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今日更新:International Journal of Solids and Structures 1 篇,Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 1 篇,Thin-Walled Structures 8 篇

International Journal of Solids and Structures

Experimental and numerical analysis of mixed mode bending of adhesive-bonded and hybrid honeycomb core sandwich structures

A. Kumar, P.J. Saikia, R.Ganesh Narayanan, N. Muthu



This study investigates the potential of a hybrid joining method, called friction stir spot welding with disc and adhesive bonding (FSSW_D_AB), for bonding honeycomb core sandwich structures, offering an alternative to traditional adhesive bonding (AB) sandwich structures. The research focuses on the manufacturing of these hybrid joints and evaluating their performance compared to conventional adhesive bonding (AB) methods. Mixed Mode Bending (MMB) tests were performed to assess the mechanical behaviour of the joints under different loading conditions. Additionally, numerical analysis using cohesive zone modeling (CZM) was performed using both a honeycomb core with a cohesive layer and the homogenized core with an equivalent cohesive layer. The study reveals that the hybrid joining method significantly enhances the performance of honeycomb sandwich structures. The good agreement between the numerical predictions and the experimental results for all types of joints showed the usefulness of the proposed numerical model. However, the FEM-based stress and damage analyses of the joints provided crucial results on normal and shear stress distributions and delamination.


Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids

Rupture Mechanics of Blood Clot Fibrin Fibers: A Coarse-Grained Model Study

Beikang Gu, Jixin Hou, Nicholas Filla, He Li, Xianqiao Wang



Thrombosis, when occurring undesirably, disrupts normal blood flow and poses significant medical challenges. As the skeleton of blood clots, fibrin fibers play a vital role in the formation and fragmentation of blood clots. Thus, studying the deformation and fracture characteristics of fibrin fiber networks is the key factor to solve a series of health problems caused by thrombosis. This study employs a coarse-grained model of fibrin fibers to investigate the rupture dynamics of fibrin fiber networks. We propose a new method for generating biomimetic fibrin fiber networks to simulate their spatial geometry in blood clots. We examine the mechanical characteristics and rupture behaviors of fibrin fiber networks under various conditions, including fiber junction density, fiber tortuosity, fiber strength, and the strain limit of single fiber rupture in both tension and simple shear cases. Our findings indicate that the stress-strain relationship of the fibrin fiber network follows a similar pattern to that of individual fibers, characterized by a shortened entropy stretching phase and an extended transition phase. Fiber junction density, fiber strength, and single fiber rupture limit predominantly influence the stress of the network, while fiber tortuosity governs the strain behavior. The availability of more fibers in shear cases to bear the load results in delayed rupture compared to tension cases. With consideration of different factors of fibrin fibers in networks, this work provides a more realistic description of the mechanical deformation process in fibrin fiber networks, offering new insights into their rupture and failure mechanisms. These findings could inspire novel approaches and methodologies for understanding the fracture of fibrin networks during a surgical thrombectomy.


Thin-Walled Structures

Multi-crack damage identification and quantification using Lamb wave-based structural health monitoring

Xianping Zeng, Jiajia Yan, Qijian Liu, Bowen Zhao, Xinlin Qing




The simultaneous presence of multi-crack damage in a structural component is a crucial issue affecting system safety. To address the accurate and quantitative monitoring of multi-crack damage in an aeronautical structure, an innovative multi-crack damage localization, orientation and quantification algorithm using Lamb wave-based structural health monitoring is presented in this paper. An improved Hausdorff distance-based weighted average imaging methodology is introduced for precise multi-crack damage position identifications. To account for the critical role of crack orientation in damage quantification, a cross-orthogonality-based method is developed, enabling orientation detection at arbitrary positions and angles while simplifying the problem into a mathematical formulation. A wave scattering sources-based quantification algorithm incorporating the estimated position and orientation information is further proposed to estimate the multi-crack lengths. Additionally, a singular elliptic trajectories removal scheme is presented to suppress useless ambient noise and enhance the damage information discriminability. Experiments on the aircraft wing-box structure of a real airplane are implemented to substantiate the proposed techniques. Due to the outstanding properties, such as flexibility, electrically stabilized and applicability to complex structures, the sensor layer with built-in PZT sensor network surface-installed on the monitored structure is adopted to generate and receive Lamb wave signal. The results manifest that the proposed monitoring algorithm, without prior information or calibration required, is effective and straightforward for detecting multi-crack damage. This study can also provide a feasible technique for accurately locating and quantitatively identifying cracks in some concealed parts or inside the structure.


Energy absorption properties of dimpled circular tubes: Experimental and numerical studies

Chang Zhou Fu, Yi Zhang, Xing Chi Teng, Wei Zhong Jiang, Xi Hai Ni, Xiang Sun, Xin Ren



As an exemplary energy absorption structure, thin-walled metallic tubes have been extensively studied. Introducing dimple defects into the tube wall can induce the desired deformation in thin-walled metallic tubes to enhance their energy absorption performance. Existing research has only discussed dimpled tubes with relatively thin wall thicknesses and shallow dimples, which is insufficient to meet the demands of widespread applications. This study introduces two novel tubular structures by incorporating predefined dimples into the walls of smooth tubes. Through finite element simulation and experiment, the influence of wall thickness, dimple aspect ratio, and the orientation of the dimples on the energy absorption capacity of the structures is parametrically analyzed. A comparison with traditional smooth tubes is also conducted. The results indicate that the wall thickness, dimple aspect ratio, and orientation of the dimples have significant effects on reducing the initial peak force, enhancing specific energy absorption, and improving structural stability. By appropriately selecting geometric parameters, energy absorption tubular structures adaptable to various application scenarios can be designed. The two novel tubular structures proposed provide new design insights for the study of energy absorption in thin-walled metallic tubes.


Simulation and cross-section design of steel beams under moment gradients

Zichang Yang, Xin Meng, Fiona Walport, Leroy Gardner



A systematic study into the effect of moment gradients on the cross-section resistance of hot-rolled steel square hollow section (SHS), rectangular hollow section (RHS) and I-section beams has been conducted and is presented in this paper. Finite element (FE) models were first developed and validated against test results from the literature; parametric studies covering different steel grades, cross-section geometries and moment distributions were then carried out. It was found that cross-section bending resistances increase with increasing moment gradient in the low to intermediate range, despite the necessary rise in the level of co-existent shear. Under high moment gradients, the negative impact of the high co-existent shear outweighs the positive influence of the moment gradient, and cross-section bending resistances fall. It was found that the benefits from moment gradients vary with the cross-section slenderness and the aspect ratio of the cross-section, and increase when intermediate web stiffeners are present. A new design method that captures the observed behaviour is devised, featuring a new parameter to describe the local moment gradient in beams under different loading conditions. The proposed design equations are shown to be more accurate than existing provisions in EC3 and to meet the reliability requirements set out in EN 1990. The new method is therefore deemed to be suitable for implementation within the EC3 framework.


Axisymmetric thermal post-buckling of the eccentric annular sector plate made of Gori-metamaterials: Introducing DNN-RF algorithm for solving the post-buckling problems

Peyman Mehrabi, Mina Mortazavi, Harry Far



Composite eccentric annular sector plates are frequently utilized in engineering. This structure is crucial in the manufacturing, aircraft, nuclear, and construction industries due to its asymmetrical geometry. So, in this work for the first time, thermal-post buckling analysis of the composite eccentric annular sector plate made of graphene origami enriched auxetic metamaterial (GOEAM) is presented. To improve the stability of this kind of structure, the GOEAM composite eccentric annular sector plate is surrounded by an auxetic concrete foundation. To estimate the nonlinear thermal buckling information of the presented structure using a hybrid machine learning algorithm, a dataset is needed. Due to the lack of thermal post-buckling datasets for the presented composite eccentric annular sector plate, a mathematical simulation is presented. In the mathematical simulation (MS) section, quasi-3D refined theory (Q3D-RT), Von-Karman nonlinearity, minimum total potential energy principle, and Haber-Schaim formulations are used to generate the governing and boundary equations of the GOEAM annular sector plates surrounded by auxetic concrete foundation. After extracting the governing equations, they are solved via the transformed differential quadrature method (TDQM) with the aid of differential quadrature (DQ) weighting coefficients. After obtaining the datasets using MS, in the artificial intelligence domain, the results for future research of thermal post-buckling of the GOEAM composite eccentric annular sector plate surrounded by the auxetic concrete foundation are tested, trained, and validated. So, with the presented datasets of thermal post-buckling of the GOEAM composite eccentric annular sector plate surrounded by auxetic concrete foundation, this kind of structure using a machine learning algorithm can be simulated in other complex situations.


Digital Twin-based Online Structural Optimization? Yes, It's Possible!

Xiwang He, Liangliang Yang, Zhuangzhuang Gong, Yong Pang, Jianji Li, Ziyun Kan, Xueguan Song



In structural design, simulation technology has been extensively applied. However, simulation-based offline optimization methods encounter two primary limitations: (1) they typically optimize parameters based on a structure's mechanical properties under extreme, static conditions, and (2) they involve complex, time-consuming performance calculations. To address these challenges, this paper introduces a structural online optimization framework driven by shape-performance integrated digital twins (SPI-DTs), which breaks the connection barrier between the real-time dynamics of digital twins and the offline characteristics of traditional optimization under dynamic operating conditions. Initially, the structure's remaining life is calculated online using real-time performance data from the digital twin, with the constraint stress and equivalent load derived via the static load equivalent method. A hierarchical radial basis function is then proposed, which integrates multi-source data for rapid calculation of the structure's target performance under the equivalent load. Finally, structural optimization parameters, determined through topology optimization, are solved using the multi-objective genetic algorithm. The feasibility of the proposed method is demonstrated through typical case studies: the wing cantilever beam and a three-dimensional flat plate. The results show that the weight of the wing cantilever beam case based on size optimization is reduced by 12.07%, and the weight of the flat plate case based on combined topology optimization and size optimization is reduced by 66.66%. In conclusion, the proposed framework offers a viable approach to achieving lightweight design and extending the operational life of structures under real-world conditions.

在结构设计中,仿真技术得到了广泛的应用。然而,基于仿真的离线优化方法遇到两个主要限制:(1)它们通常基于极端静态条件下结构的力学性能来优化参数;(2)它们涉及复杂且耗时的性能计算。为了解决这些问题,本文引入了一种基于形状-性能集成数字孪生(spi - dt)驱动的结构在线优化框架,打破了数字孪生的实时动态与动态工况下传统优化的离线特性之间的联系障碍。首先,使用来自数字孪生的实时性能数据在线计算结构的剩余寿命,并通过静载荷等效方法导出约束应力和等效载荷。然后提出了一种分层径向基函数,该函数集成了多源数据,可以快速计算等效荷载下结构的目标性能。最后,通过拓扑优化确定结构优化参数,利用多目标遗传算法求解。通过机翼悬臂梁和三维平板的典型算例验证了该方法的可行性。结果表明,基于尺寸优化的机翼悬臂梁壳体重量减轻了12.07%,基于拓扑优化和尺寸优化相结合的平板壳体重量减轻了66.66%。总之,提出的框架为实现轻量化设计和延长结构在现实条件下的使用寿命提供了一种可行的方法。

Electrothermally actuated lattice metamaterials with remarkable shear deformation

Kai Zhang, Jinyu Ji, Yixing Huang, Hao Wang, Dengbao Xiao, Xiao Kang, Xiaogang Guo



Active metamaterials with specific deformation responses present great promise in fields such as multifunctional antennas, stretchable electronic devices and reconfigurable soft robots, due to their ability to switch between different operational states within a single system. However, the previous researches on active metamaterials with shear deformation responses exhibit two issues: inability to further enhance the shear deformation magnitude of the active metamaterials and inability to achieve precise customized design of the metamaterials, such as realizing simple shear deformation. Moreover, the inverse design of active metamaterials is challenging because theoretical models describing the finite deformation of active metamaterials under external-field actuation are lacking. To address the aforementioned issues, this study reports a design strategy for the electrothermally actuated lattice metamaterials to realize remarkable shear deformation with the maximum shear angle exceeding 26° and the capability to precisely achieve desired mechanical responses of the active metamaterials. The shear angle of the electrothermally actuated lattice metamaterials reported in this paper has increased by approximately 82% compared to that achieved in previous studies. Theoretical models for the electrothermally actuated metamaterials are established to describe the shear deformation behaviors. The theoretical models are demonstrated through both qualitative and quantitative comparisons with finite element analyses (FEAs) and experimental results. Theoretical models provide detailed predictions of the configuration after electric heating and offer analytical solutions for crucial mechanical quantities, such as the effective strains and shear angle for the electrothermally actuated lattice metamaterials exhibiting shear deformations. Moreover, experimental results and FEA calculations show that the simple shear deformation mode can be realized in the active metamaterials through the design strategies proposed in this paper, while it cannot be achieved in previous researches. This demonstrates the capability of the design strategies proposed in this paper to precisely realize required mechanical responses of the active metamaterials.


Dual-nozzle 3D printing of fiber composites for fabrication of compliant lever-type vibration isolators with wide stopband

Koichi Mizukami, Kota Nakamura



This study proposes fiber-composite lever-type vibration isolators with a wide stopband around the antiresonance frequency. The proposed mechanisms were 3D-printed monolithic structures with compliant butterfly hinges that mimic an ideal pinned support for the lever. Continuous carbon fiber and short carbon fiber regions were combined to achieve a wide low-frequency stopband. A rigid link model was developed to derive analytical solutions for the resonance and antiresonance frequencies of the proposed mechanisms. Frequency response analysis and modal analysis were performed to examine designs for widening the stopband using the finite element method. The print path-dependent anisotropy of short fiber-reinforced plastic was reflected in the finite element model. A dual-nozzle fiber-composite 3D printer was used to fabricate the proposed lever-type mechanisms. The measured vibration transmissibilities of the 3D-printed samples showed a similar improvement of the stopband width to the numerical analysis results, demonstrating that suitable designs of continuous fiber placement and hinge shape widened the stopband.

本文提出了一种具有宽阻带的纤维复合材料杠杆式隔振器。所提出的机构是3d打印的整体结构,具有柔顺的蝶式铰链,模仿杠杆的理想固定支撑。连续碳纤维区和短碳纤维区相结合,实现了宽低频阻带。建立了刚性连杆模型,推导出了所提机构共振频率和反 共振频率的解析解。采用有限元法进行了频率响应分析和模态分析,以检验加宽阻带的设计。在有限元模型中反映了短纤维增强塑料打印路径相关的各向异性。利用双喷嘴纤维复合材料3D打印机制造了所提出的杠杆式机构。3d打印样品的振动透射率测量结果显示出与数值分析结果相似的阻带宽度改善,表明适当的连续纤维放置和铰链形状设计拓宽了阻带。

Optimizing mass transfer performance in triply periodic minimal surface porous scaffolds through isosurface offset

Kun Li, Chunlin Zuo, Ruobing Liao, Haisong Liang, Xuan Liang, David Z. Zhang, Lawrence E. Murr, Huajun Cao



Efficient bone tissue regeneration remains a critical challenge in orthopedic medicine, with scaffold mass transfer capabilities playing a pivotal role. Triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) scaffolds have emerged as promising candidates due to their unique structure characterized by smooth, continuous surfaces with zero mean curvature and high specific surface area. However, optimizing their mass transfer performance to meet the diverse needs of bone tissues at different anatomical sites has been a persistent challenge. This study addresses this gap by investigating the effects of isosurface offset on mass transfer performance in three TPMS scaffolds (Fisher-Koch S, Gyroid, and Split-P) using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The results showed that isosurface offset significantly increased the effective scaffold permeability range (by 116.8%, 5.3%, and 64.3% for F, G, and S scaffolds, respectively) and improved the wall shear stress (WSS) distribution, enhancing the area that effectively stimulates cell proliferation (by 25.2%, 8.7%, and 14.3% increase, respectively). Additionally, it was found that porosity, specific surface area, the ratio of maximum pore size to tortuosity, and curvature significantly influenced the permeability and WSS distribution of the scaffolds. Finally, permeation experiments using porous scaffolds fabricated by laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) technology were performed to validate the simulation results. This study provides new insights into the design of TPMS porous scaffolds and customized bone implants, enhancing their application prospects in bone tissue engineering.

高效的骨组织再生仍然是骨科医学的关键挑战,支架的质量传递能力起着关键作用。三周期最小表面(TPMS)支架由于其具有光滑、连续、平均曲率为零和高比表面积的独特结构而成为有希望的候选材料。然而,优化其传质性能以满足不同解剖部位骨组织的不同需求一直是一个持续的挑战。本研究利用计算流体动力学(CFD)研究了三种TPMS支架(Fisher-Koch S、Gyroid和Split-P)的等面偏移对传质性能的影响,从而解决了这一空白。结果表明,等面偏移显著增加了F、G和S支架的有效通透性范围(分别增加116.8%、5.3%和64.3%),改善了壁剪切应力(WSS)分布,增加了有效刺 激细胞增殖的面积(分别增加25.2%、8.7%和14.3%)。此外,孔隙率、比表面积、最大孔径与弯曲度之比和曲率对支架的渗透性和WSS分布有显著影响。最后,利用激光粉末床熔融(LPBF)技术制备多孔支架进行渗透实验,验证模拟结果。本研究为TPMS多孔支架和定制骨植入物的设计提供了新的思路,增强了其在骨组织工程中的应用前景。

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今日更新:Composite Structures 1 篇Composite StructuresDesign and fabrication of 2.5D Janus hybrid woven SiCf/SiC metamaterials for broadband absorption and high load-bearingMajuan Zhao, Jianhua Zheng, Xiaoxu Wang, Jiajing Zhang, Diantang Zhangdoi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2024.118752宽吸收高承载2.5D杂化编织SiCf/SiC超材料的设计与制造SiCf/SiC composites have been widely used in hot end parts of aircraft because of advantages of high strength, high temperature resistance and oxidation resistance. However, their narrow-band electromagnetic (EM) waves absorption features limit the realization of structure–function integration. To break this limitation, a 2.5D Janus hybrid woven SiCf/SiC absorbing metamaterial (JHWMM) composed of three different permittivity SiC fibers is proposed, and the genetic algorithm is used to optimize the thickness and permittivity of each layer. Further, the absorption properties and mechanisms were studied by combining experiment and simulation. Compared with the 2.5D woven SiCf/SiC composite composed of only a single permittivity fibers, the effective absorption bandwidth (EAB, 11.2 GHz) of the JHWMM is increased by 2.7 times, and the average reflection loss (RL, −12.4 dB) increased by 1 times. Its excellent absorbing performance is attributed to the synergistic effect of strong structural loss, dielectric loss and excellent impedance matching. In addition, the JHWMM also exhibits good wide-angle (0°-40°) absorption characteristics and excellent load-bearing properties (the bending strength is 222.3 MPa). The 2.5D Janus hybrid woven structure proposed in this study provides an important reference for the development of high-bearing, wide-absorbing and high-temperature absorbing materials for a new generation of aircraft, and has important engineering application value.SiCf/SiC复合材料具有强度高、耐高温、抗氧化等优点,在飞机热端部件中得到了广泛应用。但其窄带电磁波吸收特性限制了结构-功能集成的实现。为了突破这一限制,提出了一种由三种不同介电常数的SiC纤维组成的2.5D杂化编织SiCf/SiC吸波超材料(JHWMM),并采用遗传算法对每层的厚度和介电常数进行优化。通过实验与模拟相结合的方法研究了其吸收特性和机理。与仅由单一介电常数光纤组成的2.5D编织SiCf/SiC复合材料相比,JHWMM的有效吸收带宽(EAB, 11.2 GHz)提高了2.7倍,平均反射损耗(RL,−12.4 dB)提高了1倍。其优异的吸波性能是由于强的结构损耗、介质损耗和良好的阻抗匹配的协同作用。此外,JHWMM还具有良好的广角(0°~ 40°)吸收特性和良好的承载性能(弯曲强度为222.3 MPa)。本研究提出的2.5D Janus混纺编织结构为研制新一代飞机用高承载、宽吸波、高温吸波材料提供了重要参考,具有重要的工程应用价值。来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM

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