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在测量元素点,边界点、圆、圆弧和键槽,圆柱和圆锥时,请拖放作为参考测量的元素到测点管理窗口元素名称后面参考实际元素后面的编辑框中,然后进行元素测量,测量深度及相应的测量方向可以相对于实际值发生改变。 测量得到的实际位置与测量位置有一定的偏离,此元素的法向与相对参照元素法向一致。DMIS语句:The RMEAS statement signifies that a measurement of a feature is to be performed. The measurement sequence begins with anRMEAS statement and ends with the ENDMES statement. The RMEAS…ENDMES block may contain statements found in (Table 13 — DMIS statements allowed in a measurement block).In the following examples, four points are taken in order to measure a circle called "RCIR_12":Example 1MODE/PROG,MANF(RPOINT_1)=FEAT/POINT,CART,-10.5,35.5,107.5,0.0,0.0,1.0MEAS/POINT, F(RPOINT_1),1PTMEAS/CART,-10.5,35.5,107.5,0.0,0.0,1.0ENDMESF(RCIR_12)=FEAT/CIRCLE,INNER,CART,-20.5,35.5,107.5,0.0,0.0,1.0,10RMEAS/CIRCLE,F(RCIR_12),4,FA(RPOINT_1)PTMEAS/CART,-15.5,35.5,107.5,-1,0,0PTMEAS/CART,-25.5,35.5,107.5,1,0,0GOTO/-20.5,35.5,107.5PTMEAS/CART,-20.5,40.5,107.5,0,-1,0PTMEAS/CART,-20.5,30.5,107.5,0,1,0ENDMESIn example 1 the RMEAS statement signifies that a circle called "RCIR_12" is to be measured by taking four point measurements relative to a point called "RPOINT_1". The following statements specify that point measurements will be used, the location of the points to be taken, and an intermediate move. The nominal values for the circle measurement points is programmed, but the location that the machine measures the points will be adjusted relative to the deviation of the reference point as defined in theRMEAS ( input format 1 ) statement definition. The ENDMES statement signifies the end of the sequence.Example 2MODE/PROG,MANF(RPOINT_1)=FEAT/POINT,CART,-10.5,35.5,107.5,0.0,0.0,1.0MEAS/POINT, F(RPOINT_1),1PTMEAS/CART,-10.5,35.5,107.5,0.0,0.0,1.0ENDMESSCNMOD/ONSCNSET/DRAG,.1F(RCIR_12)=FEAT/CIRCLE,INNER,CART,-20.5,35.5,107.5,0.0,0.0,1.0,10RMEAS/CIRCLE,F(RCIR_12),4,FA(RPOINT_1)PTMEAS/CART,-15.5,35.5,107.5,-1,0,0PTMEAS/CART,-25.5,35.5,107.5,1,0,0GOTO/-20.5,35.5,107.5PTMEAS/CART,-20.5,40.5,107.5,0,-1,0PTMEAS/CART,-20.5,30.5,107.5,0,1,0ENDMESExample 2 is the same as example 1 above, except that the SCNMOD/ON statement explicitly activates scanning. Because the system is operating in programmed mode and scanning has been activated, the system will scan two arcs in the circle. The first arc will begin at the point defined in the first PTMEAS statement, and end at the point defined by the second PTMEAS statement. The system will then move to the point defined by the GOTO statement. The system will then scan the second arc, beginning at the point defined by the third PTMEAS statement, and ending at the point defined by the fourth PTMEAS statement. The system will collect measurement data based on the parameters set with the SCNSET statement and the number of measurement points in the RMEAS statement is ignored. All measurements are relative to feature FA(RPOINT_1) as required by the RMEAS statement.生成的测量点位置,根据Rmeas/FA后面的窗口中拖放的参考元素的实际和理论的坐标位置及方向偏差来进行调整。DMISMN/'Created by [Shanjianguozi] on 星期日, 一月 01, 2017', 4.0UNITS/MM, ANGDECWKPLAN/XYPLANPRCOMP/ONTECOMP/ONFLY/1.000000MODE/PROG, MANSNSET/APPRCH, 3.000000SNSET/RETRCT, 3.000000SNSET/DEPTH, 0.000000SNSET/SEARCH, 10.000000SNSET/CLRSRF, 20.000000RECALL/D(MCS)SNSLCT/S(PH10T)GEOALG/CIRCLE, LSTSQRGEOALG/ARC, LSTSQRGEOALG/PLANE, LSTSQR$$$$MODE/MANF(PLN1) = FEAT/PLANE,CART, 31.250000, 46.787796, 35.000000, 0.000000,$ 0.000000, 1.000000$$ Empty Meas BlockMEAS/PLANE, F(PLN1), 4ENDMESD(CRD1) = DATSET/FA(PLN1), ZDIR, ZORIGD(CRD1) = TRANS/ZORIG, -35F(LN1) = FEAT/LINE,BND,CART, 0.000000, 0.000000, 20.020814, 70.000000,$ 0.000000, 20.020814, 0.000000, -1.000000, 0.000000$$ Empty Meas BlockMEAS/LINE, F(LN1), 2D(CRD2) = ROTATE/ZAXIS, FA(LN1), XDIRF(PT1) = FEAT/POINT,CART, 0.000000, 23.520285, 29.561386, -1.000000,$ 0.000000, 0.000000$$ Empty Meas BlockMEAS/POINT, F(PT1), 1ENDMESD(CRD3) = TRANS/XORIG, FA(PT1), YORIG, FA(LN1)$$ Set.CAD2PCS.CADM_1MODE/PROG,MANSNSET/APPRCH, 3.0000SNSET/RETRCT, 3.0000SNSET/DEPTH, 0.0000SNSET/SEARCH, 10.0000SNSET/CLRSRF, 20.0000F(CIR1) = FEAT/CIRCLE,INNER,CART, 40.000000, 55.000000, 33.000000, 0.000000,$ 0.000000, 1.000000, 45.000000$$ Measurement points are created through nominal pointsMEAS/CIRCLE, F(CIR1), 4 PTMEAS/CART, 58.298938, 68.091939, 33.000000, -0.813286, -0.581864, 0.000000 GOTO/CART, 49.781112, 70.702861, 33.000000 GOTO/CART, 43.027344, 73.250622, 33.000000 GOTO/CART, 35.812691, 73.019890, 33.000000 PTMEAS/CART, 26.908061, 73.298938, 33.000000, 0.581864, -0.813286, 0.000000 GOTO/CART, 24.297139, 64.781112, 33.000000 GOTO/CART, 21.749378, 58.027344, 33.000000 GOTO/CART, 21.980110, 50.812691, 33.000000 PTMEAS/CART, 21.701062, 41.908061, 33.000000, 0.813286, 0.581864, 0.000000 GOTO/CART, 30.218888, 39.297139, 33.000000 GOTO/CART, 36.972656, 36.749378, 33.000000 GOTO/CART, 44.187309, 36.980110, 33.000000 PTMEAS/CART, 53.091939, 36.701062, 33.000000, -0.581864, 0.813286, 0.000000ENDMESCONST/POINT,F(CIR1),MOVEPT,FA(CIR1),F(CIR1),5.000000F(CIR2) = FEAT/CIRCLE,INNER,CART, 25.000000, 7.908118, 27.928932, 0.000000,$ -0.707107, 0.707107, 15.000000$$ Measurement points are created through nominal pointsRMEAS/CIRCLE, F(CIR2), 4, FA(CIR1) GOTO/CART, 50.764483, 11.617454, 56.336752 GOTO/CART, 27.451866, -2.675005, 42.044294 PTMEAS/CART, 30.253998, 11.692659, 31.713473, -0.700520, -0.504614, -0.504614 GOTO/CART, 26.309412, 10.203269, 30.224084 GOTO/CART, 24.967612, 10.382886, 30.403700 GOTO/CART, 23.630743, 10.185741, 30.206555 PTMEAS/CART, 19.647851, 11.623256, 31.644070, 0.713576, -0.495383, -0.495383 GOTO/CART, 21.754166, 8.834012, 28.854826 GOTO/CART, 21.500150, 7.885216, 27.906030 GOTO/CART, 21.778954, 6.939907, 26.960721 PTMEAS/CART, 19.746002, 4.123577, 24.144391, 0.700520, 0.504614, 0.504614 GOTO/CART, 23.690588, 5.612967, 25.633781 GOTO/CART, 25.032388, 5.433350, 25.454164 GOTO/CART, 26.369257, 5.630495, 25.651309 PTMEAS/CART, 30.352149, 4.192980, 24.213794, -0.713576, 0.495383, 0.495383ENDMESOUTPUT/FA(CIR2) F(CYL1) = FEAT/CYLNDR,INNER,CART, 56.000000, 27.287187, 30.000000, 0.000000,$ 0.000000, 1.000000, 10.000000, 10.000000$$ Measurement points are created through nominal pointsRMEAS/CYLNDR, F(CYL1), 8, FA(CIR1) PTMEAS/CART, 56.000000, 32.287187, 26.250000, 0.000000, -1.000000, 0.000000 PTMEAS/CART, 56.000000, 32.287187, 33.750000, 0.000000, -1.000000, 0.000000 PTMEAS/CART, 60.330127, 29.787187, 28.750000, -0.866019, -0.500011, -0.000000 PTMEAS/CART, 60.330127, 24.787187, 28.750000, -0.866019, 0.500011, 0.000000 PTMEAS/CART, 56.000000, 22.287187, 26.250000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000 PTMEAS/CART, 56.000000, 22.287187, 33.750000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000 PTMEAS/CART, 51.669873, 24.787187, 28.750000, 0.866019, 0.500011, 0.000000 PTMEAS/CART, 51.669873, 29.787187, 28.750000, 0.866019, -0.500011, 0.000000ENDMESOUTPUT/FA(CYL1)F(CIR3) = FEAT/CIRCLE,INNER,CART, 50.000000, 7.908118, 27.928932, -0.000000,$ -0.707107, 0.707107, 15.000000$$ Measurement points are created through nominal pointsRMEAS/CIRCLE, F(CIR3), 4, FA(CYL1) GOTO/CART, 55.133949, 5.908922, 50.628221 GOTO/CART, 50.951538, -2.059468, 42.659831 PTMEAS/CART, 52.039009, 13.011668, 33.032482, -0.271888, -0.680469, -0.680469 GOTO/CART, 49.590163, 10.365966, 30.386780 GOTO/CART, 48.291182, 10.067972, 30.088787 GOTO/CART, 47.252353, 9.441160, 29.461975 PTMEAS/CART, 42.782491, 9.349915, 29.370729, 0.962347, -0.192209, -0.192209 GOTO/CART, 46.524078, 7.618319, 27.639134 GOTO/CART, 46.945505, 6.699801, 26.720615 GOTO/CART, 47.831951, 5.965238, 25.986053 PTMEAS/CART, 47.960991, 2.804568, 22.825382, 0.271888, 0.680469, 0.680469 GOTO/CART, 50.409837, 5.450270, 25.471084 GOTO/CART, 51.708818, 5.748264, 25.769078 GOTO/CART, 52.747647, 6.375075, 26.395890 PTMEAS/CART, 57.217509, 6.466321, 26.487135, -0.962347, 0.192209, 0.192209ENDMESOUTPUT/FA(CIR3)(PT2) = FEAT/POINT,CART, 8.090393, 35.421658, 35.000000, 0.000000,$ 0.000000, 1.000000MEAS/POINT, F(PT2), 1 PTMEAS/CART, 8.090393, 35.421658, 35.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000ENDMESCONST/POINT,F(PT2),MOVEPT,FA(PT2),F(PT2),5.000000F(CIR4) = FEAT/CIRCLE,INNER,CART, 72.000000, 55.000000, 35.000000, 0.000000,$ 0.000000, 1.000000, 10.000000$$ Measurement points are created through nominal pointsRMEAS/CIRCLE, F(CIR4), 4, FA(PT2) GOTO/CART, 8.090393, 35.421658, 51.000000 GOTO/CART, 71.043859, 54.707092, 51.000000 PTMEAS/CART, 67.219297, 53.535459, 35.000000, 0.956139, 0.292912, 0.000000 PTMEAS/CART, 73.464541, 50.219297, 35.000000, -0.292912, 0.956139, 0.000000 PTMEAS/CART, 76.780703, 56.464541, 35.000000, -0.956139, -0.292912, 0.000000 PTMEAS/CART, 70.535459, 59.780703, 35.000000, 0.292912, -0.956139, 0.000000ENDMESOUTPUT/FA(CIR4) 来源:山涧果子

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