designs.

[3] Hoek, E. (2009) Fundamentals of slope design. Keynote address at Slope Stability 2009, Santiago, Chile. 

[4] Knight Piésold CONSULTING (2006) PACIFIC BOOKER MINERALS INC. MORRISON COPPER/GOLD PROJECT.  Feasibility Pit Slope Design. 78p.

[5] Lawrence, K. P., MD Nelson, M Yetisir, P Matlashewski (2020). Kinematic assessment of composite failure mechanisms in pit slopes - a novel slip surface identification algorithm for DFN models. GOLDEN 2020. 

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