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ANSYS之父John A. Swanson康奈尔大学访谈录

2021年的10月,John A. Swanson在康奈尔大学接受了一个访谈。谈了自己的成长过程,成功经验,最后还说了一个非常有价值的、用ANSYS的思路!
John A. Swanson 是工程行业最负盛名的奖项福瑞兹奖章(John Fritz Medal)的获得者,是最早为工程师和设计师开发仿真软件的人之一。在完成应用力学博士学位后,Swanson于1963 年在西屋宇航核能实验室【该实验室隶属于西屋电气公司(Westinghouse Electric Corporation),是20世纪中期美国重要的核能研究机构,曾参与核火箭发动机(如NERVA项目)和航天核动力系统的研发】开始了他的职业生涯。几年内,Swanson 对遗留系统的不满导致他离开并创办了自己的公司 ANSYS。Swanson 曾担任 ANSYS 的首席执行官,该公司是仿真产品在现实生活中功能的软件开发领域的行业领导者。这些创新在航空航天、汽车、生物医学、制造和电子行业等广泛领域产生了巨大影响。1994 年从 ANSYS 退休后,Swanson 将注意力转移到未来工程师的培训、可再生能源研究和众多慈善事业上。除了福瑞兹奖章外,Swanson 还是计算机工程奖和匹兹堡年度高科技企业家奖的获得者。作为国际公认的有限元方法应用于工程的权威,Swanson于2009年当选为美国国家工程院院士。
一个过气明星的访谈场面不怎么热闹,场下的人不动。主持人是学校的dean。Lynden Archer搞化学的, 2018 年就当选了美国国家工程院院士。


  • 院长问

院长说他妈很厉害,So I've read in several places the important role your mom blade in your upbringing, your commitment to excellence. I wonder if you could tell us a little bit above that, but that's sure they have.


I didn't have enough to buy food, so I had to work for a living. 在学校没钱,然后还要一边打工,结果挂了科。One of the worst shocks in my life was my first chemistry test. Yeah. Well, it was shocking was all of this to other students were saying it was it was rough. And I was you, I thought it was pretty easy. I failed. Not by much, I'm going to 59, but it was still failing. And then that caused me to reassess what I should be doing here. 考试挂科给了一个大的警醒。

其他同学都说化学很难考,而我却觉得很简单,结果挂科了,虽然差得不多59分, 但还是不及格。这让我重新考虑了我应该在这里做什么。

院长问: Who are the people who had the biggest impact on you? Well, I'll, I'll try on that. But it's not going to the answer.

Swanson说都靠自我驱动!!!打工了之后,最意外的是最简单的事情最重要。when they got into the industry, you know, what surprised me was how the simplest things were the most important.

学到的第二个点是:And so I learned that it's easier to take an exam if you understand the basic concepts and derive everything else. 解决问题的关键是找到关键的问题。no,是找到问题的本质,其他的都是基本观念的衍生。

第三个点事吹牛逼。自己过目不忘,确实不是凡人。Now so and a third skill I had was, I could remember lectures verbatim, just a couple notes in the margin, and then I could replay them. So I have to think that I'm not your normal student. I am who I am. Self-motivated. 

等到毕业的时候对核跟航天有兴趣,就去了匹兹堡念博士,博士毕业就去了西屋电器。结果去了以后人家说搞核的人够了Well, we really got enough nuclear people,开始搞应力分析,搞编程,发现编程好玩。

I did two dimensional planar up programs for shells or programs for plates. I wrote programs for three-dimensional solids. And then I looked at it and I've done the same thing 56 times. Why don't I do it all at once? 这个还是打孔机时代,然后想要写软件。但是上面的人不推荐。

他自己的人格是工具型,完成任务型人格。somebody will tell me what what's important and I'll work on that.于是继续管一个应力分析的小团队。等到说米国政府不准备去火星了,很多人和工作都要撤掉,要换工作了,才开始考虑做ANSYS。

So I started a company. Now, people, okay, they say, Well, isn't that a risky thing to do? How could you do that? And I had job offers in my pocket and I had enough money to last a couple of months. And I could go out and do consulting at any number Westinghouse locations and others.




Swanson说There were things I called I named power something.

Also, I did a, a user interface which was long before Windows or anything else. In fact, IBM put it up for a national award for design. And it was a little slow until I got a little book that explain how to do graphics without doing multiplication and division on just the inner. And it sparkled. If it was just phenomenal, that things that were taking slow, we're instantaneously things with flashing and so on.


第二个areas magic. 后处理上面出contour plot上面用彩色,别人想的是画“磁力线”一个样,给线条上色,Swanson是给磁力线之间的区域上色。解释:因为物理学是场,对一个场的描绘还是磁力线式的方式。

Don't color the lines. Go to the spaces between the lines. Yes. So things like that.

ANSYS在90年代就成了CAE界的leader,他是从easy to use上得来的。


答:I found I was paying more for the lawyer bills,economics says, it's probably not worth doing this.经济上不划算了。。。。做咨询工作更好玩。

问:来学校、交流这么久,你认为我们该怎么教学生But I mean, based on these interactions, are there gaps, are there things we should be thinking about? Does the college in terms of how we educate?

答:可以加两个课程: I'm emphasizes both courses。一个就是跟钱走。One basic rule is follow the money. Now, if you can't do the economics, nothing else follows.没钱就什么都是扯谈了。 So now, who benefits? 所以接下去的问题是可以为谁创造价值。举了个例子。意思不大。


No matter how theoretically you are or how intelligent you are if you can't get the money behind it or convince somebody that this is the future. It's going to stay at the university.

  • 观众问

学生Sam问:how do you go from a technical degree and a lot of technical experience out of college and starting your own company and learning all the skills that are required to manage and start a business like that. 怎么从工科生就开公司,然后成功了。

答:Well, let me be clear that I didn't know where I was going when I started。一开始也不知道会做成什么样。不过总还是要去试,一开始是不知道未来会怎么样的。 So when I started as a software company, I expected to get maybe five employees and writing software. And just because we like to write software, I had a I think it's the tenth anniversary ceremony was 200 employees.

开张的时候,我想以后可能会有五名员工来写软件。因为我们喜欢写软件,所以在十周年庆典上,我们就有了 200 名员工。

And I told that particular story and ask the obvious question, what are you all doing here? Yeah, but yeah, but we also had a philosophy. We don't hire anybody, we can't pay, you know? So they were a side effect of the fact we were quite a cash cow. And it's much bigger cash cow now than it was then.


But to have predicted when I first started where it was going to end up. Don't even bother wasting the time. Go somewhere this interesting. Go somewhere that you can at least pay for your food and then push it beyond that. And if it doesn't work, find somewhere else, this don't try to predict life. It's, it's just, I think anybody here can probably test. Yet. You could never have predicted where you ended up with. I say to people, go to the master's level, but don't go beyond that until you go out and see what the real world is like and what's really needed. And that if you're really lucky or even if you're pretty good, yeah. The company will pay for whatever else they need from you because you are valuable. I keep emphasizing that. I don't think at the age we start out, we realize what a valuable resource we are. But the people who were working for, I hope, do.



一个院长问了个问题David Erickson, director of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.

how you must have at some point made some mistakes early on in the day's events as well.

答: Well, let me be clear. There have been a lot more failures than successes. One success wipes out a whole lot of failures. 一俊遮百丑确实是很有价值的台词。

That's right, yeah, for example, I invested heavily in photovoltaics. I had a company and we had a goal up a dollar a watt. And that was an ambitious goal, is now 35, 40 cents a lot and the company doesn't exist. Yeah. So yeah, some things are within your control, some things are not. Now, I personally say we got to a dollar Watt were successful what B, and move on. So what, what's, what's the big learning then per? Well, that's a big learning is also a good money after bad. Good. Let it pull the plug at an appropriate time. Don't don't try to ride it all the way down. Like your memory. It'll give us another field isn't somebody who's very busy?


问:They want to know what kinds of problems would inspire high-schooler to choose civil, mechanical, bioengineering today in all areas of engineering.

答:But I think, in my opinion, is engineering as the world's greatest career. And it's also one of the most respected. Now, let's please keep it that way. Yeah, don't, don't screw it up. Because engineers are what make the world work. I think the answer to that is yes, show people what engineering is. Show people what engineers do, show how exciting it is. Show him how much influence they have on the future and show him all that and they're not interested in it. He would probably it's probably a lost cause and move on to the next person.



问:So in terms of knowledge, the relation between knowledge and engineering, when you go to solve a problem, how do you get all the background information you need? Say to solve a problem or what are the key points that you target?


答:Let me go slightly sideways on that. When I first started teaching ANSYS, I said always start small. If you're going to go an auto crash analysis, you have one mass rep a car and one spring. Understand that? Then you can start modifying. You can put the mass on wheels and allow it to rotate a little bit when it hits a wall, and so on. So each, each new simulation should be a endorsement of what's happened before. Not a surprise. Yeah, if you get a surprise and simulation, you didn't understand the problem. Now, I'm not quite I think that relates to what your question was. And that is basically start at the start small and work your way up. Don't try to solve the big problem without understanding all the pieces to it.

让我换个角度答这个问题。当我第一次开始教ANSYS 时,我就说一定要从小处着手。如果你要进行汽车碰撞分析,你只有一个质量代表一辆汽车和一个弹簧。明白了吗?然后你就可以开始修改。你可以把质量放在轮子上,让它在撞墙时旋转一下,等等。所以,每一次,每一次新的模拟都应该是对之前发生的事情的认可。而不是意外是啊,如果你得到的是一个意外的仿真结果,那你就没有理解这个问题。这时候,我觉得这个分析与你的问题不太相关。也就是说要从小的方面入手,循序渐进。要就解决大问题,就要把所有的细节都搞清楚。


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