1 引言
第6届澳大利亚采矿地层控制大会(6th Australasian Ground Control in Mining Conference)---AusRock 2022将于2022年11月29日至12月1日在墨尔本(Melbourne)召开。本次会议由AusIMM(Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy)和UNSW(University of New South Wales) Sydney共同组织,目前还没有发布提交的论文题目,因此这个总结显得有点儿苍白无力。不过,由于这是一个专门的采矿工程地层控制会议,所以会议主题涉及了一些普通的岩石力学会议不探讨的主题,例如回填、尾矿、岩爆和崩落力学(caving mechanics)等。
2 会议主题
(1) 地层控制和支护(Ground Control and Support)
Tendon systems, surface liners, injection systems in open cut and underground mining
Alternative materials in ground support(地下开挖顶板岩石楔支护(Support of Rock Wedge))
Backfill technologies(与充填采矿模拟相关的一些注意事项(Excavation and Backfilling))
Mine subsidence – prediction and control(地下开采诱发地表下沉的应变极限准则(Fracturing Limits))
New challenges and innovations in ground control
(2) 岩石力学(Rock Mechanics in mining, civil and petroleum engineering)
Rock mass characterisation techniques and practice
Jointed rock mass behaviour(扩展有限元(XFEM)模拟岩体节理网络(DFN | Joint Network))
Drilling, blasting and excavation(钻孔稳定性和可钻性(Borehole Stability and Drillability))
Tunnelling and underground space development
(3) 结构稳定性(Structure stability)
Regional stability
Pillar design and performance(应变软化的矿柱稳定性(Pillar Stability with IMASS Model)---宽高比对矿柱强度的影响)
Slope stability(各向异性岩体边坡的三维稳定性(Anisotropic Rock Masses))
Tailings performance and management(尾矿坝的数值分析(Numerical Analysis of Tailing Dams))
Fracture diagnostics and surveillance: new technologies and methods
(4) 岩石动力学(Dynamic events and managing large deformations)
Rock and coal burst(矿山冲击地压控制(Coal Mine Burst Prevention Controls))
Induced seismicity
Wind and air blast
Water in-rush(突水事故原因和灾害管理(Inrush and Inundation in Underground Mine))
(5) 岩土监测(Geotechnical instrumentation)
Underground and open pit monitoring techniques and performances
Monitoring for unconventional gas and petroleum
滑坡监测(Slope Movement Monitoring)
(6) 数据管理(Data management)
Artificial intelligence applications【岩土工程中的机器学习和大数据(视频)】
Data visualisation
Data analytics
Data driven decision making【岩石边坡工程大数据处理---阶段性总结(R2)】
(7) 采矿系统和设计(Mining Systems and Design)
Geotechnical considerations
Geotechnical design methodologies[[重点]岩石边坡工程课程---边坡工程分析与设计(C4)]
Caving mechanics and control(CAVING 2022---第5届块体崩落和分段崩落法国际会议)
Multiseam, multireef and complex orebodies
(8) 极端环境(Geotechnical challenges in extreme environments)
Deep mining(19个全球最深的地下矿山(开采深度均超过2千米))
Underwater mining(露天顶柱(Surface Crown Pillar)的形式及其厚度影响因素)
Severe climate conditions(深部露天矿边坡稳定性---迪亚维克钻石矿(Diavik Diamond Mine))
Planetary rock mechanics
(9) 交叉学科(Interdisciplinary)
Geothermal considerations
EGS: Field experiments and modeling
EGS: Recent experience and opportunities
General geothermal considerations
Geothermal simulations
THMC processes in single fractures and DFN: Experiments and simulations
Nonconventional geothermal applications
DFNE Geothermal & CCS【DFNE 2022---第3届国际离散断裂网络工程会议】
Subsurface storage and sequestration
Coupled behaviour
Pore pressure and fracture gradient
Petrophysics, Rock Physics, Geophysics for Geomechanics
Interdisciplinary aspects of theory, performance, and interpretation
Geotechnical risk management
(10) 岩土教育和培训(Geotechnical education & training)
Skills shortage and future needs
Professional ethics