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本文介绍了人脑数字双胞胎的概念,以及其在预防和治疗神经退行性疾病方面的潜力。文章通过引用达索系统虚拟人体建模的高级总监Stephen Levine博士的演讲分享,介绍了虚拟双胞胎在医疗保健领域的最新进展。文章还介绍了创伤性脑损伤的模拟模型,以及开颅减压术的案例分享。此外,文章还讨论了经颅直流电刺 激治疗精神分裂症和特定患者治疗优化的问题。最后,文章提到了云端的数字双胞胎。


本文选译自达索系统虚拟人体建模的高级总监Stephen Levine博士在GEN(Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News)举办的Webinar的演讲分享《通过大脑的虚拟双胞胎来预防痴呆》。


I'm Steve Levine and I lead virtual human modeling Dassault Systemes. On this webinar, I am going to share some of my experiences with this new approach to healthcare, and there are a number of examples why we believe the concept of the virtual twin can transform the development, approval and even the treatment protocols for many modern challenges in health care. Including the treatment of neuro degenerative diseases.

我是史蒂夫·莱文(Steve Levine),是达索系统公司虚拟人体建模的负责人,在这次网络研讨会上,我将分享我在使用这种新的医疗保健方法方面的一些经验,并且有许多例子使我们相信人体数字双胞胎可以改变医疗保健中面向许多现代挑战的开发、批准甚至治疗方案,包括神经退行性疾病的治疗。


Here's the agenda for today's talk, First I'll provide a brief introduction to mycompany, our history, motivation, and our vision for the transformative potential of digital technology developing personalized or precision treatments. Next, I’ll describe our first deep investigation into what we call the virtual twin experience. Through the creation of the ‘living heart’ project, where we took on the challenge of building a fully functional virtual heart using what we learned from that, I will share the development and some applications of a virtual brain, and then we'll open the phone for Q&A.



Hopefully that's given you some idea ofthe rapid advances that we've been able to make through the methodology of the living heart project, that's allowed us a much deeper understanding of human physiology and building a method to collaborate and capture the best knowledge that humans have to offer.


So taken what we've learned in the living heart project we have begun to explore the development of the living brain model, while we have much more to go, as you'll see already, we have a range of applications that we can already address which you are giving us confidence for the future, so let me feel a few of these few these examples.



I've broken the examples down into three different types of treatment simulations, the first represents the use of brain models to explore damage done to the brain as a result of physical phenomena such as traumatic brain injury and surgical interventions. The next examples involve patient specific guidance for neuromodulation, the final there are some exciting new research into predicting neuro degenerative disease progression. 



Traumatic Brain Injury: Developing a Finite Element Head Model for Impact Simulation in Abaqus


First I will discuss traumatic brain injury or TBI, as you probably know is a widespread condition considered to be any non-degenerative or non-congenital intrusion into the brain from an external mechanical force. This mechanical force can lead to temporary or even permanent impairment of cognitive, physical, or psychological functions. 


When we first developed the brain model, in fact an entire head and neck model who was done in collaboration with our partners at synopsis, Simplewear and the naval research labs, who are obviously interested in understanding how to protect soldiers from blasts at all scales. 



Of course, TBI can occur from many sources and affect many different regions of the brain as with the living heart, our goal is to develop horizontally deployable models that are not so finely tuned that they would be only limited to individual use cases. We're all very familiar with injuries from sports such as direct impact in professional football and the rapid deceleration from automotive crashes, but some of our greatest challenges for how to protect our soldiers. For example, the recent strike in the US camps in Iraq we know there's already more than 100 soldiers who suffered from TBI. 



I'll briefly describe two examples, one from a direct impact. And the other from frontal blast pressure wave, as you can see, the impact scenarios for each case are very different than the one impact profile is much broader and the location is centralized, in the other, the pressure wave moves more rapidly in just a few milliseconds, so I’ll go through each analysis. 



Developing the head neck model follows more or less the same procedure as with the heart, the model begins with clinical image data, is transformed into 3D geometry and then segmented into the necessary functional elements of the head. Each segment then is assigned the physical properties of a real head, which are derived based primarily on cadaver testing. 


For this model, the properties we have really only represent the physical characteristics necessary to reproduce the physical environment, interpreting the psychological impact of brain function from the impact would require a far more detailed model. And not considered for this analysis. 

Even so, the model requires 30,000,000 degrees of freedom and can only be run over a very short period of time. 



Slide: Head Model for TBI Simulation


This slide shows the details of the 3D head simulation model, although relatively small in comparison to something, say like a commercial jet. It's also quite complex, and therefore we need on the order of three and a half million elements, to describe the full detail of the human head and the brain. Representing a 33 different anatomical structures, each individually represented so they could be analyzed independently. 



Slide: TBI Impact


The model is then accelerated to an impact at 45 degree angle. On the right, you can see the results showing the validation data for the pressures created inside the simulation as compared with those that are measured in a cadaveric. As you can see, the model shows good correlation with the measured data. Now, of course, that the model here is not limited to the single scenario, it can easily be modified to increase or decrease its fidelity. You can alter the scenario could include details such as a complete set of neck muscles or head protection or impact from really any angle. 


Here in this video you can see the improved view using our 3D experience platform, which also highlights how much more intuitive it is to see these phenomenon represented in full three dimensions. 



Slide: TBI from Blast Loading


Moving on now I’ll go through another example of TBI. In this case, from a blast loading as represented by a frontal shock wave, here we see the experimental setup for calibrating and testing the virtual model. These results are reported in a paper indicated at the upper right you can see the experimental rig can provide invaluable data for quantities that are readily measured, whereas simulation allows you to dig much deeper into what's happening on the inside. 



Slide: TBI from Blast Loading-2


In the case of a blast loading, the impact is very rapid and the shockwave passes in a few milliseconds. We can see, however, that the compressive wave actually travels through the skull faster than the wave surrounding the skull out in free air. This creates a negative pressure system at the back of the head, which is actually reduced very well by the model, as shown in the graph in the upper right where we compare the measured pressure against that of the simulation. 


Once again, we get good validation and are able to actually dig more deeply into what's happening inside the head once we know we've reproduced the overall behavior correctly. 



Slide: TBI from Blast Loading-3


Here we show the blast wave traveling through the head from both the external region as well as a mid-sagittal region. Once again you can observe peak pressures near the base of the brain as the wave passes through. Looking more deeply into the brain itself, the affirmations in the skull which I haven't actually shown here, result in peak strains in the centerline of the brain, which most likely correspond to strains that would exceed the injury level. 



Case Study: Mechanics of Decompressive Craniectomy


My next case study is actually a clinical treatment simulation that might be used in a severe case of TBI or other brain trauma that would lead to excess pressure build up inside the skull. In Decompressive Craniectomy, a surgeon will give space to the brain to allow outward herniation, which would prevent compression of the brain stem structures or reconstructive brain perfusion. 


Decompressive Craniectomy, although it can be very effective, remains a controversial surgical procedure with high failure rates as it induces large mechanical strains which may be the cause of brain damage later. This work from collaborators at Stanford, Exeter and Oxford universities, the authors attempt to quantify the strains in the brain from a personalized craniotomy treatment. 


The simulations can reveal potential failure mechanisms, stretch, compression, and shear, and identify the regions of highest risk for brain damage to guide the surgeon in his procedure. For this model, the authors used 190 different scans, each at zero point nine millimeter intervals, which were taken from an ad ult female volunteer which were used to create the model. 



Brain Swelling Following Craniectomy


Given the novelty of this analysis, the authors looked at this procedure and studied it with varying degrees of fidelity of the model to explore the sensitivity to the levels of detail, and ultimately optimized the model efficiency. 


In the simplest model only hyperelastic tissue is used to represent the brain, with unique properties for both white and gray matter, in a model that had about 1.3 million elements. In the poroelastic model, white and gray matter is represented as more of a saturated medium, which includes velocity fluidic effects such as permeability welding and capillary effects. Much more realistic model, but far more computational in demanding. 



Methodology & Results


I don't have time to go once again into the details, but here you can see an overview of the simulation methodology, and an example of the results. The craniotomy was simulated by removal of about ten centimeter diameter section of the less left posterior skull. Friction contact was then used between the brain and the fluid. Inside the skull, which was shown in the pink section above, which allows the brain the freedom to expand in response to release of the intracranial pressure. On the right, we could see a systematic analysis of the displacement, the strains, and the stretching at different degrees of swelling, which vary from about 2% to 10% at 2% intervals. 


What we can see is the axons located right at the leading edge of the opening are at the highest risk to the tangential stretching forces. Here is a 3D representation provided by the authors which actually give you a little more insight into the understanding of the analysis. 





My next set of application examples are of 3D guided neuromodulation, as I'm sure you know the brain is highly affected by externally applied or induced electrical signals and these treatments, sometimes called electrolysis articles, can offer life changing opportunities. The treatments fall into two categories. Invasive, which involves embedding electrodes directly into the brain and non-invasive, where external simulation is applied outside the skull. 

我的下一组应用示例是3D引导的神经调节,我确定您知道大脑会受到外部施加的或感应的电信号的高度影响,而这些疗法(有时称为电刺 激)可以为患者提供改变生活的机会。疗法分为两种类别:有创的,包括将电极直接嵌入大脑,以及无创的,其中在颅骨外应用外部模拟。

Because it has the most precise delivery, deep brain stimulation or DBS is the most common today, however there remain still remain many challenges and risks. So let me show you some of the work we've done on DBS. 

因为深层刺 激或DBS是最精确的递送方式,所以在今天是最常见的,但是仍然存在许多挑战和风险。这里我向您展示我们在DBS(脑深部电刺 激术)上所做的一些工作。


Deep Brain Stimulation

脑深部电刺 激术

DBS is already a well established therapy, for example, for the control of motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease, but there are several critical aspects of DBS to be effective. One is the appropriate targeting, an accurate placement of the DBS lead location and the stimulation and the precise program delivery of electrical energy impulses. Most of our focus to date has been on the former using the methodologies to reconstruct the head and brain to guide the surgeon. 

DBS已经是一种成熟的疗法,例如,用于控制帕金森氏病中的运动症状,但是DBS有几个关键方面有效。一种是适当的目标定位,DBS引线位置的准确放置以及电能脉冲的刺 激和精确程序传递。迄今为止,我们的大部分注意力都集中在使用方法重建头部和大脑以指导外科医生的方法上。

We've worked with a company called Neurotargeting which has developed an Atlas that can be used as a roadmap for a surgeon to understand the likely areas of critical function which are based on a population analysis. These maps can then be used in planning as well as in the or to guide the surgeon. 



Epilepsy Patient Analysis


Here was a short video of the type of visual visualization we can provide to the surgeon, in this case, we're looking at an epilepsy patient with probes distributed throughout the brain to identify the regions responsible for convulsive activity. All of this information can be reconstructed in virtual reality. The surgeon can literally deconstruct the brain to understand exactly what's happening, devise the optimal treatment, and then perform it on the real. 



Noninvasive Neuromodulation


Now I’ll talk about noninvasive treatments which really represents the most potential for new benefit. By their nature, noninvasive treatments can be readily applied even by the patient at home more dynamically to provide real time treatment of physical or psychological challenges such as schizophrenia. Of course, as these treatments are applied blinded, they pose a particular challenge in determining a protocol that will deliver the desired results. This is, let me show you an example of how virtual brain can be used. 



Case Study: Transcranial Electrical Stimulation

案例分享:经颅电刺 激

In this case study, the authors simulate transcranial electrical stimulation, and once again I’d like to acknowledge the critical work of the collaborators, in this case, leader under the direction of the lead investigator, Dr. G. Venkatasubramanian, at the national Institute for mental health and neuroscience in India. 

在这个案例研究中,作者模拟了经颅电刺 激,我想再次感谢合作者的重要工作,在这个案例中,合作者是首席研究员G. Venkatasubramanian博士,他是印度国家心理健康和神经科学研究所头头。


Transcranial Electrical Stimulation (tES)

经颅电刺 激术

As I mentioned, the biophysics of electrical brain stimulation is that a predominantly shuns through the skull, stimulating the nerves below with relatively weak field compared to DBS. Since these low fields were non convulsive, the patient can be conscious and feel a little discomfort, offering many different delivery modes, as with all ES (Electrical Stimulation) techniques, both the location and the pulse modality will govern the effectiveness of the treatment. It’s low amplitude two currents don't trigger any action potentials directly, rather they alter the resting potential selectively raising and lowering regions as desired. 

正如我提到的,电刺 激大脑的生物物理学研究可以避免开颅手术,与DBS相比,它以相对弱的电场刺 激下方的神经。由于这些低场是非惊厥性的,因此患者可以保持清醒并感到一些不适,并提供多种不同的实现方式,就像所有ES(电刺 激)技术一样,位置和脉冲方式都将决定治疗的有效性。它的振幅很低,两个电流不会直接触发任何动作电位,而是会根据需要改变静止电位,选择性地升高和降低区域。


tDCS in Schizophrenia

经颅直流电刺 激治疗精神分裂症

In this study, transcranial direct current stimulation is used to treat schizophrenia. In this case, the patient is tested to identify those regions where the action is higher than desired in action where it is lower. The goal of the treatment is then to decrease the resting potential in the areas where the behavior you would like to reduce and raise its potential to increase neural activity in the desirable behaviors. 

在这项研究中,经颅直流电刺 激用于治疗精神分裂症。在这个案例中,对患者进行测试以识别那些要高于动作期望值的动作区域。然后,治疗的目标是减少您想减少行为的部位的静息潜力,并提高其在期望行为中增加神经活动的潜力。


Image-based Finite Element Models


As before, the CT Scans were segmented in this case into six unique sections, each given anisotropic electrical conductivity, which were measured from cadavers. The model was composed of 3,000,000 elements and about 17,000,000 nodes. In the simulation, the current of 2 mA was applied and the exterior was then treated as an insulator so no loss of energy would result. 



TDCS – Electroceuticals are going to change the world


With these detailed, patient specific models, the exact procedure can be performed on the virtual twin of the patient, with significant benefits of being able to look inside the skull to track the propagation of the electrical signal, and actually looked deep into the brain and see what's happening inside. This gives the clinician the detail they need to be able to tune the location and pulsing sequence to exactly the location to produce the desired effects. 



tDCS: Personalized Modeling

经颅直流电刺 激:个体化模型

Easing the procedure described, patients were actually treated and classified as responders and non-responders. In this study, the goal was to understand why the treatment was effective in some, but not in others. And having the ability to look inside the skull, to understand exactly what was happening and compared to experimental measurements was invaluable in understanding the differences. 



tES: Clinical Visualization

经颅电刺 激术tES:临床可视化

To guide the treatments, in this protocol, the measured excitation potentials, but positive and negative could be mapped back into the clinical data which augmented the scans with virtual surgery information. Having the ability to overlay that the clinical data and simulated data gives insights into the procedure that are invaluable in guiding the treatment and gives real time understanding. 



TI-tACS: Optimization for Patient-specific Treatment

德州仪器经颅交流电刺 激仪:特定患者治疗优化

Based on the cohort of patients in the studies, the authors were actually able to devise a two-step procedure to optimize the treatment. The first step was to simulate the treatment over the full range of options, creating a map of the response surfaces. The data is then provided to the clinician who is unable to interactively fine tune the treatment based on the insight from the data and any other relevant knowledge and experience. 



Computational Workflow for Personalized Neuromodulation


The result is now a semi-automated digital workflow for creating patient specific treatment protocols, which go from scan data to optimize treatment using the digital twin as the guide. Although the procedure is still under development, over time, the clinical database should provide a fantastic knowledge foundation to dramatically increase the effectiveness of the treatment, and possibly lead to AI models which would then allow real time optimization. 



Case Study: Progression of Neurodegenerative Disease


And finally, now I described the use of the virtual brain model for the treatment of neuro degenerative diseases. For decades, scientists have speculated that the key to understanding age related neuro degenerative disorders may be found in the unusual biology of the prion diseases, recently this hypothesis has gained experimental momentum. 


Where it's been observed that specific proteins have been found to miss fold and aggregate into seeds that structurally corrupt similar proteins, causing them to aggregate and form assemblies such as large masses of amyloid. These proteinaceous seeds can then serve as self-propagating agents for the progression of disease. The outcome is the functional compromise in the nervous system because the aggregated proteins become toxic or lose their normal function. In this case study, the authors will investigate these mechanisms. 



Simulation of Toxicity and Related Atrophy


As I mentioned, the authors explore the hypothesis that these disease progressions are governed by the complex reactions that lead to the propagation of toxic proteins, which then concentrate and create lesions in turn causing cell death and tissue atrophy. There are several possible propagation mechanisms that can be investigated using models which compared to longitudinal clinical data to help understand what's happening in a given patient. 


Of course, each patient will experience dementia uniquely to their own dis-regulation of protein synthesis, but the underlying mechanism of disease progression would be assumed to be similar and the patient will experience a combination of these physical, chemical, and biological factors. 



Simulation of Toxicity and Related Atrophy - Methodology


Once again, the brain is reconstructed using the previously described protocols to understand each disease progression, the authors compute the biomarker abnormality and create a temporal map of the toxic protein which is based on clinical observations. Then, using a propagation model, the time evolution of the path of the proteins can be predicted and analyzed. Finally, a tissue atrophy model with different atrophy rates in the grey and white matter area were used to create atrophy maps. For computational efficiency, tissue shrinking is computed in a post processing step based on the values of concentration at different time points.



Simulation of Brain Atrophy


Here's an example of an Alzheimer’s patient. On the left we see activation maps over time, from zero to 15 years following the progression of Tau inclusions. In the center, we see MRI images taken from a patient compared to the predicted time sequence of toxic proteins in the center. And at the center bottom we see the result in brain atrophy predicted from the toxic protein progressions. 



Propagation of toxic proteins – 2D


Using clinical data, the authors were able to develop a simple model of aggregated trends, neural damage to test the possible interactions between Tau proteins, and amyloid beta. And coupled behavior between these toxic proteins clearance and protopathic propagation. 


This is a summary slide which shows 2D animation sequences of four different damage maps. Their analysis suggests that amyloid, beta and Tau proteins work together to enhance nucleation and propagation of different diseases, which sheds new light on the importance of protein clearance and protein interaction mechanisms and prion-like models of inherited degenerative diseases. 



Propagation of toxic proteins – 3D


Of course we understand the importance of three dimensions in understanding the actual effect on the human body. So here we see 3D progression maps which could be further interrogated to reveal more insights into the psychological impact of these disease progression. On the left we see how inclusions in Alzheimer’s disease on the right Alphas in nuclear inclusions in Parkinson disease. Clearly we see very different progressions, this can provide insights into understanding treatment protocols and better behavior. 



Progression of cerebral atrophy – 2D/3D

脑萎缩的过程 – 2D/3D

As I mentioned, the authors were able to couple the progression maps with physical atrophy models that mimic clinically observable changes in the brain morphology. This animation we see the displacements of the brain atrophy, which are exaggerated to aid visual interpretation, but provide very meaningful insights into understanding what's happening at the physical level and can be compared directly to clinical data. 



Connectome-based demetia model


In the future, the authors hoped to include a connectome-based dementia model, which could significantly add to the fidelity of the patient representation and interpretation of what actually may be happening to the patient itself. 



Simulation Brain Atrophy


Once again, I need to recognize the authors of this work and recommend that you contact them or look up their publications if you're interested in further information on their work. We also show here a nice 3D visualization, which superimposed many of the factors that I’ve discussed demonstrating the ability for three dimensional representations to capture very complex human behavior. 



Coming: CSF Modeling


Taking a look ahead, we believe we now have assembled many of the techniques in place to be able to simulate complex patient specific treatment protocols. In addition to those I’ve shown, were exploring drug delivery mechanisms, such as those delivered directly through the cerebral spinal fluid to allow for regional or concentration specificity. 


Beginning with what we've learned about simulating micro vascular systems, the complex interactions between fluids and soft tissues such as valves, as well as needle penetration skin permeability etc. Our multi-scale models can help us go from cellular interactions to an entire patient, which can be built up from scan data, or ultimately approximated from libraries or Atlases. We think this is the horizon of a truly patient centric medicine and will transform the patient experience forever. 



Digital Twin of Brain Summary


In summary, I’ve tried to give you a flavour of how we've spent the last five years or so creating digital continuity between real patients and virtual patients. We know from experience that the marriage of the real world and virtual worlds really is the key to unlocking the imagination of medical and biomedical innovators. 



Creating the Digital Hearts & Minds of the Future


Although there's still a long way to go, I hope I’ve convinced you that virtual human twin is really on the horizon, and it can be the transformational element that connects our disciplines, translates fundamental understanding into clinical care. We've made good progress with the living heart and more recently, with the brain, and we hope to continue to map ultimately to the entire human body. 



Digital Twins on the cloud


And of course, the digital twin can always be accessed on the Cloud so they'll always with you or your doctor, or maybe one day with your coach to guide safer sports. 



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