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导读:本文是印度Reliance Jio Platforms公司基站可靠性工程(SRE)部门首席架构师和副总裁Pethuru Raj编写的一篇关于利用区块链来赋能数字孪生体应用(Empowering digital twinswith blockchain)的技术文章,2020年9月发表于《计算机先进技术》出版物中。 





Abstract  概要

A digital twin is an exactdigital/logical/cyber/virtual representation/replica of anytangible physicalsystem or process. And the digital twin runs on a competent IT infrastructure(say, cloud centers). In essence, a digital twin is typically a softwareprogramthat takes various real-world data about a ground-level physical systemas prospective inputs and produces useful outputs in the form of insights. Theoutputs generally are the value-adding and decision-enabling predictions orsimulations of how that physical system will act on those inputs. These help inquickly and easily realizing highly optimized and organized products with lesscost and risk.


The manufacturing industry had embracedthe digital twin technology long time back to be modern in their operations,outputs, and offerings. The distinct contributions of the digital twinparadigm, since then, have gone up significantly with the seamless synchronizationwith a number of pioneering technologies such as the Internet of Things (loT),artificial intelligence (Al), big and streaming data analytics, data lakes,software-defined cloud environments, blockchain, etc. With the concept of cyberphysical systems (CPS) is being adopted and adapted widely and wisely,complicated yet sophisticated electronics devices at the ground level are beingblessed with their corresponding digital twins. The digital twins enable datascientists and system designers to optimize a number of things includingprocess excellence, knowledge discovery and dissemination in time, bettersystem design, robust verification and validation, etc. In the recent past,with the flourishing of the blockchain technology, the scope for digital twinshas gone up remarkably. This unique combination is bound to produce additionalcompetencies and fresh use cases for enterprises. This chapter is to explainhow they integrate and initiate newer opportunities to be grabbed and gainedfor a better tomorow.



It is natural that business requirementsand people expectations are varying and growing invariably. Breakthroughtechnologies individually and collectively have been fulfilling them with easeand elegance. With the explosion of loT devices in our everyday environments,there is a need expressed widely to empower them with required intelligence inorder to exhibit adaptive behavior in their actions and reactions. The mandateis to transition connected devices to be smart. The prime and swanky ideatoward the smartness is to transition gleaned data into information and intoknowledge. The changeover process gets accelerated through a few technologicalsolutions such as machine and deep learning algorithms, integrated dataanalytics platforms, etc. That is, gathered data is subjected to a variety ofdeeper and decisive investigations in order to extract useful information andworkable insights.


For making loT devices to be smart,there came a number of ways and means vehemently expounded by many. One of themis to establish digital twins for loT devices. Digital twins collectvalue-adding data from their corresponding physical twins continuously andcrunch them in order to emit out useable insights out of data heaps. Theacquired knowledge gets looped back to the physical devices to adequatelynourish them in completing their assignments well. This continuous nurturehelps them to behave intelligently according to the fast-changing situation。


However, with digital assets and data growing briskly everywhere, there isa need for utmost security and transparency to realize and reap the promisedvalue for digital artifacts. Blockchain chips in here with its unique competenciesand characteristics. Thus, the distinct combination of digital twin andblockchain technologies is being proclaimed and presented as the best-in-classmethod to eliminate any loophole and to boost the confidence of users onleveraging digital assets for their everyday transactions. In the subsequentsections, we are to discuss how this combination is going to be a greatgame-changer for myriads of industry houses.


2. Briefing the digital twin(DT) 


As indicated above, digital twins are the digital versions of physicalobjects. In addition, digital twins comprise the details of the physicalobjects' surroundings or processes related to them. That means, digital twinsconsist of the relevant IT components for status updates and connectivity. Theyare also stuffed with defined data structures and user interfaces to facilitateknowledge visualization through 360-degree dashboards.


When you are using your smartphone for your communication, computing, andcollaboration purposes, surfing the Internet using your laptop for knowledgegain, storing your data in cloud environments for affordability, using socialnetworking tools to socialize, ctc., you are actually creating a digitalfootprint of yourself. This digital footprint is a kind of digital twin.Similarly, you can think of digital blueprints for a building as its digitaltwin. A computer simulation of an aircraft engine can be as its digital twin.


Digital twin in the human context is all the data footprint that we ashuman create through our attributes, interactions, and online presence. Thesedecision-enabling elements earnestly get combined with one another and theircombined outputs are getting crunched using advanced and real-time Al and dataanalytics platforms, it is possible to predict our health condition and otherleanings accurately.



  • Attributes could be name, age, gender, address, ideology,language, culture, religion, ethnicity, education, salary, etc. These areactually categorized as base data about us as individuals, and these can go along way in predicting whether we are prone to any specific health issue. Wherewe were born and we live lately are also contributing handsomely in arriving atcorrect prediction. All these data are meticulously gathered and storeddigitally. Thus, digital twins are possible for humans also.


  • Interactions-This is all about our everyday interaction with theworld. The details of where and when we are traveling and our eating out comehandy in precisely predicting our health status. Our health monitoringwearables can minutely capture a number of our body parameters such as fitnessand blood sugar levels, heart-beating rates at different times, etc., anddeposited the captured in our own digital twin. There are other electronicinstruments, digital assistants, and smartphones to automatically monitor andmeasure our everyday movements, exercises, work stress, etc. All these aremeticulously get aggregated and stocked in our own digital twin. In conjunctionwith our unique attributes, digital twin can predict the health stateprediction and prescribe of what to do.


  • Online presence -We have a number of professional and social mediaapplications that ultimately articulate our personality. Thus, human digitaltwins are also gaining prominence. Digital twin for humans can help predict ifsomeone has a possibility to be down with any life-threatening disease. Also,it can help provide insights on changing lifestyle to stay healthy and livelonger.


The digital twin of machines can predict the need for their timely maintenance.Similarly, digital twins help to come out with the next-generation machinedesign that is versatile, resilient, and robust. Precisely speaking, digitaltwins are digital replicas of a business, process, or product over its lifecycle.


Digital twins are being meticulously built for physical twins. Softwareexperts begins building futuristic digital twins leveraging their education,experience, and expertise on data science, statistics and mathematics, computeralgorithms, etc. Digital twins' developers deeply research the physics thatunderlie the physical system being mimicked. That information greatly helps tovisualize and develop a mathematical model that elegantly simulates thereal-world physical system. The mathematical model gets turned into softwarepackage to run in the digital space. Maneuvering, managing, and maintainingdigital twins are quite easy and fast. Thus, for adding new features toexisting physical systems, digital twins contribute immensely in identifyingand articulating the pros and cons of incorporating the features. Above all,before building complex and highly integrated systems from the ground up, theirdigital twins come handy in envisaging the impending risks and opportunitiesand in answering the difficult questions. All these acquired knowledge throughdigital twins goes a long way in setting up and sustaining complicated andsophisticated physical systems. Thus, digital twins are being projected ascomplexity-mitigation mechanism.


Physical systems like aircraft engines are being embedded with a number ofmultifaceted sensors, which continuously gather a lot of useful information of physicalsystems and pass it on to the digital twin in real time. This empowers the twinto crunch the received data quickly to offer insights (performance, healthcondition, security, failure prediction, etc.) to physical system designers andoperators.


There is another tweak called as "Predictive twin." This canmodel the future state and behavior of the device. This prediction is derivedbased on historical data from other devices. Predict twins have the inherentcapability to simulate breakdowns and other situations that need immediateattention.


Microsoft has come out with another term "Process Digital Twin."This is the next level compounding product digital twin benefits throughout thefactory and supply chain. Process twins can highlight some advancedmanufacturing scenarios that product digital twins cannot provide.


In summary, the digital twin typically can include a description of thedevices, a 3D rendering, and details on all the sensors embedded in the device.Based on continuously generated sensor readings, the digital twins can simulatereal-life options and operations of the device.


3.Digital twins: The industrial use cases 


The aspects of digitization and digitalization are grasping the attentionof enterprising businesses across the world. Digitization is all aboutempowering our everyday objects to be digitized. Digitalization is all aboutderiving digital intelligence out of digital data. The onset of integrated dataanalytics platforms, the faster maturity and stability of artificialintelligence(AI) algorithms, the realization of highly optimized and organizedIT through cloudification, which represents IT industrialization, smartphones,and other I/O devices for enabling IT consumerization, virtualization, andcontainerization under the scope of IT compartmentalization, etc., have laiddown a stimulating and sparkling foundation for the impending digital era.Cities are becoming digitally transformed cities. Similarly, other entitles,such as homes, hotels, hospitals, etc., are being transitioned into digitallytransformed entities. There are a number of digital innovations and disruptionsfulfilling the real digital transformation. Digital life has become the newnormal.

数字化和数字化应用方面正在吸引着全球进取企业的注意力。数字化是为了使我们的日常物品实现数字化,而数字化应用则是从数字数据中获取数字情报。基于人工智能(AI)算法的成熟度和稳定性推动集成数据分析平台的出现,并通过云存储化环境实现高度优化和组织良好的IT,这一切代表了IT工业化应用;智能手机和其他实现IT消费化的I / O设备,虚拟化和IT分区化等范围内的集成化应用为即将到来的数字时代奠定了令人振奋的基础。当前传统城市正在成为数字化转型的城市方向发展,与此类似,其他实体(如房屋、酒店、医院等)也正在逐步转变为数字化转型的应用实体;有许多数字化创新和颠覆的应用帮助我们实现了真正的数字化转型,数字化生活已经成为我们生活的新常态。

The emerging concept of digital twins is one of the transformationaltechnologies toward the realization of digital era. The noteworthy point of anydigital twin is that it can be continuously updated with data from its physicalcounterpart. With trillions of sensors and billons of connected devices,digital twins will be readied and deployed for millions of physical things. Anaircraft engine, a human heart, and an entire city can have its own digitaltwin that mirrors the same physical and biological traits as the real thing.


The implications are definitely profound in many ways. Real-timeassessments and diagnostics are now much more precise. Trial and errors, chaosexperiments, and course correction can be easily accomplished through digitaltwins rather than physical twins. Thus, digital twins induce and inspirefaster, cheaper, and clever innovations. Digital twins are to change theinnovation game by enabling three critical drivers.


  • Continuousevaluation - Smart sensors being pasted on a product are capable ofcapturing and continuously updating the product's digital twin throughout itslifetime. This empowerment goes a long way for the betterment of the products.Predictive maintenance of products is being achieved. For example, advancedcars are being beneficially endowed through their own digital twin. A slew ofmultifaceted sensors are attached on vehicles to capture the operational valueof each of the important components. That is, vehicles on the road can senddata to their digital twin to do real-time processing to emit out actionableinsights in time. In short, digital twin-enabled vehicles simply enjoy a numberof distinct benefits. The fuel efficiency can go up whereas the vehicleperformance is bound to rise up considerably.


  • Faster and cheaperprototyping-The virtual version of anyphysical system comes handy in producing prototypes easily and quickly. Besidesspeeding up the innovation, the cost of producing physical products comes downsharply. Oklahoma State University developed a digital twin of an aerosol drug,which is intended to reach lung to annihilate tumor cells. By smartly varyingparameters on the digital twin such as inhalation rate and particle size,scientists could clearly increase the number of particles reaching their targetfrom 20% to 90%. There are a number of such promising case studies illustratingthe strategic significance of building and running digital twins.


  • Uninhibited innovation -As inscribed above, the digital twin paradigm hasunquestionably amplified the innovation quotient. There are companies exploringthe digital twin idea in experimenting and experiencing realistic innovations.Predicting and managing traffic congestion in particular locations are beingmade possible through the leverage of digital twins. SenSat, a companyspecializing in creating digital twins of cities, has created a digital twin ofCambridge, England. All the traffic snarls and hiccups get eliminated from thecity streets.


As a digital and dynamic model, test scenarios can be performed on it togain a deeper understanding and predict future events. In operation, as thephysical asset undergoes changes, these modifications are being minutely capturedand handed over to the user on a real-time basis. The overall functional roleof a digital twin is three pronged-observation, optimization, and operation.The digital twin technology guarantees to transform the way industrial productsand machineries are being instrumented, implemented, integrated, and operatedacross industries.


4.Digital twin industry use cases 


Several business houses are keenly embracing this promising technologyphenomenon in order to be ahead of their competitors in the knowledge-drivenmarket condition. A few of them are given below:


  • Manufacturing across industry verticals is the first andforemost one leveraging this unique technology in order to automate,accelerate, and augment several things in their day-to-day operations. Newproduct designs are being facilitated while manufacturing processes are beingcontinuously studied and optimized through actionable insights emitted bydigital twins.


  • Automotive industry is also seriously and sagaciouslyexperimenting with the digital twin conundrum to develop next-generationvehicles. Increasingly cars are already fitted with advanced telemetry sensors,and their readings are continuously fed into digital twins in real time tobring in decisive and deeper automation especially in transitioning fromconnected cars to smart cars.


  • Healthcare is another promising sector tinkeringextensively with the digital twin paradigm. The mission-critical medicalelectronics devices and instruments are being literally empowered through theirdigital replicas, which are being hosted and run in cloud environments. Asthere is a need for large-scale IT resources for aiding big and streaming dataanalytics, cloud centers are being preferred to support and sustain the digitaltwin idea.


There are band- aid-like sensors beingused for tracking various body parameters. The captured health data istransmitted to digital twins, which can quickly crunch the received data andpredict if there is any important information with the person's health. Digitaltwins can be used to predict different outcomes based on variable data. Inmanufacturing, with highly instrument devices, the digital twins can simulateand showcase how the devices have performed over time. With such capability,digital twins can easily predict the device performance in future. Similarly,the failure prediction also can be done. With the explosion of loT devices andsensors/CPS, the popularity of digital twins goes up considerably.

像创可贴一样的传感器被用来追踪人们各种身体参数,采集的健康数据被传输到数字孪生体,数字孪生体可以快速处理接收到的数据并预测是否有与人体健康有关的重要信息。在制造过程中,具有高性能的设备,数字孪生体可以模拟并展示设备随时间推移的性能;借助这种能力,数字孪生体可以轻松预测未来的设备使用性能;同样,也可以进行故障预测。物联网设备和传感器/ CPS的爆炸式增长,使得数字孪生技术应用的普及率大大提高。

Digital twins of windmills can supportpredictive maintenance. Sensor and camera data from mission-criticalestablishments such as nuclear installations, wind parks and power plantsensure continuous surveillance. Further on, digital twins can proactively andpreemptively alert the concerned if there is any nefarious action in and aroundwalled and essential zones. Specialized sensors are being used in cars inplenty these days. There is a statistical information saying that every singlesophisticated car involves hundreds of microcontrollers. Increasinglyinfotainment systems inside any vehicle act as the lo T gateway for takingsensor data to the digital twin to be instantaneously processed to take quickcorrective action. The loT dream is being facilitated through state-of-the-artdigital twins. For the connected world, the next logical step is to leveragedigital twins adroitly to move toward the projected smart world.


In summary, a digital twin is a dynamicand digital representation of a physical system. A digital blueprint of a houseor building can be its digital twin. Similarly, a computer-aided simulation ofan automobile transmission system can be considered as a digital twin. Inshort, things are increasingly becoming complex. Not only visualizing andbuilding but also operating complicated systems has become a tough andtime-consuming affair. There are a number of complexity-mitigation techniquesand tips. The proven technique of "Divide and conquer" has been thehallmark for software engineering. Modeling, process-centricity, and simulationare the other key methods enabling the construction of complex systems acrossthe industry verticals. With the advancements in the AI space, empoweringsystems to self-learn and adapt has gained prominence. Digital twins are alsobeing portrayed as one of the pure and sure ways to tackle the increasingcomplexity of systems and their functioning.


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