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岩土工程风险---大数据和机器学习(Geotechnical Risk)


1 引言

第八届岩土工程安全和风险国际研讨会(8th International Symposium for Geotechnical Safety & Risk)---ISGSR 2022将于2022年12月14日~16日在澳大利亚纽卡斯尔(Newcastle, Australia)举行,ISGSR 2022的主题是 "岩土工程风险:大数据、机器学习和气候变化(Geotechnical Risk: Big-data, Machine Learning and Climate Change)",会议将介绍最新的研究进展和工程实践创新,重点是岩土工程中使用的概率和风险方法。会议将包括广泛的知识强化的技术会议、短期课程、研讨会和软件演示。

(1) Machine learning and big data 

(2) Big Data and Data Analytics for Extreme Events

(3) Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning in Geo-Engineering 

(4) Big data, data analytics, data integration 

2 论文

(1) Probabilistic site investigation

(a) A Probabilistic Investigation of Foundation Design for Offshore Structures.

(b) Probabilistic investigation of RFEM topologies for slope stability analysis.

(c) Bayesian Approach for Probabilistic Site Characterization Using Cone Penetration Tests.

(d) The localized probabilistic site characterization in geotechnical engineering.

(2) Data Driven Site Characterization Methods and Their Benchmarking

(a) 与传统的现场特征分析方法(钻孔和实验室/现场测试)相比, CPT技术快速和可靠,用来识别桩端致密砂层的密实度。

(b) 对于岩石地层,使用地球物理方法,例如地震折射法(seismic refraction)确定基岩深度,基于使用多阵列的电阻率方法(resistivity methods)可以提供详细的地层剖面图。

(c) Reliability of different site characterization methods

(3) Modelling spatial variability in geotechnical engineering

(a) Modelling spatial variability of soil parameters.

(b) Modelling spatial variability of rock mass geomechanical properties

(c) Identifying and modelling spatial variability of rock mass parameters

(4) Reliability assessment of subsoil modelling in geoengineering applications

(5) Geological uncertainties in geotechnical analysis and design

(a) Analysis of engineering geological uncertainties analysis related to tunnelling in himalayan rock mass conditions. 

(b) 由于地质的不确定性和大规模开挖中材料特性的变化以及露天开采中复杂的现场条件,仅仅为边坡稳定性进行确定性研究 评估可能是不够的

(6) Advances of Theory, Methodology and Applications in Geotechnical Reliability-based Design

(7) Bayesian analysis of geotechnical data

(a) Bayesian analysis to estimate intact rock strength parameters from laboratory testing data

(b) Applying Bayesian Models to Forecast Rock Mass Modulus

(c) Bayesian prediction of TBM penetration rate in rock mass

(d) Bayesian analysis of the impact of rainfall data product on simulated slope failure

(e) Slope Stability Analysis Using Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method

(8) Machine learning in geotechnical engineering

(9) Uncertainty-based modelling of climate change effects in geotechnical engineering

(10) Application of risk and reliability methods in case studies

(11) Landslide Risk Assessment & Geo-Hazards Induced by Rainfall, Earthquake and Other Factors

(12) Uncertainty & Reliability Analysis in Rock Engineering

(13) Data-Centric Geotechnics

(14) Risk Assessment of Soil Liquefaction Hazards

(15) Earthquake uncertainty, risk, and hazard

(16) Probabilistic Analysis of Seepage and Internal Erosion

(17) Inverse analysis and data assimilation in geotechnical engineering

(18) Reliability aspects in geotechnical codes of practice

(19) Reliability analysis in pavement engineering

(20) Risk assessment in offshore geotechnical engineering

(21) Risk assessment and reliability based design in geotechnical engineering practice

(22) Soil heterogeneity in 3D: characterisation and modelling

3 演讲

(1) Geotechnical probability: From FOSM to RFEM

(2) It Is All About Decisions

(3) Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Geotechnical Engineering

(4) Global, regional, or municipal database? Which is better?

(5) Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice

(6) Reliability Assessment of Existing Geotechnical Structures

(7) Slope reliability analysis and risk assessment: a modern computational perspective

(8) Uncertainty quantification in data-driven geotechnical stratigraphic modeling

(9) Coupled Characterization of Stratigraphic and Geo-properties Uncertainties and Evaluation of the Influences on Geotechnical Performance

(10) Risk management of cost overrun and delay in underground excavation

4 公司

(1) Rocscience; (2) Mott Macdonald; (3) WSP-Golder

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