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Digital twins for themaritime sector


A digital twin is a dynamicdigital representation of an object or a system. It uniquely describes in abinary format a person, product, or environment’s key characteristics andproperties and can be rendered in one or more physical or digital spaces.


0 Decision makingoptions  


Decision making is the central activity of allorganizations, and decision makers use explanatory or causal models eitherimplicitly or explicitly. They decide based on the anticipated effects of theirintervention. Decision making is typically improved by open sharing of decisionmodels with colleagues and calibrating them with data. The value of a decisionmodel is often determined by the quality and breadth of data used for creationand calibration. The vast and growing Internet of Things (IoT) will be a keysource of real-time data for model building and reality assess ment.

决策制定是所有组织的核心活动,决策者隐式或显式地使用解释或因果模型。他们根据干预的预期效果做出决定。通常通过与同事公开共享决策模型并用数据校准它们来改进决策。决策模型的价值通常取决于用于创建和校准的数据的质量和广度。庞大且不断增长的物联网 (IoT) 将成为用于模型构建和现实评估的实时数据的关键来源。

Thesimplest and most common decision model is based on a measured associationamong variables in a data set. Methods such as regression and machine learningfit this mould. A more advanced approach is to test interventions prior toimplementation, such as with pilot studies and experiments, aimed to validate acausal model before scaling to a larger population. Randomized fieldexperiments have been applied to test key economic principles, and the keyproponents were awarded the 2019 Nobel prize in economics. The problem with interventions is thatsome don’t work and might harm the subjects, such as when testing new drugs, orjeopardize financial sustainability, such as infrastructural investments for aport that are below the intended return. The most rigorous approach to decisionmaking is to build a hi-fidelity mathematical or biochemical model, or digitaltwin,of the environment of concern and simulate a possible range of interventions.This enables the exploration of counterfactuals, such as what if we did xinstead of y. Such models do not physically harm humans or nature and provide aconceptual foundation for decision-making for future sustainable businessoperations. You can distinguish these three approaches, respectively, as building a theory from data, testing a theory in one or more real settingsthrough interventions, or testing a theory many times using a digital twin tosimulate many possible settings. The latter is the least risky and likely to bethe most successful.

最简单和最常见的决策模型是基于数据集中变量之间的测量关联。回归和机器学习等方法适合这种模式。更先进的方法是在实施之前测试干预措施,例如试点研究和实验,旨在扩展到更大的人群之前验证因果模型。随机现场实验已被应用于检验关键经济学原理,主要支持者获得了2019年诺贝尔经济学奖。干预措施的问题在于,有些干预措施不起作用,可能让受试者受到伤害,例如在测试新药时,或危及财务可持续性,例如低于预期回报的港口基础设施投资。最严格的决策方法是针对相关环境构建高保真数学或生化模型或数字孪生模型,并模拟一系列可能的干预措施。这使得探索假设事实成为可能,例如如果我们做 x 而不是 y 会怎样。此类模型不会对人类或自然造成物理伤害,并为未来可持续业务运营的决策提供概念基础。我们可以分别区分这三种方法,如根据数据构建理论、通过干预在一个或多个真实环境中测试理论,或使用数字孪生多次测试理论以模拟许多可能的环境。后者风险最小,而且可能最成功。

Digitaltwins require the construction of a precise set of equations for each componentin the model and the interaction among the components. They also need data fortheir calibration and operation. As the digital transformation of the maritimesector proceeds, it can also create the data required to calibrate digitaltwins of the various components of a ship, a port, and other elements of thetransport infrastructure such as the goods being transported (as e.g. dry andreefer containers). In many industries, included shipping, there are “emergingopportunities to digitally represent and simulate objects and events prior todecision making”. As more devices become connected, such as a s mart containerwith data generated by diverse use cases (e.g., executed transit time,deviations alerts, and infrastructure utilization associated to containermovements and operations), digital data streams built upon standardized datasharing provide opportunities for real-time representation and simulation ofauthentic situations. Digital twins will displace simulation models because ofthe order of magnitude increase in the fidelity of representation of thephysical world and their continual recalibration via digital data streams tolocal conditions and changed circumstances.


Inthis article, we elaborate on the key fundamentals of digital twinning followedby how it may improve the decision making of shipping companies, port operatorsand others in the transport and shipping ecosystem, as well as in developingstandards, that support both the integration of transport supply chainoperations and the development of digital twins for operational enhancement andstrategic planning.


1 Digital twins 


Adigital twin is a dynamic digital representation of an object or a systemdescribing its characteristics and properties as a set of equations. Complexprocesses involving a multitude of actors are often difficult decision-makingenvironments that are best modelled digitally prior to action. A digital twinincludes both the hardware to acquire and process data and the software torepresent and manipulate these data. Digital twins are more powerful thanmodels and simulations because they leverage digital data streams to bridge thebarrier between the physical entity and its representation. This means thatdigital twin a nalytics relies on historical data (e.g., a data lake), andreal-time digital data streams (e.g., IoT generated data), to a nalyze possibleoutcomes (Figure 1). A digital twin is a generic model of a situation that canbe tailored to a specific situation by specifying relevant parameters to provideanswers to “what happens if …” or “what happens if this does not …” to supportdecision-making.

数字孪生体是对象或系统的动态数字表示,将其特征和属性描述为一组方程。涉及众多参与者的复杂流程通常是艰难的决策环境,最好在行动之前进行数字建模。数字孪生体包括获取和处理数据的硬件以及表示和处理这些数据的软件。数字孪生体比模型和模拟更强大,因为它们利用数字数据流来弥合物理实体与其表示之间的障碍。这意味着数字孪生体分析依赖于历史数据(例如,数据湖)和实时数字数据流(例如,IoT 生成的数据)来分析可能的结果(图 1)。数字孪生体是一种情况的通用模型,可以通过指定相关参数来针对特定情况进行定制,以提供“如果……会发生什么”或“如果不……会发生什么”的答案,以支持决策。


图 1:数字孪生体的组成部分

Adigital twin can be continually calibrated through its entire lifecycle byintegrating real time digital data streams. This also means that a model can becontinuously refined to so that it converges to a very high-fidelity model ofreality.


2 Standards to supportdigital twins 


Traditionally,we have used data modelling to surface that core component within a standardand to ensure compatibility across standards. This has been followed by effortsof defining standardised interfaces for communication, so-called APIs(Application Protocol Interfaces). Now, we need to recognize that data have a dualrole: transaction processing and data ana lytics, such as that facilitated by adigital twin. Thus, a digital twin is another use case that needs to besupported by standardized digital data streams using standardised APIs. We needto redesign business processes to support the generation of IoT derived datanecessary for digital twin creation and operation, so that they become powerfultools for risk management an alysis and mitigation, as well as effectivedecision making aids To prepare for the era of digital twins, standardisationbodies, such as UN/CEFACT, GS1, WCO, and DCSA have developed various buildingblocks in support of the digital twin concept, namely the UN/CEFACT SmartContainer data model and the DCSA IoT connectivity infrastructure. Extra standardsare still needed to build and deploy fully the digital twins. Standards need toserve both the transactions of today and the digital twins of the future. Threeareas of operations are now discussed for which maritime sector digital twinswould serve as an important foundation for strategic and operationaldecision-making to enable ecological and financial sustainable maritimetransport.

传统上,我们使用数据建模来显示标准中的核心组件,并确保跨标准的兼容性。紧随其后的是定义用于通信的标准化接口,即所谓的API(应用程序协议接口)。现在,我们需要认识到数据具有双重作用:事务处理和数据分析,例如由数字孪生体提供的便利。因此,数字孪生体是另一个需要使用标准化 API 的标准化数字数据流支持的用例。我们需要重新设计业务流程,以支持数字孪生体创建和运营所需的物联网衍生数据的生成,使其成为风险管理分析和缓解的强大工具,以及有效的决策辅助工具,为数字孪生体时代准备好标准化机构,如 UN/CEFACT、GS1、WCO 和 DCSA,开发了各种构建模块来支持数字孪生体概念,即 UN/CEFACT 智能容器数据模型和 DCSA 物联网连接基础设施。仍然需要额外的标准来完全构建和部署数字孪生体。标准需要为当今的交易和未来的数字孪生体提供服务。现在讨论了三个运营领域,航运行业数字孪生体将作为其战略和运营决策的重要基础,以实现生态和金融可持续的海上运输。

3 Examples of digital twinuse cases for the maritime sector


Digitaltwinning is an acknowledged opportunity for maritime sector improvement. “Thereis no doubt that the digital twin is the future. Being able to predictpotential dangers and create the optimum design, will enhance safety andoperation greatly. With the element of the unknown significantly limited, thedigital twin concept can help the shipping industry make better use ofdigitalization and move to a new era”. Three areas that will likely benefitfrom digital twins are fleet optimisation, port optimisation, end-to-end supplychain optimisation and increasing key stakeholders’ situational awareness,which we now elaborate upon.


Fleet optimisation  船队优化

Typically,a shipping company serves multiple clients at the same time, and clients mayuse different shipping companies simultaneously. Thus, a shipping company needsto maintain and gain in competitiveness by optimizing its fleet in terms ofships and their cargo carrying capacity. This need for sensitivity a nalysiscould be served by a digital twin based on historical, ongoing, and predictionsof business transactions. This digital twin could form the basis of strategicdecision-making by testing a variety of scenarios for trade patterns andshipping fleets.


Furthermore,a digital twin for fleet optimisation could also enhance operational decisionmaking under diverse contextual factors, such as weather conditions that createatypical situations, and various options need to be rapidly reviewed.


Port and terminal optimisation  港口码头优化

Portefficiency relies on balancing demand and supply in a flexible way andintegration within the entire transport system. A port is dependent of acontinuous inbound and outbound flow of cargo and passengers arriving anddeparting from the port by different means of transport. For strategicplanning, a port and its partners need to capture historical, ongoing, andpredicted future trade in a digital twin. Such a model should incorporate thedifferent parameters and relationships that port decision-makers should includein their strategic decisions, such as investment in infrastructure, portdesign, and terminal capacity. Typically, questions that such a model shouldaddress are how many berths are needed for the port need to meet punctualitygoals, or how much yard space is needed to allow for different customers tostore their cargo as it moves between transport services, either shipping orother modes.


Adigital twin, fed by multiple data streams of real-time data and historicaldatabases, is also an operational planning tool for the coordination andsynchronization of port operations. It could be an essential foundation forvirtual arrival processes and green steaming and for the hinterland window tosupport efficient use of trucks, trains, and infrastructure for diverse needs.


Situational awareness: short and long term  态势感知:短期和长期

Cargoowners, transport buyers, and end-customers seek enhanced visibility andpredictability on the state of the transport of goods in their movement fromorigin to destination. To enhance situational awareness for these groups, it isfeasible to consider a parallel linking of relevant digital twins so that therepercussions of a delay in one stage can be thoroughly ana lysed, adjustments m ade, and situational awareness updated. In addition, connected digital twinsare a tool for investigating the coordinated development of infrastructureinvestments across a web of ports that frequently interact so that keystakeholders also gain long-term situational awareness. This allows them tocollaboratively make decision to serve the common goals of the eco-system likeminimizing emission in ports. Understanding a complex interacting world isincreasingly beyond the cognitive capabilities of humans, and we must build anduse high-fidelity models of that world that enable them to perceive the stateof the present and the future.



Optimization of container flows in theend-to-end supply chain


Recently,s mart containers supporting IoT connectivity standards for have beenintroduced.9 There are numerous use cases for s m art containers that overcomesome of the pain points that the transport industry experiences. The datastreams generated by s mart containers are a valuable input for fleetoptimization, port and terminal optimization, and situational awareness aselaborated previously. Containers pass through many transport hubs and aremanaged by different carriers (of the same and different type) in theend-to-end supply chain. As a result, data generated by connected containers isa very valuable source for data for digital twins, whether retrieved from adata lake or handled realtime as a data stream.


Adigital twin for supply chain optimization will provide transport buyers andcoordinators opportunities to optimize the choice of transport mode and routefor serving their clients. This should strengthen their strategic relationshipto transport producers, such as carriers and transshipment hubs. Furthermore, adigital twin will be a basis for optimizing the flow of empty containers.Connected containers are an electronic necessity for "s mart" supplychains and an essential building block for digital twins of supply chains.


4 Final words: Standardizingfor digital twinning 


Adigital twin is constructed by generic mathematical representations of manycomponents (e.g., a container crane, a container, the machine of a ship, and abollard) and their relationship with other components (e.g., a container craneunloading a container ship, the utilisation of a berth for a visiting ships).


Thesegeneric representations are parameterized so they can be tailored to specificcircumstances, such as the unloading speed of a crane given its position, theposition of a container on a ship, and the prediction of berth slots occupiedby visiting ships.


Thosegroups with deep knowledge of each component, such as crane manufacturers, portinfrastructure designers, and ship designers, need to develop, or advise ondevelopment of, a standard model of their component. Standardized digitalmodels of all components in the shipping industry is the next wave ofstandardization if the industry is to achieve higher levels of capitalproductivity through a nalytics based operational and strategic decision making.The physical instances of all components need to have embedded sensors thatgenerate standardized data stream to calibrate their associated digital model.Current operation and future needs can be both guided by digital twins providedthe maritime industry cooperates to standardize digital data streams and modelsof digital components.


 作 者 介 绍  

陈志强 安世亚太战略合作部咨询顾问


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