风流知音(FLOWS:Physics & beyond)【湍流】High-fidelity aircraft noise simulation:from component to system level. Damiano Casalino & Daniele Ragni FPB20191002
High-fidelity aircraft noise simulation:from component to system level
Damiano Casalino (TU-Delft & 3DS)
Daniele Ragni (TU-Delft)
Beihang University, 17-18 December 2018
Prof. Casalino receives his aeronautic engineering degree in TurinPolytechnic, and PhD in fluid-dynamics and acoustics from Turin Polytechnic andEcole Centrale de Lyon respectively. He has research interests in aeroacousticsthat cover frequency-domain CAA for duct acoustics and installation effects,sound propagation in sheared floss, integral methods, stochastic noisegeneration, advanced experimental techniques for space launcher noise,helicopter trajectory optimization, vortex-airfoil interaction noise, lineroptimization. he is the chair of aeroacoustics in the Aerospace faculty ofdelft University of Technology and senior director of aerospace exploitation ofthe lattice Boltzmann method for airframe and engine noise prediction. He isauthor and co-author of about thirty archival Journal publications in the fieldof aeroacoustics.
受北京航空航天大学陆士嘉实验室主任(航空气动声学工信部重点实验室)刘沛清教授的邀请,于2018年12月17日在北京航空航天大学举办了气动声学高级研讨会。本次会议邀请到荷兰代尔夫特大学气动声学领域的知名教授Damiqana Casalino和浙江大学郑耀教授,分别就高精度数值模拟和高可靠性气动声学预报等方面进行了专场报告,旨在促进气动声学领域的数值预报技术交流,共同探讨该领域的快速发展。本次给出的ppt即为会议交流报告。此处转发,供大家参考。