on August 10, 2022 by DEVELOP3D Future of CAD – Autodesk Time stands still for no-one – including design software, so we asked Ian Pendlebury Autodesk VP of Engineering for Fusion 360 for their opinions on the direction of CAD, ranging from initial concepting workflows, the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and even how we keep it up to date.时间对任何人都不停止——包括设计软件,所以我们询问了Autodesk Fusion 360的工程副总裁Ian Pendlebury,了解他们对CAD的发展方向的看法,从最初的概念工作流程,人工智能(AI)的影响,甚至如何保持最新。How do you imagine sketch tool environments evolving?您如何想象草图工具环境的发展?Most 3D CAD software today assumes the user is working with a powerful desktop computer, large display, keyboard and mouse – the same basic setup for sketch that has been around for decades.大多数3D CAD软件今天都假设用户正在使用强大的台式计算机,大型显示器,键盘和鼠标——几十年来一直存在的草图的基本设置。In the short term, 3D CAD will become much more adept at using the wider spectrum of input devices available today, including smaller devices, touch input, multi-touch, 3D touch, track pads and digital pens.在短期内,3D CAD将变得更加善于使用当前可用的更广泛的输入设备,包括较小的设备,触摸输入,多点触摸,3D触摸,轨迹板和数字笔。Moreover, the software will be aware of the device a user has chosen, and the context in which they’re working, and transition smoothly back and forth between these combinations. This will drastically improve the user experience. There are some special challenges in 3D CAD related to seeing and controlling everything in a design, especially when using a 2D touch control device for a 3D model. But we’re overcoming those challenges and creating more natural ways to interact with CAD software.此外,软件将意识到用户选择的设备以及他们正在使用的上下文,并在这些组合之间平稳地来回切换。这将大大提高用户体验。在与设计中的所有内容有关的3D CAD方面存在一些特殊挑战,特别是在使用2D触摸控制设备为3D模型时。但是,我们正在克服这些挑战,并创建更自然的方法与CAD软件交互。What’s really exciting is thinking longer term: As cloud-powered CAD becomes more prevalent and its AI capabilities more accessible, the need to define a design via sketches is giving way to describing the requirements and receiving design suggestions from the computer.真正令人兴奋的是长远思考:随着云赋能的CAD变得更加普遍,其人工智能能力更易获得,通过草图定义设计的需要正在被用电脑描述需求并接收设计建议所取代。These suggestions take a multitude of factors into consideration, such as preferred materials (and a material’s carbon footprint, or supply chain issues impacting its availability), manufacturing methods and locations, customer locations, serviceability requirements and more.这些建议考虑了许多因素,例如首选材料(以及材料的碳足迹或影响其可用性的供应链问题),制造方法和位置,客户位置,可维修性要求等。The computer is beginning to offer design suggestions that balance all the design requirements. For the first time, CAD is truly becoming computer aided. We are seeing the beginnings of this with the Generative Design and Automated Modeling capabilities in Autodesk Fusion 360, and more capabilities will continue to help users create solutions to the problems they describe to the software.电脑开始提供平衡所有设计要求的设计建议。这是CAD首次真正成为计算机辅助的。我们在Autodesk Fusion 360的生成设计和自动建模功能中看到了这一点的开端,并且将会有更多的功能帮助用户创建对软件描述的问题的解决方案。How do you imagine designers will interact with CAD UIs in the future? 您如何想象未来设计师将如何与CAD用户界面交互?CAD software such as Autodesk Fusion 360 will become much better at understanding the device it’s running on and the touches, gestures or other inputs, as well as the size, that are natural to that device. It’ll be something like responsive design for the web.像Autodesk Fusion 360这样的CAD软件将变得更加擅长于理解它正在运行的设备以及与该设备自然的触摸,手势或其他输入,以及大小。这将类似于网页的响应式设计。In many cases there will also be native apps for specific devices (browser-based Fusion, and apps for phones and tablets, for instance). Traditional CAD layout characteristics and methods of controlling the software, such as clicking-and-dragging, will trend away from the traditional paradigms of the mouse. Instead, we’ll see new, more natural ways of interacting with the devices we’re using–like swiping with phones and grasping in VR.在许多情况下,还将有专用设备的本地应用程序(例如浏览器基于Fusion和电话和平板电脑的应用程序)。传统的CAD布局特征和控制软件的方法,如点击和拖动,将趋离鼠标的传统范式。相反,我们将看到新的,更自然的与我们使用的设备交互的方式——像手机的滑动和VR中的抓取。Downloading regular updates to a 3D CAD package is more common – is this the way all 3D CAD is now heading? 下载3D CAD软件的常规更新是更常见的——这是现在所有3D CAD软件的发展方向吗?It’s important to realize that with Fusion 360, we’ve created a completely integrated product development platform that includes enterprise-grade 3D CAD, but has a vast number of other features and capabilities that go beyond the design and address the entire lifecycle of the product. A solution like this requires everyone be able to exchange pieces of the project data without being hobbled by running incompatible versions of software or exchanging large, proprietary files.重要的是要意识到,通过Fusion 360,我们创建了一个完全集成的产品开发平台,该平台包括企业级3D CAD,但具有许多超出设计范围的其他功能和能力,可处理整个产品的生命周期。这样的解决方案要求每个人都能够在不受运行不兼容版本软件或交换大型专有文件的限制的情况下交换项目数据的片段。But while we see great benefits to all users being on the same cloud-powered, up-to-date, always-on version of a 3D CAD package, there are also instances where the more traditional process needs to persist, so we don’t see it going away anytime soon. Instead, we expect to continue seeing a hybrid set of offerings: most users will benefit from the many advantages of software as a service.但是,尽管我们看到所有用户都处于同一云赋能的,最新版本的,始终保持运行状态的3D CAD软件包有很大的好处,但也有情况需要保留更传统的流程,所以我们并不认为它会很快消失。相反,我们希望继续看到一组混合的产品:大多数用户将从软件即服务的许多优势中受益。Those that need to control exactly when updates are implemented, or have the ability to revert back to software acting exactly as it did at some point in the past, will also be provided solutions.那些需要精确控制更新何时实施,或者具有使软件恰好按照过去某个时刻的方式操作的能力的人也将获得解决方案。How do you view the increase in AI impacting design tools the most? 您如何看待人工智能在设计工具中的增长?In the very short term, AI will get much better at quickly, naturally making design suggestions to a CAD user that are close to what that person would otherwise create on their own. One example we are working on will automate the time-consuming process of creating a 2D drawing from a 3D CAD model.在短期内,人工智能将更好地快速自然地向CAD用户提出设计建议,这些建议与该人员本来自己创建的内容非常接近。我们正在开发的一个例子将自动化从3D CAD模型创建2D图纸的耗时过程。Machine learning will look at how a designer typically dimensions similar parts and automatically create a drawing that is very close to what that designer would likely draw. Another example is the Automated Modeling feature recently released in Fusion 360, which does not require a user to change environment, tool or context in order to use the AI capabilities in the software. Instead, like a real-time spell-checker, it looks at what you’re designing and suggests efficient connections between faces or bodies.机器学习将研究设计师通常如何对类似部件进行尺寸规格,并自动创建一张非常接近设计师可能绘制的图纸。另一个例子是最近在Fusion 360中发布的自动建模功能,该功能不需要用户更改环境,工具或上下文才能使用软件中的人工智能功能。相反,就像实时拼写检查器一样,它会查看您正在设计的内容,并建议面或体之间的高效连接。Cloud AI is being seamlessly integrated into design tools and workflows, increasing the speed and value of those tools by automating the time-consuming, but not highly creative, work that every project inevitably has.云人工智能正被无缝集成到设计工具和工作流中,通过自动化每个项目都必然会有的耗时但不太具有创造性的工作,提高了这些工具的速度和价值。As software continues to evolve by incorporating learning capabilities, it can start to make suggestions and even decisions on the user’s behalf, based on previous behaviors and choices, helping to reduce errors and reach better outcomes faster.随着软件通过合并学习能力而继续发展,它可以开始根据以前的行为和选择代表用户提出建议,甚至做出决策,帮助减少错误并更快地达到更好的结果。How do you imagine the users of your software will change and how do you see this impacting the software? 您如何想象您的软件的用户会发生变化,以及您如何看待这会对软件产生什么影响?CAD users of all ages are growing more accustomed to moving back and forth between desktop applications, mobile devices and apps, and browser-based experiences, and expect a smart hand-off from one to the other.各年龄段的CAD用户都越来越习惯在桌面应用程序,移动设备和应用程序,以及基于浏览器的体验之间来回移动,并期望从一个到另一个的智能切换。This trend was partially accelerated by the pandemic, during which most people needed to remain productive even when working from home on older laptops (or students on Chromebooks). This led to more widespread understanding of the benefits of cloud-first CAD like Fusion 360, which uses the power of the cloud to execute complex CAD modelling, even on less-powerful computers or when accessed through a browser.这一趋势部分受到了大流行的加速,在这次大流行期间,大多数人即使在老式笔记本电脑(或用Chromebook的学生)在家工作时也需要保持生产力。这导致更广泛地了解云首选CAD(如Fusion 360)的好处,该CAD利用云的能力执行复杂的CAD建模,即使在性能较弱的电脑上或通过浏览器访问时也能这样做。On the other end of the spectrum, we see rapidly increasing performance and capability offered in the latest high-end phones and tablets, blurring the lines between desktop and mobile. Users investing in expensive computing devices expect their apps to utilise the capabilities of those devices, so we’ll see dedicated, native CAD apps that sensibly take advantage of features such as touch, multi-screen and powerful GPUs, CPUs, and NPUs.另一方面,我们看到最新的高端手机和平板电脑提供的性能和能力迅速提高,混淆了桌面和移动设备的界限。投资于昂贵计算设备的用户希望他们的应用能够利用这些设备的能力,因此我们将看到专门的本地CAD应用程序,这些应用程序合理地利用了触摸,多屏和强大的GPU,CPU和NPU等功能。In short, we’ll see CAD software become more user aware, device aware and adaptive. Designers and engineers will more naturally and intuitively contribute to a project regardless of whether they’re working from a browser, a mobile device or a traditional workstation in the office.简而言之,我们将看到CAD软件变得更加用户意识,设备意识和自适应。无论是从浏览器,移动设备还是办公室中的传统工作站工作,设计师和工程师都将更加自然和直观地为项目做出贡献。When will CAD software be able to take advantage of modern graphics APIs for better 3D performance and advanced features like GPU ray tracing? CAD软件何时能够利用现代图形API获得更好的3D性能和GPU光线追踪等高级功能?The movie and video game industries have pioneered some amazing performance enhancement technologies that we believe will bring great benefits to rendering the most complex CAD models. We are actively working on adopting USD (Universal Scene Description) and the USD Hydra rendering framework, which are fast becoming industry standards, into Fusion 360.电影和电子游戏行业开发出了一些令人惊奇的性能提升技术,我们相信这些技术将为渲染最复杂的CAD模型带来巨大的好处。我们正在积极开发将USD(通用场景描述)和USD Hydra渲染框架纳入Fusion 360的工作。这些框架正在迅速成为行业标准。USD is all about incredible performance through heavy use of multi-threading and GPUs. It takes advantage of modern graphics APIs and offers cross-platform support.USD的优点在于通过大量使用多线程和GPU实现惊人的性能。它利用了现代图形API并提供跨平台支持。Future of CAD 2022 – Dassault Systèmes 0 Future of CAD – DASSAULT SYSTEMES Time stands still for no-one – including design software, so we asked Manish Kumar, CEO Solidworks, for their opinions on the direction of CAD, ranging from initial concepting workflows, the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and even how we keep it up to date.时间不等人——包括设计软件,所以我们询问了SolidWorks首席执行官Manish Kumar对CAD发展方向的看法,包括初步概念工作流程,人工智能(AI)的影响,甚至如何使其保持最新状态。 How do you imagine sketch tool environments evolving? 您如何想象草图工具环境的发展方向?Sketching is an undeniably, and perhaps the most, important feature in the creation of new components, and it will remain so in the future. At the same time, there are new design workflows that are evolving where sketching is becoming less important.草图在创建新组件方面无疑是最重要的功能,将来也将如此。与此同时,草图变得不那么重要的新设计工作流程正在演变。Two essentially sketch-less workflows are the use of direct edit methods for the reuse and/or modification of existing components, and the adoption of Sub-D modeling with its use of shape primitives and push-pull manipulation of the geometry to create highly curved organic designs.两种基本上不需要草图的工作流程是使用直接编辑方法重用和/或修改现有组件,以及采用Sub-D建模,使用形状原语和几何形状的推拉操作创建高度弯曲的有机设计。One very important workflow where sketching is evolving is in the reuse of freehand sketches, ink, or imagery as the starting point or reference for designs. Making use of existing artwork to create sketch entities will be a great time saver for industrial designers. You can also expect to see the increasing use of AI to anticipate the needs of the user during repetitive tasks and recognize the recreation of similar sketches by dissecting past designs and automatically notify users that a very similar sketch already exists.草图演变的一个非常重要的工作流程是将自由手绘草图、墨水或图像用作设计的起点或参考。利用现有的艺术品创建草图实体将为工业设计师省下很多时间。您还可以期望看到AI在重复任务中越来越多地预测用户的需求,并通过剖析过去的设计来识别类似草图的重新创建,并自动通知用户存在非常相似的草图。How do you imagine designers will interact with CAD UIs in the future? 您如何想象未来设计师将如何与CAD UI交互?Today, the mouse has delivered the best balance of speed, precision and ergonomics, but as devices evolve and develop this is changing. For Solidworks, the use of touch or mouse isn’t an either-or decision, it’s about what makes sense for a particular device and workflow. For many of our users, touch adds value and enhances their design workflows.目前,鼠标在速度、精度和人体工程学方面达到了最佳平衡,但随着设备的发展,这种情况正在发生改变。对于SolidWorks来说,触摸或鼠标的使用不是非此即彼的决策,而是看看哪种方式对特定设备和工作流程更合适。对于我们许多用户来说,触摸增加了价值,并改善了他们的设计工作流程。We are already delivering solutions where the UI is optimized based on the expected user device and workflows. Our latest web-based design tools can be driven equally well either through touch or a mouse.我们已经提供了基于预期用户设备和工作流程优化的UI的解决方案。我们最新的基于Web的设计工具无论是通过触摸还是鼠标都可以很好地驱动。For consumer-focused CAD, the adoption of touch interfaces is even more important as consumer devices move away from the mouse and toward the touch. HomeByMe is a modern touch-focused design product where users can design their home interiors, and our latest app, MakeByMe, was developed with touch first/mobile-first approach. It has broken the tyranny of mouse and keyboard while providing makers the ability to create furniture from anywhere, using any device.对于以消费者为中心的CAD,触摸界面的采用更加重要,因为消费者设备正在从鼠标转向触摸。HomeByMe是一款现代的以触摸为中心的设计产品,用户可以在其中设计家居内饰,而我们的最新应用程序MakeByMe是以触摸优先/移动优先的方法开发的。它打破了鼠标和键盘的暴政,同时使制造商能够使用任何设备在任何地方创建家具。Downloading regular updates to a 3D CAD package is more common – is this the way all 3D CAD is now heading? 定期下载3D CAD软件更新是更常见的——这是现在所有3D CAD的方向吗?We continually deliver functional updates and improvements as fast as possible. For our cloud portfolio, where everyone is on the same version all the time, this is the only way.我们尽快提供功能更新和改进。对于我们的云端产品,所有人都始终使用同一版本,这是唯一的方法。Yet, there are certain industry segments, such as defense or life sciences which, due to significant regulatory and compliance reasons, have very stringent design tool certification processes. These companies cannot continually update their design solutions without incurring a significant time and financial cost. We will continue to serve our customers by offering both choices.然而,由于严格的监管和合规要求,有些行业部门(如国防或生命科学)对设计工具认证过程有非常严格的要求。这些公司在不承担巨大的时间和财务成本的情况下无法持续更新他们的设计解决方案。我们将继续为我们的客户提供两种选择。How do you view the increase in AI impacting design tools the most? 您如何看待人工智能对设计工具的影响?While a designer’s passion is to come up with creative ideas and solutions, we have to recognize that the CAD design process can include repetitive, boring tasks. We see AI playing a huge role in augmenting a designer’s workflows by carrying out mundane repetitive tasks, freeing up time to be more creative.虽然设计师的热情在于想出创意性的想法和解决方案,但我们必须认识到CAD设计过程中可能会包括重复乏味的任务。我们认为,通过完成单调重复的任务,人工智能可以在很大程度上增强设计师的工作流程,为他们腾出更多时间去更具创意性。Browser-based tools in 3D Creator, 3D SheetMetal Creator, and 3D Sculptor have AI-based Design Assistants built into them. Machine learning algorithms learn from the way the user designs and reduces or automates repetitious tasks, such as selecting edges, inserting mates, or predicting new sketch entities and giving users an option to insert them automatically.在3D Creator、3D SheetMetal Creator和3D Sculptor的基于浏览器的工具中,都有内置的基于人工智能的设计助手。机器学习算法可以从用户的设计方式中学习,并减少或自动化重复任务,例如选择边缘、插入连接关系或预测新的草图实体,并为用户提供自动插入它们的选项。Another example of how AI/machine learning is automating tedious tasks is in the reading of PDFs in SolidWorks Inspection which automatically recognizes the dimensions to help with proper inspection operations.另一个例子是在SolidWorks Inspection中如何使用人工智能/机器学习自动化繁琐的任务,即自动识别PDF文件中的尺寸以帮助进行适当的检查操作。How do you imagine the users of your software will change and how do you see this impacting the software?你如何想象未来你们软件的用户会发生变化,以及这会对软件产生怎样的影响?Today 3D has been democratized to the point that it has become a universal language to collaborate and share ideas between all age groups and geographies. Our suite of tools from Apps for Kids to SolidWorks is available for all and we continue to evolve this and provide efficient ways for our customers to tackle problems, beginners, or experiences.如今,三维技术已经普及到了让所有年龄段和地理区域之间都能用它来协作和分享想法的地步。我们的工具套件从儿童应用程序到SolidWorks都适用于所有人,我们将继续演进这一点,并为我们的客户提供解决问题的高效方式,无论是初学者还是经验丰富的人都可以使用。It is no longer just about providing a product, but also delivering a great experience around this – it must be aesthetically pleasing, reliable, robust, and perform well during regular use. It should also be priced correctly, which means it must be produced with the least number of resources, be sustainable, and be able to capture the user’s imagination right from the first look. Finally, it should support delivering work on time. For this reason, we ensure that Solidworks’ solutions are delivered to use in new and holistic ways.这不仅仅是提供 产品,还要提供围绕产品的出色体验——它必须在外观上令人感觉良好,可靠,强大,在正常使用中性能优秀。它的价格也应该合理,这意味着它必须用最少的资源生产,可持续,并能在一开始就吸引用户的想象力。最后,它应该支持按时完成工作。因此,我们确保Solidworks的解决方案以新颖和整体的方式提供给用户。When will CAD software be able to take advantage of modern graphics APIs for better 3D performance and advanced features like GPU ray tracing? 当CAD软件能够利用现代图形API来提高3D性能和支持高级功能(例如GPU光线追踪)时,它们会何时能够使用这些功能?We work closely with all our partners like graphics partners, AMD, Intel, and Nvidia to make sure we are always taking advantage of the latest available technologies. By doing so, recently we have re-architectured our graphics pipeline to take advantage of these emerging technologies. So, in a way, this is already happening while we speak.我们与所有合作伙伴(如图形合作伙伴AMD、Intel和Nvidia)密切合作,确保我们始终可以利用最新的技术。通过这样做,我们最近重新构建了我们的图形管道,以利用这些新兴技术。因此,从某种意义上讲,这已经在我们谈话的同时发生了。 Future of CAD – Phenometry Time stands still for no-one – including design software, so we asked Stephanos Androutsellis-Theotokis Co-Founder & Senior software developer at Phenometry for their opinions on the direction of CAD, ranging from initial concepting workflows, the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and even how we keep it up to date. 时间对谁都不会停止 - 包括设计软件,因此我们请Phenometry联合创始人兼高级软件开发人员Stephanos Androutsellis-Theotokis就CAD的发展方向发表意见,包括初步概念工作流程、人工智能(AI)的影响,甚至如何使其保持最新。How do you imagine sketch tool environments evolving? 你如何想象草图工具环境的发展?We feel that browser-based collaboration will definitely play an important role in the future of CAD. ‘Google-Docs-style’ collaboration tools have already been adopted by major CAD software such as Onshape, allowing their users to interact and collaborate with each other on shared documents, while at the same time reaping the benefits of behind-the-scenes updates of their CAD tools, full history of their edits, proper versioning and so on.我们认为基于浏览器的协作肯定会在CAD的未来中发挥重要作用。像Onshape这样的主要CAD软件已经采用了“Google Docs”式的协作工具,允许用户在共享文档上相互交互和协作,同时受益于CAD工具的幕后更新、完整的编辑历史、适当的版本控制等。With this in mind we chose to use browser/cloud based technologies when we started developing Phi, some years ago. We also think that VR environments and technologies have a lot to offer, especially when it comes to complex 3D design involving freeform curves and surfaces, something that Phi focuses on. A more immersive experience should certainly allow users to work more creatively and with better 3D perception.考虑到这一点,我们在几年前开发Phi时选择使用基于浏览器/云的技术。我们还认为,虚拟现实环境和技术有很多可以提供的东西,特别是在涉及自由曲面和曲面的复杂3D设计方面,这正是Phi所关注的。更加沉浸式的体验肯定会使用户更具创造力地工作,并具有更好的3D感知能力。Finally the ease and freedom offered by mobile devices such as tablets allows users to work from any location through a user interface well suited to sketching and freeform modeling.最后,平板电脑等移动设备提供的便捷性和自由性使用户可以在任何地方通过适合草图和自由模型的用户界面工作。How do you imagine designers will interact with CAD UIs in the future? 你如何想象未来设计师将如何与CAD UI进行交互?It’s high time that CAD UIs moved away from countless huge menus with items and subitems that users need to spend a lot of time memorizing.是时候让CAD UI远离无数庞大的菜单,这些菜单中有用户需要花很多时间记忆的项目和子项目了。Advanced gestures, touchscreens, and more direct interaction with the model are key for a more intuitive user experience. Constant, non-obtrusive feedback on what is expected to complete the current operation and what the current options are help guide the user and reduce their cognitive load.先进的手势、触摸屏以及与模型的更直接交互对于更直观的用户体验至关重要。持续的、不打扰的反馈告诉用户完成当前操作需要做什么,以及当前有哪些选项,这有助于指导用户并减轻他们的认知负荷。We developed Phi with this in mind. The most basic gestures in Phi involve directly click-and-dragging the design, to freehand move or deform its shapes. More advanced operations such as our carve tool allows slicing through the model to split it along a freehand line.我们在开发Phi时就考虑到了这一点。Phi中最基本的手势包括直接单击并拖动设计,以手绘方式移动或变形其形状。更高级的操作(如我们的切割工具)允许通过模型进行切片,沿着手绘线分割模型。Such interactions are very well suited to modern digital interfaces and allow users to have a faster and more efficient design experience.这种交互非常适合现代数字界面,使用户能够拥有更快、更高效的设计体验。Downloading regular updates to a 3D CAD package is more common – is this the way all 3D CAD is now heading? 定期下载3D CAD软件包的更新是很常见的 - 这是现在所有3D CAD的发展方向吗?One of the great benefits of cloud-based CAD systems is that any new update is seamlessly made available to all users instantly on all platforms, without any need to download updates. The user is simply informed of the new version, and prompted to check out the new functionalities, improvements or bug fixes.基于云的CAD系统的一大优点是,所有新的更新都可以立即在所有平台上无缝地向所有用户提供,无需下载更新。用户只需被告知新版本,并提示检查新的功能、改进或错误修复。While there is still wide use of standalone products, the shift towards cloud-based benefits is clear and irreversible. No one enjoys the overheads incurred by downloading updates, installing them and making sure nothing clashes or breaks. Similarly, a fully cloud-based CAD software product vendor doesn’t have to worry about multiple platform compatibility, system issues or have to maintain countless code branches for each version or platform.虽然独立产品仍广泛使用,但向基于云的优势的转变明显且不可逆转。没有人喜欢下载更新、安装更新以及确保没有冲突或故障所带来的开销。同样,完全基于云的CAD软件产品供应商不必担心多平台兼容性、系统问题,也不必为每个版本或平台维护无数个代码分支。Phi, being a fully cloud/browser based application, allows its users to always enjoy the latest version every time they log in without worrying about any of the above.Phi是一个完全基于云/浏览器的应用程序,允许用户在登录时每次都享受最新版本,而无需担心以上任何问题。How do you view the increase in AI impacting design tools the most? 你如何看待AI对设计工具的影响最大?AI use in CAD is still at an early stage, so there is definitely potential for more. As an example, generative design has definitely attracted attention, and can be very useful in certain cases and workflows. Also, other tools for tasks like topological optimisations, have a varying degree of maturity and usefulness, with plenty of room for more.CAD中的AI仍处于早期阶段,因此绝对有更多的潜力。例如,生成设计绝对引起了注意,并且在某些情况和工作流程中非常有用。此外,其他用于任务(如拓扑优化)的工具具有不同程度的成熟度和实用性,还有很多提升的空间。Important applications also include the field of interactive physical property optimization and constraints while designing, which is something that we are working on as well – imagine for example maintaining a given volume for a model while interactively editing it!重要的应用还包括设计时的交互物理性质优化和约束领域,这也是我们正在努力的工作 - 比如想象在交互编辑模型时保持给定体积!On the user experience front, learning user traits, commonly used tools, etc, and then suggesting them to increase efficiency, is definitely helpful.在用户体验方面,学习用户特征、常用工具等,然后提出建议以提高效率,肯定是有帮助的。 How do you imagine the users of your software will change and how do you see this impacting the software? 你认为你的软件的用户将如何变化,你认为这对软件有什么影响?Our goal is for Phi to remain intuitive to use while modelling top quality surfaces, even as new functionality and powerful features are being developed, so that anyone irrespective of age can use it with a minimum amount of training time.我们的目标是,即使在开发新的功能和强大的特性的同时,Phi也要保持直观的使用方法,以便任何人,无论年龄大小,都可以用最少的培训时间来使用它。We’re always excited to see Phi being taught to young learners as part of our educational program, but we also consider an experienced designer’s tacit knowledge to be irreplaceable and with potential that an innovative tool like Phi can perfectly serve.我们总是很高兴看到Phi作为教育项目的一部分被教授给年轻的学习者,但我们也认为一个有经验的设计师的隐性知识是不可替代的,而且具有潜力,像Phi这样的创新工具可以完美地服务。We think digital innovative design tool use is going to reach significantly more users in the next few years, with products that are easy to use and have sharing and collaboration capabilities being significantly favoured.我们认为数字创新设计工具的使用将在未来几年内达到明显的用户数量,那些易于使用并具有共享和协作能力的产品将受到明显的青睐。Phi’s architecture and approach to freeform modeling were designed with the above in mind, so the software can cope with a wide range of users.Phi的架构和自由造型的方法在设计时就考虑到了上述情况,因此该软件可以应对广泛的用户。When will CAD software be able to take advantage of modern graphics APIs for better 3D performance and advanced features like GPU ray tracing? 什么时候CAD软件能够利用现代图形API来获得更好的3D性能和高级功能,如GPU光线追踪?This is a hard prediction to make, at least in terms of widespread use. Phi does not currently directly use advanced graphics capabilities, it relies on browser-based graphics technologies such as WebGL and Three.js, and shader programming, which has so far served us well.这是一个很难预测的问题,至少在广泛使用方面是如此。Phi目前没有直接使用先进的图形功能,它依赖于基于浏览器的图形技术,如WebGL和Three.js,以及着色器编程,到目前为止,这些技术对我们很有帮助。We are always keeping an eye on the cutting edge and would be eager to adopt mature graphics technologies that would work with our cloud architecture.我们一直在关注最前沿的技术,并将渴望采用成熟的图形技术,以配合我们的云架构。 Future of CAD – PTC Time stands still for no-one – including design software, so we asked Jay Tedeschi, Product Management Principal, Onshape, for their opinions on the direction of CAD, ranging from initial concepting workflows, the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and even how we keep it up to date时间对谁都不会停止--包括设计软件,因此我们询问了Onshape产品管理负责人Jay Tedeschi对CAD发展方向的看法,包括最初的概念工作流程、人工智能(AI)的影响,甚至我们如何保持CAD的更新。How do you imagine sketch tool environments evolving? 你如何想象草图工具环境的演变?Over the years there have been so many ideas which were going to supposedly revolutionize that aspect of design. But here we are, 2022, and the most straightforward way to conceptualize a design idea is still via a series of sketches.多年来,有那么多的想法,据说会对设计的这一方面进行革新。但是,我们在这里,2022年,将一个设计理念概念化的最直接的方式仍然是通过一系列的草图。Increased implementation of AI/ML in all areas of Onshape, including the sketcher result in a tools which are more responsive as they are able to accurately predict user workflows, and present a more streamlined set of options to help the user complete their tasks with less wasted time.在 Onshape 的所有领域中,包括草图工具,增加了 AI/ML 的实施,这使得工具更加反应迅速,因为它们能够准确预测用户工作流程,并呈现更流畅的选项集,帮助用户在较少浪费时间的情况下完成任务。While the use of VR is gaining traction, and has proven to be a valuable tool, its contribution lies more in the areas of work/assembly instructions, IoT, onsite markup/review, etc. As a full SaaS product running in a browser, Onshape’s Follow Mode which allows users to follow each other visually while enabled, is literally the embodiment of browser based collaboration.虽然虚拟现实的使用正在获得更多的关注,并且已经被证明是一个有价值的工具,但它的贡献主要在工作/装配说明、物联网、现场标记/审核等领域。作为一个在浏览器中运行的完整 SaaS 产品,Onshape 的 Follow 模式允许用户在启用时相互跟随,这实际上是基于浏览器的协作的体现。Onshape also has mobile specific apps which leverage the strengths of both Android and iOS, including support for a variety of input devices which are native to those platforms.Onshape 还有专为移动设备打造的应用程序,它们利用了 Android 和 iOS 的优势,包括对这些平台本机输入设备的支持。How do you imagine designers will interact with CAD UIs in the future? 你如何想象设计师将来与 CAD UI 交互?Onshape users already have access to this type of interaction via Onshape’s Android and iOS platform specific applications. And because Onshape is a true SaaS product, there are no concessions which must be made with regards to data access in these mobile versions of the application. We are also able to fully utilize the native gesture and/or stylus driven interfaces of those platforms.Onshape 用户已经可以通过 Onshape 的 Android 和 iOS 平台特定应用程序获得此类交互。并且,由于 Onshape 是真正的 SaaS 产品,因此在这些移动版本的应用程序中不必进行数据访问的让步。我们还可以充分利用这些平台的本机手势和/或手写笔界面。Downloading regular updates to a 3D CAD package is more common – is this the way all 3D CAD is now heading? 定期下载 3D CAD 软件的更新是很常见的 - 这是所有 3D CAD 现在的发展方向吗?We can’t really foresee whether other CAD system vendors going forward will be forced to adopt Onshape’s Zero IT Footprint architecture, and we cannot speak to or whether they will stick with their more traditional release structure.我们无法真正预测未来其他 CAD 系统供应商是否将被迫采用 Onshape 的零 IT 足迹架构,也无法评论它们是否会坚持使用更传统的发布结构。 To some degree, as this question alludes, almost all vendors now supply their users with hotfixes/updates between major releases. What we can say is that Onshape’s full SaaS implementation means that Onshape users do not have to deal with product downloads, installations, updates, etc. Because Onshape is cloud native, as opposed to cloud accessible, it can be accessed instantly via any modern web browser from Mac, PC, Chromebook or Linux computers, as well as Android and iOS mobile devices. This architecture means that administrators can also instantly provision and deprovision seats to scale their design team and meet fluctuating business needs.在某种程度上,正如本问题所暗示的,几乎所有供应商现在都在主要发布之间提供热修复/更新。我们可以说的是,Onshape 的完整 SaaS 实现意味着 Onshape 用户不必处理产品下载、安装、更新等。因为 Onshape 是云原生的,而不是云可访问的,所以可以通过任何现代 Web 浏览器从 Mac、PC、Chromebook 或 Linux 计算机,以及 Android 和 iOS 移动设备中立即访问。这种架构意味着管理员还可以立即为设计团队提供和撤销座位,以扩展设计团队并满足不断变化的业务需求。How do you view the increase in AI impacting design tools the most? 你如何看待 AI 对设计工具的影响最大?We feel that one of the strongest uses of AI is in areas of the product which are typically not considered when discussing AI/ML as a design tool aid. As a full SaaS/Cloud native product, Onshape can compile data about not only how the product is being used, but also how effectively it is running on a specific network, on a specific server, at certain times, with certain traffic, for example.我们认为,AI 的最强大用途之一是在通常在讨论 AI/ML 作为设计工具辅助时不会考虑的产品领域。作为一个完整的 SaaS/云原生产品,Onshape 可以收集不仅关于如何使用产品的数据,还可以收集关于它在特定网络、特定服务器、在特定时间、特定流量等情况下的运行效果的数据。All of that information can then be analysed and development decisions made in response to the data. This promises to have a much larger impact overall on user productivity, than just the current implementations where AI/ML is used to optimize UI’s, streamline workflows and evaluate designs.所有这些信息都可以被分析,并根据数据做出开发决策。这承诺在整体上对用户生产力有更大的影响,而不仅仅是目前使用 AI/ML 优化 UI、简化工作流程和评估设计的实现。How do you imagine the users of your software will change and how do you see this impacting the software? 你如何想象你们软件的用户会发生变化,以及你如何看待这对软件的影响?One way to encourage design teams to work together is to provide tools that make it easy to do so. If the barriers to finding information, sharing data and collaborating on the same projects are removed, then product development becomes more natural.鼓励设计团队一起工作的一种方法是提供使这样做变得容易的工具。如果消除寻找信息、共享数据和共同完成同一项目的障碍,那么产品开发就会变得更自然。With cloud-native applications such as Onshape, collaboration no longer has to feel forced and teams start to work together naturally, because the product supports and therefore encourages it.通过像 Onshape 这样的云原生应用,协作不再需要感觉迫切,团队开始自然地一起工作,因为产品支持并鼓励这样做。For a generation of users, who are well versed with the collaborative nature of applications which offer this capability, Onshape is one more tool which leverages this familiar paradigm. The fact that it is a design and engineering tool becomes secondary to how they interact with it, and with others using it.对于熟悉这种能力的应用协作性质的一代用户来说,Onshape 是一种利用这种熟悉范式的更多工具。事实上,它是一种设计和工程工具,次于他们如何与之交互以及与使用它的其他人交互。For users who have spent a career using more traditional file based systems, the transition to these tools is more of a philosophical change than anything else. This subset of users quickly see the advantages of working with these new tools once overcoming their initial resistance to adopting this new way of interacting with both design data and design team members.对于使用更传统的基于文件的系统工作了一辈子的用户来说,转向这些工具更多的是哲学上的改变,而非其他任何东西。这一子集的用户在克服对采用这种与设计数据和设计团队成员交互的新方式的最初抵抗后,很快就看到了使用这些新工具的优势。 When will CAD software be able to take advantage of modern graphics APIs for better 3D performance and advanced features like GPU ray tracing? 什么时候 CAD 软件能够利用现代图形 API 获得更好的 3D 性能和 GPU 光线追踪等高级功能?Onshape is WebGL based, and as such is already delivering tightly bound, low level application graphics much in the same was as OpenGL or DirectX, and as such is able to offer good performance regardless of device specific CPU/GPU’s. That being said, certain aspects of the product, such as Render Studio, which have more demanding graphics requirements, are built to exploit cloud based GPU arrays and therefore liberate the user from having to purchase expensive local GPU hardware.Onshape 基于 WebGL,因此已经像 OpenGL 或 DirectX 一样提供了紧密绑定的低级应用程序图形,因此能够在不考虑设备特定的 CPU/GPU 的情况下提供良好的性能。尽管如此,该产品的某些方面,如具有更高要求的图形的 Render Studio,是为了利用基于云的 GPU 阵列而构建的,因此可以使用户免于购买昂贵的本地 GPU 硬件。 Future of CAD – Shapr3D Time stands still for no-one – including design software, so we asked Istvan Csanady, CEO Shapr3D, for their opinions on the direction of CAD, ranging from initial concepting workflows, the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and even how we keep it up to date时间为谁都不会停止——包括设计软件,所以我们询问了 Shapr3D 的首席执行官 Istvan Csanady 他们对 CAD 的发展方向的看法,包括初步的概念工作流程,人工智能(AI)的影响,甚至如何使其保持最新。 How do you imagine sketch tool environments evolving? 你如何想象草图工具环境的演变?I believe AR and VR will gain a significant market share, not just for sketching but for CAD in general – the only question is when. We are still waiting for the first proper VR and/or AR platform that isn’t just a gimmick or a content consumption device, but a proper workhorse. Once we have that, these tools should rapidly gain popularity.我相信 AR 和 VR 将获得很大的市场份额,不仅是用于草图,而且是用于 CAD 的通用工具——唯一的问题是何时。我们仍在等待第一个不仅仅是噱头或内容消费设备而是真正的重型机的 VR 和/或 AR 平台。一旦有了这个,这些工具应该迅速获得普及。How do you imagine designers will interact with CAD UIs in the future? 你如何想象设计师将来与 CAD 界面交互?You are asking this question to the CEO of the fastest growing CAD company that started as an iPad-only application. Although Shapr3D is now available on Windows tablets and PCs, and macOS and iPadOS, certainly one of our most popular features is our revolutionary touch-and-stylus user interface.你向最快增长的 CAD 公司的 CEO——一个从 iPad 应用程序开始的公司提出了这个问题。尽管 Shapr3D 现在可以在 Windows 平板电脑和 PC,以及 macOS 和 iPadOS 上使用,但我们最受欢迎的功能之一肯定是我们革命性的触摸和手写笔用户界面。Touch and stylus is a more natural and often faster way to use a CAD system than a keyboard and a mouse. The only thing that could be even more natural is a well-designed AR or VR experience, which is something that still belongs to the future.触摸和手写笔是使用 CAD 系统比键盘和鼠标更自然、通常更快的方法。唯一比这更自然的事情就是设计精良的 AR 或 VR 体验,这仍然是未来的事情。Downloading regular updates to a 3D CAD package is more common – is this the way all 3D CAD is now heading? 下载 3D CAD 软件包的常规更新越来越常见——这是所有 3D CAD 现在的发展方向吗?Annual releases are a thing of the past. In the last 30 years, software development evolved a lot and modern software companies like Shapr3D are able to reliably ship new features every two weeks thanks to our large, automated test suite and continuous-integration implementation. Even the pain of installing updates is gone: modern operating systems provide seamless ways to automatically upgrade software without needing to fear broken dependencies or missing DLLs.年度发行版已成为过去。在过去的 30 年中,软件开发发展了很多,像 Shapr3D 这样的现代软件公司能够每两周可靠地发布新功能,这要归功于我们的大型自动化测试套件和持续集成实现。甚至安装更新的痛苦也消失了:现代操作系统提供了无缝的方式自动升级软件,而无需担心依赖关系损坏或 DLL 缺失。It’s quite unfortunate that this is something that we still need to talk about in the CAD industry: legacy companies have evidently been great at training CAD users to endure painful upgrades. Shapr3D users never face any issues like that.在 CAD 行业仍然需要讨论这个问题真是很不幸:显然,传统公司在训练 CAD 用户忍受痛苦升级方面做得很好。 Shapr3D 用户从不会遇到这样的问题。There is this common perception in the CAD industry that ‘CAD must be some kind of special beast’, and that’s why it’s so clumsy and fragile, but the truth is that CAD is just a piece of software like any other software.在 CAD 行业中,有一种普遍的看法——“CAD 必须是某种特殊的野兽”,这就是为什么它如此笨拙和脆弱,但事实上,CAD 只是像其他软件一样的软件。It doesn’t need to be clumsy and fragile—it’s only like that because legacy CAD companies are building software like they did in the 1990’s, and their customers are suffering from those obsolete practices. It’s time to change that.它不需要变得笨拙和脆弱——它之所以如此,是因为传统的 CAD 公司正在像 1990 年代那样构建软件,而客户正在遭受这些过时实践的困扰。是时候改变了。How do you view the increase in AI impacting design tools the most? 你如何看待 AI 对设计工具的影响?It’s hard to tell at this point in time because AI is one of the most rapidly-evolving areas of computer science. Use cases that were completely unprecedented are popping up every day.此时此刻很难说,因为 AI 是计算机科学中发展最快的领域之一。每天都会出现前所未有的应用场景。One of my favorites is how DALL-E can help create better conceptual designs. I see AI as an enabler and not a replacer of humans, and I’m very excited about what the future holds. I believe that AI will enable us to design things that we weren’t able to design before, and I believe that AI will make engineering and design more efficient and more powerful in ways that are impossible to foresee right now.我最喜欢的之一是 DALL-E 如何帮助创建更好的概念设计。我把 AI 视为人类的启发者,而不是替代者,我对未来充满期待。我相信 AI 将使我们能够设计之前无法设计的东西,并且我相信 AI 将使工程和设计变得更有效率、更强大,而这种方式目前无法预测。How do you imagine the users of your software will change and how do you see this impacting the software? 你如何想象你的软件的用户将会发生变化,并且你如何看待这将如何影响软件?One of the most powerful aspects of Shapr3D is how we opened up design and engineering to the world. Our tens of thousands of customers are mostly professional engineers and designers, but we have plenty of customers who are completely new to the world of manufacturing and design.Shapr3D 最强大的方面之一是我们将设计和工程开放给了世界。我们的数万名客户大多是专业工程师和设计师,但我们有很多完全不熟悉制造业和设计世界的客户。I believe that making design more accessible will have a dramatic impact on how we design: one of our Fortune 500 customers, for example, is using Shapr3D to make the design process more inclusive across the company because it enables more stakeholders to easily contribute to the design process, so they can make better decisions faster.我相信,让设计变得更加易于接受将对我们的设计方式产生巨大影响:例如,我们的一家《财富》500强客户正在使用 Shapr3D 在整个公司内更加全面地进行设计流程,因为它使更多的利益相关者能够轻松地为设计流程做出贡献,从而使他们能够更快做出更好的决策。I believe that accessing CAD will not be a privilege of a small, highly trained group of engineers, but it will become a tool that all stakeholders can access. For designing, reviewing, conceptualizing, collaborating, prototyping, and manufacturing – all stakeholders will be able to use the same design platform in the future.我相信,访问 CAD 不再是少数经过高度训练的工程师的特权,而是将成为所有利益相关者都能访问的工具。对于设计、审查、概念化、协作、原型制造等所有方面,所有利益相关者将能够在未来使用同一设计平台。New generations of CAD users expect their software to be accessible across different devices: they want an equally great mobile and desktop experience. Consumer-grade usability and accessibility of software is a basic expectation, not just a gimmick. Legacy CAD companies are having a tough time adapting to this tectonic shift in customer expectations.新一代 CAD 用户希望他们的软件能在不同设备上 访问:他们希望在移动设备和台式机上有同样出色的体验。消费级的可用性和软件的可访问性是基本的期望,而不仅仅是卖点。传统的 CAD 公司难以适应客户期望的这种巨大变化。When will CAD software be able to take advantage of modern graphics APIs for better 3D performance and advanced features like GPU ray tracing? CAD 软件何时能够利用现代图形 API 来获得更好的 3D 性能和像 GPU 光线追踪这样的高级功能?Well, Shapr3D already does and will do even more, but I can’t talk about that just yet!嗯,Shapr3D 已经做到了,并且还会做得更多,但我暂时还不能透露更多细节! Future of CAD – Siemens Time stands still for no-one – including design software, so we asked Paul Brown, Senior Marketing Director, Product Engineering Software, Siemens, for their opinions on the direction of CAD, ranging from initial concepting workflows, the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and even how we keep it up to date时间不等人——这也包括设计软件。因此,我们询问了西门子产品工程软件高级市场营销总监保罗·布朗对 CAD 的方向的看法,涉及最初的概念工作流程、人工智能(AI)的影响,甚至如何使其保持最新。 How do you imagine sketch tool environments evolving? 你如何想象草图工具环境的演变?There are two elements to sketching that a user deals with, one is the interaction model, the other is the intelligence (or lack of) that influences change and gives meaningful answers when a designer makes changes.用户所处理的草图有两个要素,一个是交互模型,另一个是控制改变并提供有意义的答案的智能(或缺乏智能),当设计师进行更改时。We see the biggest advantage coming from enhancing the engine that controls change, in software terms the solver, currently with most systems the user is expected to set up the constraints and rules that control behaviour, for example making two circles concentric or two lines parallel so they behave the way the user expects.我们认为最大的优势来自于增强控制改变的引擎,在软件术语中,是求解器。目前,大多数系统都希望用户设置控制行为的约束和规则,例如使两个圆成同心圆或两条线成平行线,使它们按照用户的期望行为。That is fine if the user can predict the changes they will make, but at the early stages of design that isn’t always easy. Then of course if your ideas change and you want to make unexpected changes you are then forced to locate and undo the rules that are controlling the behaviour of the sketch during edit.如果用户能够预测自己将要做出的更改,那么这很好,但在设计的早期阶段并不总是那么容易。然后,如果你的想法改变了,你想做出意想不到的更改,那么你就必须找到并撤销在编辑期间控制草图行为的规则。At Siemens we have been employing AI to help remove the need for the user to predefine the rules and constraints, finding and implying them at the time of edit without forcing the user to do the work, this makes sketching far more flexible, and faster for doing initial design studies and concepts.在西门子,我们一直在使用人工智能帮助用户消除预定义规则和约束的需要,在编辑时找到并暗示它们,而不是强迫用户进行工作,这使草图更灵活,并且在进行初步设计研究和概念时更快。This approach allows people to think about what they want to create rather than trying to work battle with rules or constraints.这种方法使人们可以思考他们想要创建的内容,而不是试图与规则或约束作斗争。How do you imagine designers will interact with CAD UIs in the future? 你如何想象设计师将来与 CAD 界面交互?There are many different approaches to driving 3D CAD, but the mouse (and even touchscreens which mimic mouse) currently dominate. New approaches such as voice are beginning to break through, using voice and cognitive services allows you to drive CAD commands using natural language, freeing the user from having to speak CAD, being able to say “have I got anything similar?” instead of “shape search” for example makes it easier for users to get more from their systems.目前,操作 3D CAD 的方法有很多种,但是鼠标(甚至模仿鼠标的触摸屏)目前占主导地位。新的方法,例如语音,开始出现,使用语音和认知服务,可以使用自然语言操作 CAD 命令,让用户无需使用 CAD 语言,例如,可以说“我有类似的东西吗?”而不是“形状搜索”,这使得用户更容易从系统中获得更多。In addition, the use of natural language means that things like standard parts can be described in company terms vs. CAD speak, if a company builds a template for connecting brackets using a phrase that is used in the organisation makes it easier, no searching for file names or icons. NX Voice Assistant uses Microsoft cognitive services to allow users to drive NX and increase productivity.现在,鼠标(甚至模仿鼠标的触摸屏)主导了3D CAD的许多不同方法。语音等新方法开始流行,使用语音和认知服务可以使用自然语言驱动CAD命令,让用户不必使用CAD语言,例如可以说“有类似的吗?”而不是“形状搜索”,这使得用户更容易从系统中获得更多。此外,使用自然语言意味着可以使用公司术语而不是CAD语言来描述标准零件,如果公司使用组织内使用的短语构建连接支架的模板,则更容易,无需搜索文件名或图标。 NX Voice Assistant使用Microsoft认知服务,允许用户驱动NX并提高生产力。VR and AR are starting to have an impact on some workflows, this once again drives the user away from mouse usage and opens up more opportunities for visual UI that can be controlled by gesture.在某些工作流程中,虚拟现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)开始产生影响,这再次将用户从鼠标使用中解放出来,为可以通过手势控制的视觉用户界面(UI)开辟了更多机会。While mouse and keyboard are going to be around for a long time, their use will be augmented by new approaches.尽管鼠标和键盘还将存在很长一段时间,但它们的使用将被新的方法所增强。Downloading regular updates to a 3D CAD package is more common – is this the way all 3D CAD is now heading? 下载 3D CAD 软件的常规更新是很常见的 - 这是现在所有 3D CAD 的发展方向吗?Updating CAD systems must be a flexible process, while some companies can and do move quickly onto the latest update others need to fit upgrades into their product development programs. Users need the flexibility to decide what meets their business needs and how best to deploy releases.更新 CAD 系统必须是一个灵活的过程,虽然一些公司可以并且经常快速地转到最新版本,但其他公司需要将升级纳入其产品开发计划。用户需要灵活地决定什么满足他们的业务需求以及如何最好地部署发布版本。However, we do see a drive to a continuous release process where regular updates and enhancements are more frequent. There are several benefits to this approach for a user, probably most importantly security, in todays connected world the threat to a company’s systems is greater than ever, component technologies that many software products rely on can bring security vulnerabilities that have to be constantly monitored and addressed.然而,我们确实看到了推动连续发布流程的努力,在这种方法中,定期更新和增强更加频繁。对于用户来说,这种方法有几个好处,可能最重要的是安全性,在当今连接的世界中,公司系统的威胁比以往任何时候都更大,许多软件产品所依赖的组件技术可能会带来安全漏洞,必须不断监控和解决这些漏洞。It is a vendor’s responsibility to make sure their solutions are secure, and if any risks appear to quickly respond and nullify the risk, having a continuous release methodology means vendors can deliver secure software faster. Then of course there are new technologies, enhancements etc. once again having a process that delivers those quicker helps users get more value for their investment.供应商有责任确保他们的解决方案安全,如果出现任何风险,就必须迅速做出反应并消除风险。采用连续发布方法,供应商可以更快地提供安全软件。当然,还有新技术、增强等,再次采用可以更快帮助用户获得更多价值的流程。Continuous release is the only realistic way forward but done in a way that delivers flexibility for users to deploy when they can vs. forced deployment on a vendors schedule.连续发布是唯一可行的前进方式,但以一种能够使用户在他们能够部署的时候而不是按照供应商时间表强制部署的方式进行。How do you view the increase in AI impacting design tools the most? 你如何看待人工智能对设计工具的影响增加?The use of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence will have a massive impact on making it more productive for users to use CAD tools, having systems that can learn and promote best practice from power users and have that knowledge shared around an organization delivers massive benefits.机器学习和人工智能将大大提高使用 CAD 工具的生产率,拥有能够学习并推广权威用户的最佳实践,并在组织内分享这些知识的系统将带来巨大的好处。Having systems that adapt to both users and company needs was the focus for development in tools like the NX Adaptive User Interface with its command prediction capabilities, this helps users by offering predictions of the most often used next commands when they are in a sequence of functions. Expanding functionality with smart selection approaches that learn and recognise common geometric shapes etc.设计工具的开发重点是适应用户和公司需求,比如 NX 自适应用户界面,具有命令预测功能,在用户执行一系列功能时,可以通过预测最常使用的下一条命令来帮助用户。使用能够学习并识别常见几何形状等的智能选择方法来扩展功能。The future for AI will see it expanding out to offer more help and advise users in design decisions acting as a support for choices in design. Areas like Generative Engineering opens more opportunities to use AI to help, advise and learn, doing rapid design iterations automatically, increasing use of AI in this area will help based tools helping engineers make better decisions faster.人工智能的未来将看到它扩展出去,为用户在设计决策中提供更多帮助和建议,作为设计选择的支持。像生成工程这样的领域为使用人工智能来帮助、建议和学习提供了更多机会,自动进行快速设计迭代,在这个领域增加人工智能的使用将有助于基于工具的工程师更快地做出更好的决策。How do you imagine the users of your software will change and how do you see this impacting the software? 你如何想象你的软件的用户会发生变化,以及你如何看待这种变化对软件的影响?We are seeing a lot of changes in the engineering workforce, the increased use of electronics and software in products is meaning that today’s engineers must understand a multi-discipline environment.我们正在看到工程劳动力发生很多变化,产品中电子和软件的使用增加意味着今天的工程师必须理解多领域环境。Innovation is happening at the crossovers of mechanical, electrical and software and CAD solutions must support the new workflows that are critical to integrating the disciplines.创新正在机械、电气和软件的交叉点发生,CAD 解决方案必须支持将学科整合在一起的新工作流程。Tracing requirements and their impacts throughout the process, systems level engineering looking at the integration of the various solutions and that is forcing more integration between the traditional MCAD/ECAD and Software Engineering businesses.在整个过程中跟踪需求及其影响,系统级工程考虑各种解决方案的集成,这迫使传统的 MCAD/ECAD 和软件工程业务之间更多地整合。Additionally new users are used to collaborating with friends and colleagues electronically, so building more collaboration tools into systems to support that need is important. That is fuelled by a greater acceptance of the cloud as a way of delivering greater connectivity. The cloud allows greater flexibility in access to technology, making it easier for engineers to get the tools they need and to share information. This will in turn change the way we look at applications used in product design.此外,新用户习惯于通过电子方式与朋友和同事协作,因此在系统中构建更多协作工具以支持这一需求很重要。这是由云作为提供更大连接性的方式被更广泛接受的结果。云提供了更大的灵活性,使工程师更容易获得所需的工具并共享信息。这反过来将改变我们对产品设计中使用的应用程序的看法。Increased expectations on graphics both in performance and realism is becoming the norm, which once again is forcing traditional CAD systems to look at and adopt more advanced approaches to leveraging hardware.图形的性能和真实感方面的期望值越来越高,这再次迫使传统的 CAD 系统考虑并采用更高级的利用硬件的方法。When will CAD software be able to take advantage of modern graphics APIs for better 3D performance and advanced features like GPU ray tracing? 什么时候 CAD 软件能够利用现代图形 API 实现更好的 3D 性能和 GPU 光线追踪等高级功能?At Siemens we are constantly looking at how we can enhance our performance of operations and graphics capabilities. We constantly evaluate new technologies as they evolve GPU processing, graphics API’s etc. and looks to see if they can truly help our customers by delivering higher levels of performance and display fidelity.在西门子,我们一直在寻找如何提高我们的运算和图形能力的性能。我们不断评估新技术的发展,如 GPU 处理、图形 API 等,并寻找它们是否能通过提供更高水平的性能和显示保真度真正帮助我们的客户。来源:全球工业软件产业发展资讯