1 引言
有位同学在<岩石原位块体尺寸估计(Estimation of in site rock block size)>的留言区问有没有巷道或隧道上部覆岩厚度方面的论文推荐。显然,这是一个非常宽广的论题,不同岩层条件下需要考虑的上覆岩层考虑不一样,而且这个考虑与研究目的有关,主要关心的是围岩压力和隧道支护还是地表沉降? 因此仅给出这一个条件很难推荐出哪篇论文是最好的。不过,我们可以试着从SSGeotech数据库中发现哪些论文与这个论题相关, 尽管这种推荐是粗略的和不完整的,但至少可以给出一个大致的前进方向。
2 推荐过程
SSGeotech目前共有71,180篇论文,由于这个数据集刚刚建立,而且重点侧重于露天矿的岩石力学,还没有特别关注隧道工程, 因此得出的结果可能是不完整的。首先根据这位同学提供的中文关键词“隧道上部覆盖岩厚度”翻译成英文“Thickness of overburden rock above tunnel”, 然后根据这个英文的关键词在SSGeotech内进行单句搜索,按照C(n,3)的组合进行计算:
[('thickness', 'overburden', 'rock'),
('thickness', 'overburden', 'tunnel'),
('thickness', 'rock', 'tunnel'),
('overburden', 'rock', 'tunnel')]
3 推荐结果
[1] Reasonable thickness of metro station with single arch large-span in upper-soft and lower-hard stratum
[2] Reasonable overburden thickness for underwater shield tunnel
[3] Study on Bias Characteristics of Multi Arch Tunnel Under Different Side Overburden Thickness
[4] Discontinuum analyses of openings constructed with side drift and limited rock cover
[5] Elasto-plastic Behavior of Raghadan Tunnel Based on RMR and Hoek–Brown Classifications
[6] Experiences Obtained by Execution of High Pre-Cuttings and Tunnels in Rock of the HSSR Type in Croatia
[7] Estimation of rock mass properties of heavily sheared flysch using data from tunnelling construction
[8] A Study on Rock Mass Classifications and Tunnel Support Systems in Unconsolidated Sedimentary Rock
[9] Engineering rock mass classifications
[10] Hard rock extreme conditions in the first 10 km of TBM driven Brenner Exploratory Tunnel
[11] rock mass rating. Advantages and problems of the rating methods
[12] Evaluation of rock classifications at B. C. Rail tumbler ridge tunnels
4 结束语
这个笔记从SSGeotech中查询与“隧道上部覆盖岩厚度”相关的论文,由于数据集的局限以及查询关键句子词的范围太大,因此查询的最匹配的论文不一定是期望的论文。不过这篇笔记提供了一个相对精确查询的方法 论,随着数据集的不断优化和查询句子范围的限定,得出的结果应该更接近用户的期望值。