DLC1.6 embodies the requirements for ultimate loading resulting from normal turbulence (NTM) and severe sea state (SSS) conditions. Response calculations shall take proper account of the dynamic response to wind, wave and current loads as well as non-linear wave kinematics. To ensure this the load case shall be analysed using simulations of turbulent inflow in combination with stochastic sea states which each include at least one non-linear wave of height equal to the extreme wave height appropriate to the SSS. Sea state parameters are determined as described in Clause 7.5.6 specifies how simulations shall be performed to fulfil the requirements of DLC1.6.DLC1.4和1.5规定了可DLC1.6包含了由正常湍流模型(NTM)和恶劣海况(SSS)引起的极限载荷。响应计算应适当考虑对风、波浪、海流载荷及非线性波动力学的动态相应。为确保该载荷,应结合湍流和随机海况模拟(至少一个非线性波高等于SSS的极大 波高)进行载荷分析。中明确了海况参数。7.5.6规定了满足DLC1.6要求的仿真方法。
Simulation requirements
for DLCs 1.6, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 7.1, and 8.2, at least six 1-hour constrained wave simulations shall be performed as described in C.7.3. Alternatively six groups of six 10-min simulations each may be performed. Where each group of six is equivaient to one 1-hour simulation. For at least one 10-min simulation within each group of six the hub height mean wind speed shall be taken as the 10 min value with N-year return period while for others the 1-hour N-year return period mean wind speed value with an appropriate asspciated turbulence level may be used. In a similar manner, at least one 10-min aimulation within each group of six shall contain the N-year return wave height, HN. The significant wave height shall be taken as the value with an N-year return period for each simulation. Other approaches may be taken if the designer is able to demonstrate that the estimated extreme reponse is not less extreme than that obtained with 1-houre realization. It is noted that for assessment of cyclic degradation of soil properties, more simulation may be required, but for the design load calcution, six simulation are sufficient.
首先是风的设置,额定风速以10.8米每秒举例, 风速是取额定风速和额定风速正负2米每秒。偏航误差取-8、0、和8三个方向。每个风速取六个波浪取恶劣海况(SSS),方向和风的方向相同, 有义波高和谱峰周期取50年一遇的值。流取与风速相对应风生近表层流的值。风和波浪的设置以前都讲了,注意潮位在平均水位的正负2之间。