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今日更新:International Journal of Solids and Structures 2 篇,Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 1 篇,Mechanics of Materials 1 篇,International Journal of Plasticity 1 篇,Thin-Walled Structures 7 篇

International Journal of Solids and Structures

Impact attenuation of sphere on woodpile

Yuran Jin, Qing Peng, Xiaoming Liu



The woodpile structure shows exceptional cushioning and vibration reduction under impact. The impact, such as the case of a sphere impacting on stacked beams (a beam chain), has been studied using the discrete element method (DEM) in the literature, which shows that the DEM approach is limited to low-frequency vibrations, mostly up to the third harmonic mode triggered by the impact. However, many impact contacts, similar to step loads, will induce high-order modal vibrations (excited eigenmodes beyond the fifth modes). Present work encompasses the higher vibrational modes under such impact. With Timoshenko beams considering shear effect, the dynamics of sphere-woodpile impact is studied by coupling the superposition method for higher modes and the Hertz law for nonlinear contact. Result reveals the high mode vibration greatly reduces the contact force on the stacked beam, thus slender beam can expedite the dissipation of impact energy. Also, the higher-order vibrations enhance the speed of wave propagating within the beam chain and amplify attenuation effects. These insights offer a guidance for the design of impact-resistant structures and advanced shock absorbers.


Exploring the elliptic fissure cracking mechanisms from the perspective of sand 3D printing technology and Meshfree numerical strategy

Shuyang Yu, Xueying Hu, Zilin Liang



The existences of cracks affect the strength and fracture morphologies of rock masses. However, there are few discussions on factors such as fissure apertures and quantities. Based on this background, sand 3D printing is used to prepare rock-like samples. Crack propagation experiments are carried out on fissured samples with different fissure apertures and fissure numbers. DIC technology is utilized to obtain the full-field strain distributions on specimen surfaces. Meanwhile, a meshless numerical method is developed to simulate rock damage evolutions. Results show that: Three crack types can be seen, wing cracks, shear cracks as well as main cracks. Wing crack extensions on two prefabricated fissures outer sides are along the loading direction, while inner side wing cracks overlap with two prefabricated fissures to form a “fusiformis-shaped part”. The propagation of shear cracks after wing cracks indicates final specimen failure. Main cracks exist in the circumstances with large fissure apertures. As fissure apertures increase, wing cracks initiating points deviate from tips, and the appearance of inner wing cracks in double fissure specimens precedes outer wing cracks. Stress–strain curves of the specimen experience five stages: 1) compressive stage; 2) elastic stage; 3) stress drop stage; 4) crack propagation stage and 5) failure stage. Finally, formation mechanisms of wing cracks, shear cracks, “fusiformis-shaped parts” as well as the mechanical influences of fissure apertures on the specimens are discussed.


Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids

Subsurface microstructure effects on surface resolved slip activity

Jonathan M. Hestroffer, Jean-Charles Stinville, Marie-Agathe Charpagne, Matthew P. Miller, Tresa M. Pollock, Irene J. Beyerlein



We investigate the influence of subsurface microstructure on the micromechanical and slip activity fields at the free surface on a polycrystalline Ni-based superalloy under deformation. The approach combines full-field crystal plasticity finite element simulations, high resolution three-dimensional electron back-scattered diffraction TriBeam technology, and high-fidelity mirroring of the microstructure to bring to the analysis statistically significant numbers of grains and a broad field of view. The analysis reveals substantial disparities in the spatially resolved fields of stress, lattice rotation, and slip activity at the surface between a columnar grain representation versus the experimental full-3D subsurface representation, with deviations intensifying and changing spatially with applied strain, after slip locally initiates. We show that the location and intensity of incipient slip, as well as choice of primary active slip system, are highly sensitive to the underlying subsurface microstructure. Detailed 3D analysis of exceptionally affected regions identifies that influential subsurface structures are grain boundaries inclined to the surface or near-surface quadruple points. A statistical analysis is conducted to correlate the micromechanical quantities and slip activity to several key microstructure features both on and beneath the surface. The analysis finds that influential subsurface microstructure features are primarily linked to proximity to triple junctions and tendency of free-surface grains to deform via multiple slip systems.


Mechanics of Materials

Enhancing robustness in machine-learning-accelerated molecular dynamics: A multi-model nonparametric probabilistic approach

Ariana Quek, Niuchang Ouyang, Hung-Min Lin, Olivier Delaire, Johann Guilleminot


增强机器学习加速分子动力学的鲁棒性: 多模型非参数概率方法

In this work, we present a system-agnostic probabilistic framework to quantify model-form uncertainties in molecular dynamics (MD) simulations based on machine-learned (ML) interatomic potentials. Such uncertainties arise from the design and selection of ML potentials, as well as from training aspects pertaining to the definition of datasets and calibration strategies. Our approach relies on a stochastic reduced-order model (SROM) where the approximation space is expanded through the randomization of the projection basis. The construction of the underlying probability measure is achieved in the context of information theory, by leveraging the existence of multiple model candidates, corresponding to different ML potentials for instance. To assess the effectiveness of the proposed approach, the method is applied to capture model-form uncertainties in a sodium thiophosphate system, relevant to sodium-ion-state batteries. We demonstrate that the SROM accurately encodes model uncertainties from different ML potentials—including a Neuro-Evolution Potential (NEP) and a Moment Tensor Potential (MTP)—and can be used to propagate these uncertainties to macroscopic quantities of interest, such as ionic diffusivity. Additionally, we investigate the impact of augmenting the snapshot matrix with momenta, and of introducing a frequency-based split in the construction of the random projection matrix. Results indicate that including momenta improves the accuracy of the SROM, while frequency splitting enables stabilization around nominal responses during uncertainty propagation. The proposed enhancements contribute to more robust and stable predictions in MD simulations involving ML potentials.


International Journal of Plasticity

Enhancing the strength and ductility of pure metal via multi-scale and multitype composite heterostructuring

Zhide Li, Cheng Lu, Charlie Kong, M.W. Fu, Hailiang Yu



High strength and good ductility are essential for the engineering applications of structural materials, yet these two attributes often do not coexist. In the present study, a composite heterostructuring designed with multi-scale, lamellar, and bimodal was developed to deal with the trade-off between strength and ductility. This heterostructuring includes coarse-grain soft domains arranged in a lamellar structure within a matrix characterized by both fine and ultrafine grains arranged in a bimodal structure created through a straightforward thermo-mechanical process. The gradient in strength among various grain structures generates a gradient in strain during deformation. This promotes the generation of additional geometrically necessary dislocations (GNDs) in the soft domain, favouring strength enhancement. The ongoing and efficient accumulation and evolution of GNDs within the soft domains are further developed into the dislocation cells and subgrain boundaries, which, on the other hand, increase the strain hardening and, hence, the ductility.


Thin-Walled Structures

Symmetric deformation of functionally graded annular structures with arbitrarily varying material properties: operator discrete approximation for variable coefficient ordinary differential equation model

Pengpeng Shi, Jun Xie, Hui Li, Xing Li



The mechanical analysis of functionally graded materials (FGMs) annular structures, which is crucial for structural safety, presents challenges due to the arbitrarily varying material properties. However, most current studies analyze the mechanical behavior of FGMs annular structures based on some given property profile gradient models, which is insufficient to support effective mechanical analysis on the structure deformation with arbitrarily varying material properties. This paper focuses on the mechanical problems (static response, rotating effect, and magnetic field effect) in the FGMs annular structures with arbitrary elastic properties. This paper proposes the Operator Discrete Approximation (ODA) method to solve the deformation problem of FGMs annular structures. The validity and accuracy of the ODA method are verified by comparison with existing analytical solutions or finite difference numerical solutions. And the effectiveness of the ODA method for three types of FGMs problems is discussed in detail. Then, many numerical examples of structures analysis are discussed for FGMs cylinder and spherical shell in detail, involving cylinder and sphere structures, ten property profiles gradient models and dozens of volume fraction gradient models (three volume fractions gradation and five homogenization schemes). The results show that the ODA method can effectively addresses stress discontinuities and overcomes the oscillation problem of circumferential stress in traditional multilayer heterogeneous structures methods. This research presents an alternative approach to addressing the mechanical challenges associated with FGMs annular structures, particularly those with arbitrarily varying material properties.


Plastic buckling and wrinkling behavior of tubes under combined bending and torsion loads

Hui Wang, Jianjun Wu, Yaochen Lin, Wei Wu, Mengyuan Wang, Zekun Yang, Long Liu



Bending and torsion processes are commonly used for the forming of spatial tubes. However, buckling and wrinkling pose a significant challenge to the high-quality and stable forming of spatial tubes. To reveal the interaction mechanism of bending-torsion buckling (BTB) during the forming process, a quadratic model of BTB under plastic buckling instability was proposed. According to the buckling phenomena of simulation and experiment, the BTB state was divided into three zones, namely Zone I (torsion-dominated zone), Zone II (bending-torsion transition zone), and Zone III (bending-dominated zone). The characteristics of bending-torsion response changes, buckling wrinkle features, and critical load variation in the three zones were studied. Considering the complex interaction of bending and torsional buckling, an analytical method for the critical load of tubes under combined bending-torsion action has been provided. This method is based on the energy approach, incorporating pure bending and pure torsion buckling, along with the quadratic model of BTB. The effectiveness of the proposed theoretical model was verified by finite element (FE) simulation, and the influence of tube geometric characteristics, material parameters, and initial imperfection amplitude on the BTB interaction was discussed.


Diminishing potential well barrier in bi-stable energy harvesters by introducing symmetric stiffness

Li Zhao, Ying Gong, Fan Shen, Yan Peng, Shaorong Xie, Zhongjie Li



To diminish the potential well barrier in bi-stable energy harvesters, a three-degree-of-freedom mono-stable energy harvester consisting of a main beam and two symmetrical side beams coupled through magnetic fields is proposed. This article introduces symmetric stiffness for the first time to reduce the potential well barrier of the main beam, preventing potential barriers from hindering the vibration of the main beam. Due to the introduction of side beams, the system can integrate more power generation units, rather than just piezoelectric units attached to the main beam. The distributed parameter model and the electromechanical coupling equations were constructed based on Hamilton's principle and the Galerkin method. Based on the developed model, the static and dynamic mechanical properties of the traditional bi-stable energy harvester (BEH) and the proposed energy harvester were compared. The proposed structure has lower static potential energy and greater dynamic response than that of the BEH. An experimental prototype was designed, and the accuracy of the established model was verified through frequency sweep experiments. The effects of excitation acceleration, lateral and longitudinal magnet gap on the open-circuit voltage of the three power generation units (PGUs) were studied. Meanwhile, impedance matching experiments were carried out. At a lateral gap of 20 mm and a longitudinal gap of 0 mm, the output power of the three PGUs were highest at 6.7 mW, 2.0 mW, and 51.8 mW, respectively. Finally, the three PGUs charged four types of capacitors separately, while the five PGUs were connected in parallel to charge the four types of capacitors under different lateral gaps. This paper provides a new approach to improve the efficiency of vibration energy harvesting in energy collectors under low-intensity excitation conditions.

为了减小双稳态能量采集器中的势阱势垒,提出了一种由一个主梁和两个对称侧梁通过磁场耦合组成的三自由度单稳态能量采集器。本文首次引入对称刚度来减小主梁的势井障,防止势井障阻碍主梁的振动。由于引入了侧梁,该系统可以集成更多的发电单元,而不仅仅是附着在主梁上的压电单元。基于Hamilton原理和伽辽金方法,建立了分布参数模型和机电耦合方程。基于所建立的模型,对传统双稳态能量采集器(BEH)和新型双稳态能量采集器的静态和动态力学性能进行了比较。该结构具有较低的静势能和较大的动力响应。设计了实验样机,并通过扫频实验验证了所建立模型的准确性。研究了励磁加速度、横向和纵向磁隙对三台发电机组开路电压的影响。同时,进行了阻抗匹配实验。当横向间隙为20 mm,纵向间隙为0 mm时,三个pgu的输出功率最高,分别为6.7 mW、2.0 mW和51.8 mW。最后,3个pgu分别对4种电容进行充电,5个pgu并联在不同侧隙下对4种电容进行充电。本文为提高集热器在低强度激励条件下的振动能量收集效率提供了一种新的途径。

A configurable tensegrity-based metastructure with tunable bandgap achieved by structural phase transition

Ao Li, Xu Yin, Ben Guan, Guang-Kui Xu, Li-Yuan Zhang, Xi-Qiao Feng



Metastructures with adjustable bandgaps provide an effective solution for modulating elastic waves and mitigating vibrations in scenarios with variable frequencies. However, achieving simplicity and effectiveness in the tunability of bandgap branches remains a challenge. Here we propose a configurable tensegrity-based metastructure achieved by structural phase transition (i.e., rigidity–flexibility transition of a structure caused by altering its configurational phase) and investigate this novel switching method of tunable bandgaps. The metastructure is composed of multiple well-designed X-tensegrity based structures that permit a reversible rigidity–flexibility transition with continuous unidirectional external loads. It is demonstrated that the present metastructure exhibits rich bandgap characteristics, i.e., tuning elastic wave bandgaps in terms of their ranges and branches. Furthermore, we explore the substantial influence of damping and friction on the dynamic performance of the metastructure. Finally, we experimentally validate the designed metastructure to showcase its vibration attenuation tunability through state switching induced by structural phase transition. The proposed tensegrity-based metastructure holds potential for applications as lightweight devices with the capability of wave attenuation and vibration monitoring.


A novel anti-tri-missing rib structure with a central ring for maintaining constant Poisson's ratio under large deformations

Kelan Mo, Fucong Lu, Tinghui Wei, Chuanbiao Zhang, Yi He, Yang Liu, Xiangyu Ling, Yilin Zhu



Auxetic metamaterials, as a novel material, have achieved significant research progress. However, most studies are confined to the small deformation range. Research on auxetic materials under large deformations remains insufficient, and the Poisson's ratio of most auxetic structures changes significantly under large deformations. To address these challenges, this study combines the geometric characteristics of traditional anti-tri-chiral structures (ATC) and anti-tri-missing rib structures (ATMR), proposing a novel anti-tri-missing rib structure with a central ring (CATM). By enhancing the rotational performance of the structure, it can achieve a constant Poisson's ratio under large deformations. Furthermore, this study derived a theoretical expression for the in-plane effective elastic constants of the structure through the application of the energy method. The feasibility of the theoretical formula is verified through experiments and finite element analysis, and the relationship between its mechanical properties and geometric parameters is further discussed. By comparing the analysis results, the study shows that by altering the geometric parameters of CATM, it can achieve a tunable Poisson's ratio, both positive and negative, and maintain a constant Poisson's ratio under large deformations. Under specific parameter conditions, the limit strain for maintaining a constant Poisson's ratio can reach nearly 100%, paving new pathways for the future development of auxetic structures.


Quantitative evaluation of process-induced yarn geometric imperfection effect on mechanical response of plain-woven C/SiC composites: X-ray tomography-based finite element analysis

Zhouyue Gu, Xiaolei Zhu, Xiaofeng Lu, Panding Wang, Hongshuai Lei



In this paper, the morphology and distribution of yarn imperfections induced by the fabrication process in C/SiC composites were captured and statistically analyzed by X-ray computed tomography using deep learning methods for image processing. Subsequently, these imperfections were decoupled into four typical characteristic imperfections: fiber cross-sectional shape, under-sized (over-sized) yarn cross-section, yarn cross-section variation, and yarn waviness. High-fidelity image-based finite element method (IB-FEM) model was generated from CT images, which considered the mesoscopic geometric morphology. The tensile response and failure mechanism of the as-designed model, IB-FEM model, and statistical models were established and verified by experimental results. The impact of yarn geometric imperfections on tensile properties was systematically discussed and elucidated. The results indicate that the intensification of yarn geometric imperfections (yarn cross-section variation and yarn waviness) significantly weakened the ultimate bearing capacity and failure strain of composites under tension, which have greater impacts than other geometric imperfections.


An accurate system-level nonlinear order-reduction for the flexible solar array system using global modes

Tengfei Yuan, Wei Fan, Hui Ren



Dynamic analysis of solar array structures is a challenging job due to their complexity and nonlinearity. In this paper, an accurate and efficient reduced-order model of the solar array system is developed. The reduced model is derived by using the system-level nonlinear reduction strategy, where the global flexible modes and their corresponding modal derivatives are adopted to describe large deformations of the system. The system-level approach is superior to other component-level reduction methods in terms of computational efficiency. For the case of linear constraints, the proposed approach can reduce the high-dimensional differential algebraic equations (DAEs) system to a low-dimensional ordinary differential equations (ODEs) system. The reduced nonlinear elastic forces are polynomials of modal coordinates with constant coefficients, and these coefficients can be evaluated in advance to further improve efficiency. This is convenient for both equation solving and controller design. The nonlinear dynamic responses of the solar array during the orbit modification and attitude maneuver are simulated. The numerical results show that the current system-level reduction method can achieve high efficiency and accuracy in the dynamic analysis of the solar array structures. The present work also provides some guidance for the vibration control and real-time simulation of the flexible spacecraft.


来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM
获赞 9粉丝 2文章 847课程 0


今日更新:Composite Structures 1 篇,Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 3 篇,Composites Science and Technology 1 篇Composite StructuresInvestigation and modelling of size effects in Ni/PU hybrid foams — A new model to predict size-effected properties in foamsStefan Bronder, Paula Lorson, Martin Reis, Anne Jungdoi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2024.118806 Ni/PU杂化泡沫中尺寸效应的研究与建模——一种预测泡沫尺寸效应的新模型For the design and development of new products, the properties of new, multifunctional materials are an important instance for engineers. Therefore, for material testing and simulations a representative volume element (RVE) needs to be found to gain the bulk properties. In the present work, Ni/PU hybrid foams with pore sizes from 10 to 30 ppi (pores per inch) are investigated under quasi static compression in order to determine the RVE for the main characteristics stiffness, plastic collapse stress and plateau stress. In addition a new model to calculate the bulk properties as function of pore geometry including anisotropy is developed and validated against the experimental investigation. It could also be shown, that RVE size is dependant on the investigated mechanical property as well as pore size. Also the mass increase for the coating process is non-linear and mass normalization of all investigated characteristics is indispensable. The model is validated on 20 ppi open cell aluminium foams, where the importance of mass normalization also becomes apparent again. Thus, the model is capable of capturing the behaviour of mechanical characteristics for foam materials in general.对于新产品的设计和开发,新型多功能材料的性能是工程师的一个重要实例。因此,对于材料测试和模拟,需要找到一个具有代表性的体积元(RVE)来获得体积特性。在本工作中,研究了孔径为10 ~ 30 ppi(孔/英寸)的Ni/PU杂化泡沫在准静态压缩下的RVE,以确定其主要特征刚度、塑性崩溃应力和平台应力。此外,还建立了一个计算孔隙体积特性随孔隙几何形状(包括各向异性)变化的新模型,并通过实验验证了该模型的有效性。还可以表明,RVE的大小取决于所研究的力学性能和孔径。此外,涂层过程的质量增加是非线性的,对所研究的所有特性进行质量归一化是必不可少的。该模型在20 ppi开孔泡沫铝上进行了验证,其中质量归一化的重要性再次变得明显。因此,该模型能够捕获一般泡沫材料的机械特性行为。Composites Part A: Applied Science and ManufacturingCritical evaluation of torsion rheometry to characterize the anisotropic intraply shear resistance of unidirectional thermoplastic composites in meltD. Brands, S.P. Haanappel, W.J.B. Grouve, S. Wijskamp, R. Akkermandoi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2024.108661单向热塑复合材料熔体中各向异性抗剪切性能的扭转流变学临界评价This study critically evaluates oscillatory and transient torsion bar techniques for characterizing the in-plane shear resistance of unidirectional thermoplastic composites in melt. Small-strain oscillatory torsion tests, analyzed using a linear viscoelastic model, showed good agreement with the initial slope of the torque-rotation curve obtained from transient torsion tests. However, the limited strain range restricts the model’s applicability to small deformations. Deformation measurements on specimens subjected to larger strains by means of the transient torsion tests revealed anisotropic and inhomogeneous behavior, with significant through-thickness shear rather than the intended in-plane shear. This observed anisotropy contradicts the transverse isotropy assumption originally used in modeling. To address this, a nonlinear anisotropic viscoelastic model was proposed, offering improved accuracy. Despite this enhancement, the inability to precisely control or monitor the desired deformations during testing raises concerns about the reliability of the transient torsion rheometry method.本研究批判性地评估了振荡和瞬态扭转杆技术,以表征单向热塑性复合材料在熔体中的面内剪切阻力。采用线性粘弹性模型对小应变振荡扭转试验进行分析,结果与瞬态扭转试验得到的扭矩-旋转曲线初始斜率吻合较好。然而,有限的应变范围限制了模型对小变形的适用性。通过瞬态扭转试验对大应变下试样的变形测量显示出各向异性和非均匀性,具有显著的贯穿厚度剪切而不是预期的面内剪切。这种观察到的各向异性与最初在建模中使用的横向各向同性假设相矛盾。为了解决这个问题,提出了一种非线性各向异性粘弹性模型,提高了精度。尽管有这种改进,但在测试过程中无法精确控制或监测所需的变形,这引起了人们对瞬态扭转流变法可靠性的担忧。Effect of fiber surface state on the thermomechanical and interfacial properties of in situ polymerized polyamide 6/basalt fiber compositesMartino Valentini, Olivier De Almeida, Markus Kakkonen, Gerhard Kalinka, Andrea Dorigato, Pasi Kallio, Giulia Fredidoi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2024.108681纤维表面状态对原位聚合聚酰胺6/玄武岩纤维复合材料热力学和界面性能的影响This study investigates the thermomechanical properties and interfacial adhesion of novel in-situ polymerized anionic polyamide 6 (aPA6) composites reinforced with basalt fibers (BF). The impact of different BF surface states− as-received (BFa), ethanol-washed (BFw), and thermally desized (BFu) − on composite performance is examined through a comprehensive approach. For the first time, anionic PA6/BF composites with very low residual monomer content were successfully produced via thermoplastic resin transfer molding (tRTM). The PA6/BFw composites exhibited the highest interlaminar/interfacial shear strength in short beam shear test (52 ± 8 MPa) and fiber push out test (34 ± 11 MPa) tests. Fiber microdebonding test, performed only on PA6/BFw, yielded a low interfacial shear strength (12 ± 4 MPa), which was attributed to droplet porosity resulting from concurrent polymerization and crystallization. Thermal desizing significantly deteriorated interfacial strength (19.6 ± 1.2 MPa in SBS). This multi-technique characterization provides insights into optimizing the fiber–matrix adhesion in these advanced thermoplastic composites.研究了玄武岩纤维(BF)增强的新型原位聚合阴离子聚酰胺6 (ap6)复合材料的热力学性能和界面附着力。通过全面的方法研究了不同的BF表面状态-接收状态(BFa),乙醇洗涤状态(BFw)和热脱浆状态(BFu) -对复合材料性能的影响。通过热塑性树脂传递模塑(tRTM)技术,首次成功制备了单体残留含量极低的阴离子型PA6/BF复合材料。PA6/BFw复合材料在短梁剪切试验(52 ± 8 MPa)和纤维推出试验(34 ± 11 MPa)中表现出最高的层间/界面剪切强度。仅在PA6/BFw上进行的纤维微剥离测试显示,界面剪切强度较低(12 ± 4 MPa),这是由于同时聚合和结晶造成的液滴孔隙。热退浆显著降低了SBS的界面强度(19.6 ± 1.2 MPa)。这种多技术表征为优化这些高级热塑性复合材料的纤维-基质粘附性提供了见解。Multi utilization of carbon nanotubes in cementitious metastructures to excite synergistic resonator-dielectric effect for broadband near perfect microwave absorptionXiaoran Wang, Qinghua Li, Haoxin Lai, Shilang Xudoi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2024.108685碳纳米管在胶结元结构中的多重应用激发了宽带近完美微波吸收的协同谐振介电效应Metallic and dielectric metamaterials (MMs)/ metastructures possess exceptional advantages in enhancing electromagnetic (EM) wave absorption, yet they present inherent limitations, and obtaining highly efficient absorbers with a lower filling ratio and larger absorption bandwidth poses a challenge. In this study, by multi utilizing carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in MMs to excite the synergistic resonator-dielectric effect, an averaged 99 % absorption in 2–18 GHz is achieved. Using a layered cementitious metastructure as a case study, CNT paste is coated to the metastructure as a resonator, and CNTs are dispersed in cementitious dielectric as an absorbing agent. A model is proposed to reveal how the multi-function of CNTs manifest in the absorption performance, and the synergistic resonator-dielectric effects are thoroughly analyzed. Experimental results show that broadband near-perfect absorption can be achieved with only 0.95 wt% CNT content: the metastructure exhibits −21.3 dB average reflectivity (>99 % absorption), 9.6 GHz bandwidth for −20 dB (99 % absorption) and 2.5 GHz bandwidth for −30 dB (99.9 % absorption) in 2–18 GHz. This investigation reveals new synergistic mechanisms between the resonator and the dielectric, advancing the fundamental understanding of MMs, offering potential applications in various fields including communication systems, stealth technology and energy harvesting.金属和介质超材料/超结构在增强电磁波吸收方面具有独特的优势,但它们也存在固有的局限性,获得低填充比和大吸收带宽的高效吸收材料是一个挑战。在本研究中,通过在mm中多利用碳纳米管(CNTs)来激发协同谐振-介电效应,在2-18 GHz范围内实现了平均99% %的吸收。以层状胶凝元结构为例,碳纳米管膏体作为谐振器涂覆在该元结构上,碳纳米管作为吸波剂分散在胶凝介质中。提出了碳纳米管在吸收性能中的多功能性模型,并深入分析了碳纳米管的协同谐振-介电效应。实验结果表明,可以实现宽带近乎完美的吸收只有0.95 wt %问内容:变质构造展览−21.3 dB平均反射率(> 99 %吸收),9.6 −20 GHz带宽 dB(99 %吸收)和2.5 GHz带宽−30 dB(99.9 %吸收)最近 GHz。这项研究揭示了谐振器和电介质之间的新的协同机制,促进了对mm的基本理解,为包括通信系统、隐身技术和能量收集在内的各个领域提供了潜在的应用。Composites Science and TechnologyQuantitative evaluation of crack arrest mechanisms in epoxy/silica nanocompositesTakaya Kobayashi, Kensuke Ogawa, Maeda Ryusei, Pangpang Wang, Tatsuya Kubozono, Daisuke Yoshihara, Satoru Yamamoto, Sunao Yamada, Keiji Tanaka, Masaki Omiyadoi:10.1016/j.compscitech.2024.111028 环氧/二氧化硅纳米复合材料裂纹止裂机制的定量评价The toughening mechanisms of epoxy polymers modified with silica nanoparticles have been understood to be dominated by nanoparticle debonding and subsequent plastic void growth. In this study, to elucidate the scenario through which these toughening factors are achieved, the crack propagation process was investigated using both experimental and analytical approaches. In situ transmission electron microscopy observations, molecular dynamics simulations to estimate fracture criteria, and finite element analyses based on fracture mechanics were performed on silica nanoparticle-modified epoxy thin films. The results revealed that crack propagation involves elementary processes, including crack arrest by nanoparticles, matrix plastic deformation in the vicinity of nanoparticles, and debonding at the particle/matrix interface. It was demonstrated that a seamless finite element analysis representing these elementary processes can quantitatively clarify the toughening mechanisms leading to the final failure. The fracture energy due to the crack arrest by a single nanoparticle was found to be several times higher than that for unmodified epoxy, which delays crack propagation rate and promotes large-scale plastic deformation of the surrounding area at a rate faster than the crack propagation. The toughening mechanisms in epoxy/silica nanocomposites is underpinned by the persistent occurrence of crack arrest behavior by individual nanoparticles.二氧化硅纳米颗粒改性环氧聚合物的增韧机制主要是纳米颗粒的脱粘和随后的塑性空洞生长。在本研究中,为了阐明这些增韧因素实现的场景,采用实验和分析方法研究了裂纹扩展过程。对纳米二氧化硅改性环氧薄膜进行了原位透射电镜观察、分子动力学模拟以估计断裂准则,以及基于断裂力学的有限元分析。结果表明,裂纹扩展包括纳米颗粒的裂纹止裂、纳米颗粒附近的基体塑性变形以及颗粒/基体界面的脱粘等基本过程。结果表明,代表这些基本过程的无缝有限元分析可以定量地阐明导致最终失效的增韧机制。单个纳米颗粒的止裂能比未改性环氧树脂的断裂能高几倍,从而延缓了裂纹扩展速度,并以比裂纹扩展更快的速度促进了周围区域的大规模塑性变形。环氧/二氧化硅纳米复合材料的增韧机制是由单个纳米颗粒持续出现的裂纹止裂行为所支撑的。 来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM

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