1 引言
2022年春季跨加拿大的巡回演讲(Spring 2022 Cross Canada Lecture Tour)将于2022年6月13日至7月20日在加拿大的11个城市举行:
(1) 6/13 Fredericton, NB
(2) 6/14 Montreal, QC
(3) 6/15 Ottawa, ON
(4) 6/16 Toronto, ON
(5) 6/20 Vancouver, BC
(6) 6/21 Edmonton, AB
(7) 6/22 Calgary, AB
(8) 6/23 Saskatoon, SK
(9) 6/24 Winnipeg, MB
(10) 7/6 Victoria, BC
(11) 7/20 Prince George, BC
本次巡回演讲的演讲者是SFU(Simon Fraser University)的Doug Stead教授,演讲题目为《Characterizing slope failure mechanisms using combined remote sensing and numerical modelling(利用遥感和数值模拟相结合的方式评价边坡坡坏机制》。
2 遥感和数值模拟
Doug Stead教授接受的高等教育全部在英国,学士学位在埃克塞特大学(University of Exeter),硕士学位在利兹大学(University of Leeds), 博士学位在诺丁汉大学(University of Nottingham),上个世纪90年代,他从英国移居到加拿大,在Burnaby的西门菲莎大学SFU(Simon Fraser University)工作。Dr. Stead的专业为工程地质和岩石力学,对边坡稳定性及其破坏机理进行了广泛研究。Dr. Stead为中国培养了至少4位博士研究生。“利用遥感和数值模拟相结合的方式评价边坡坡坏机制”是Dr. Stead近年来的其中一个研究方向。这项研究工作的具体内容体现在他的部分学生的学位论文,主要包括:
[1] Tuckey, Z. (2012) An Integrated Field Mapping-Numerical Modelling Approach to Characterising Discontinuity Persistence and Intact Rock Bridges in Large Open Pit Slopes. M.Sc. Thesis.
[2] Sturzenegger, M. (2010) Multi-scale characterization of rock mass discontinuities and rock slope geometry using terrestrial remote sensing techniques. Ph.D. thesis.
[3] Wolter, A., (2014) Characterisation of Large Catastrophic Landslides Using an Integrated Field, Remote Sensing, and Numerical Modelling Approach. Ph.D. thesis.
[4] Havaej, M. (2015) Characterisation of High Rock Slopes using an Integrated Numerical Modelling - Remote Sensing Approach. Ph.D. Thesis.
[5] Westin, A.M., (2017) Downie Slide: an integrated remote sensing approach to characterization of a very slow moving landslide. M.Sc. Thesis. Simon Fraser University.
[6] Donati D. (2019) The characterization of slope damage using an integrated remote sensing-numerical modelling approach. Ph.D. Thesis, Simon Fraser University.
3 数据集
与Dr. Stead演讲相关的内容集中在数据集《remote sensing and numerical modelling》及其子主题《Photogrammetry》内,本公 众 号以前的文章与这个主题相关的内容列举如下:
[1] Rock Slope Stability Assessment – The Benefits And Challenges Of Remotely Sensed Data(岩石边坡稳定性评估---遥感数据的益处与挑战)---遥感技术必须与其他测量技术相结合。[Improvements to field and remote sensing methods for mapping discontinuity persistence and intact rock bridges]
[2] Use of rock slope rating systems with remote sensing for Geotechnical Asset Management and preliminary application at a rock slope in Southern AB.
[3] Intact rock bridge breakage and rock mass fragmentation upon failure: quantification using remote sensing techniques.
[4] Improvements to field and remote sensing methods for mapping discontinuity persistence and intact rock bridges in rock slopes.(改进现场和遥感方法,测绘岩石边坡不连续的贯通性和完整的岩桥)
[5] A case study integrating remote sensing and distinct element analysis to quarry slope stability assessment.
[6] Characterising groundwater in rock slopes using a combined remote sensing-numerical modelling approach.